
Sucker Punch's Unannounced PS4 Game to Have "Unique Clothing Lines" for "Compelling" Characters

It's known that Sucker Punch is working on a new open world PS4 game, even if it's not known if it'll be another inFAMOUS or a completely new IP. What just surfaced know, though, is that its characters are going to be rather fashionable.

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DarkOcelet3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

As much as i love Infamous, i really hope they work on another IP.

An open world RPG game would be cool.

SpaceRanger3384d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if it is inFamous honestly. They set it up perfectly for the continuation of Second Son.

The ending stated they released the conduits and they co-existed with everyone else. If they were to continue on that, I could see them possibly put more customization into creating your character at the start (clothes, powers and all) or something similar but in a multiplayer setup.

I doubt it would be the second one given their drive for single player games. But that would seriously be awesome if they did add a multiplayer to tie in with the story. Conduits of different customization against each other.

-Foxtrot3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

The only way they can continue inFAMOUS SS interestingly is if they go with the evil ending and make Delsin the real Beast. What you would of then played would be the Beasts origin story and how he became the man Cole has to fight. Cole is resurrected and they call it inFAMOUS 3. I mean Delsins power seems Beast like and not something you could continue in a sequel with how over powered it would become.

The good ending was boring and seemed like a massive full stop to Delsins story. Plus they went with the good endings for Cole may aswell make Delsin different.

nveenio3383d ago

Well, SS was an open world RPG, but a little more freedom and complexity to the RPG system would do wonders for inFamous. They crafted a beautiful world. My son was replaying it the other day (he had already platinum-ed it, but lost his saved games), and that game is still one of the best looking [next]-gen games there is. Lots of talent at Sucker Punch.

turdburgler10803383d ago

Oh boy! I can't wait to play another bland title from sucker punch. The name of the developer says it all.

nveenio3383d ago


If you don't like a developer, don't play their games. For instance, I played Gears of War and hated it. So I've never touched another Cliffy B game. It would take a lot for me to try something new from him and his team, because he and I just aren't on the same page for what makes a game interesting and engaging. But I don't turd-burgle around and insult him in every Xbox or Gears thread that might appear, either.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3383d ago
porkChop3384d ago

Well inFAMOUS Second Son certainly had a lot of style when it came to clothing, so this sounds pretty cool. It likely won't be an inFAMOUS game though, Sucker Punch has had a new IP in development for a while.

Mikefizzled3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

Sucker Punch that team that openly don't work on 2 games at once?

Crummybear3384d ago

Yeah but don't forget, they had a head start and already have a beautiful engine for the PS4 with Infamous. If its and open world game, that sure helps a whole lot.

crimsonfox3384d ago

Hopefully we get to wear some Marc Ecko or some Phat Farm hahahaha

AudioEppa3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

I would love a sequel to Marc Ecko's Getting Up. it would be perfect coming from sucker punch seeing how they had graffiti be a part of the last game in a way.

ShellB3384d ago

Man, Getting Up was a blast. Thanks for reminding me of that sweet glorious game.

crimsonfox3384d ago

I remember the cinematic's looking amazing when it came out. I still have the special edition black book somewhere too!

Abriael3384d ago

Might be a bit early for that. Sucker Punch is a "one-game-studio." They don't start on a new game until the old one's finished, so this one has been in the works for a year top, assuming that only a small team was working on First light

Yaay4me3384d ago

Haha This should be interesting. I thought they showed a good sense of fashion in their last game.

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Meet the team at Sucker Punch Productions!

victorMaje291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

Ghost of Tsushima and SP were my 2020 goty & dev of the year.

Starman69289d ago

Christ, ghosts of Tsushima was absolute epic on ps5. Top 5 of all time for me 👍

northpaws290d ago

I need more from the Ghost's legend mode, too addicting but ran out of things to do after a few months, can't get enough of it.

MIDGETonSTILTS17290d ago

This means a new IP reveal is coming, right?

Why else educate the masses on a studio’s branding, if not to show off something that isn’t a sequel?

AdonisIsBeast290d ago

More action adventure titles in development or they actually going to dip their toes in an RPG? Tired of Sony’s formulaic titles

MIDGETonSTILTS17290d ago

I love Sony’s consistent output.

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Creating Feudal Japan from Across the Pacific

Ghost of Tsushima is Sucker Punch Productions' most ambitious game to date. It required the GDC team to take on the role of students as they delved into a culture that is not our own.

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With rumours of a new game in the works, Adam from WellPlayed highlights five developers that could do the IP justice.

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Beastgamerkuma1198d ago

Rocksteady and Sucker Punch I can do a great action pact Star Wars games. Especially Rocksteady with their great combat system. Great write-up.

MadLad1198d ago

Spiders has proven that they can land the feel of the earlier Bioware games well.
Give them a solid budget, and they'd probably put out something impressive.

Then there's always Obsidian. As far as I'm concerned, despite being rushed thus buggy, I thought their Kotor 2 was a better game to Bioware's original. Especially when you got to play the fan patched version that included a lot of the content they didn't have the chance to implement in the original release.

Tacoboto1198d ago (Edited 1198d ago )

I disagree almost entirely with this article in regards to them being suitable for KOTOR, but would love a Star Wars from each of these devs.
Rocksteady would have a great sandbox filled with easter eggs to respect the lore of the universe, but KOTOR isn't an action brawler. They'd nail a Bounty Hunter game. Kojima would probably pull a Rian Johnson and throw the lore out the window, but if he was to focus on a specific genre I could see you being another Bounty Hunter infiltrating the Sith.

Sucker Punch could easily tackle something akin to Fallen Order mixed with elements of inFamous. Creative Assembly knows claustrophobic tension; I could imagine a side-story of a pilot that crash-lands onto a monster-infested area of a Sith-controlled planet.

Bluepoint would be the only studio of these I'd trust in these to respect the original gameplay systems.

LordoftheCritics1198d ago (Edited 1198d ago )

Yep. None of those devs make deep rpgs.

That was more like, ''I like the games those devs made so let them make KOTOR.''

BlackIceJoe1198d ago

Larian Studios is one of the best RPG developers around, so I could see them making a phenomenal game. Unfortunately I don't think that will happen.

MadLad1197d ago

Not to mention they're going to be working on Baldur's Gate for a good while.