
IGN: Bleach: Dark Souls Hands-On

If you're fan of either fighting games or anime titles, you should already have your finger on the pulse that is Bleach: Dark Souls. As a sequel to the original DS fighter -- also developed by Treasure -- Dark Souls is on a one-way path towards being named the best fighter on DS, and there's a simple reason IGN can say that with such confidence; they have done their homework.

IGN has got in their hands right now the final preview build of the game, shown at E3 2008 next week, but it's hardly even needed, as they have had the final Japanese build for months now (by using the power of "buy it" on the internet), and already know exactly what to expect from the final US build of the game.

Rick Astley5787d ago

Booo. Make a Bleach game for PS3.


Best Anime-Based Games

Gamesradar- In the West, the stories of gaming and anime go hand-in-hand: Since the 8-bit era, games have served as little pixellated bleeping Trojan Horses, smuggling in an appreciation for the animated stylings of the Far East. In our post-Pokemon world of blockbuster anime re-dubs and imports, the gaming and anime fandoms are more distinct--but that's not to say there isn't plenty of crossover.

While we love anime-inspired games like Catherine and Guilty Gear, we thought it would be cool to take a look back through Western-released games which draw specifically on existing anime and manga properties.

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Holiday Buyers Guide 2011 - Best Multiplatform Games

G4TV: Need to buy a gift for someone but not sure their platform of choice? Blair Herter has our Holiday Buyers Guide 2011 picks for best multiplatform games.


The Ten Best Video Games Based on Anime and Manga

Very few things from the land of the rising sun have taken over our lives quite like manga and the anime that's based on them.

Quagmire4665d ago

Glad to see DBZ: Burst Limit getting recognition

CrescentFang4665d ago

I was expecting Astro Boy Omega Factor and I was happy it was near the end... SRW Alpha 3?