
Destiny: Bungie Actually Revealed a House of Wolves Image in 2013

Destiny's second set of DLC, the House of Wolves expansion, is slated for release on May 19th. Over the past few weeks, Bungie has let loose some alleged details regarding the missions and locations available in the expansion, such as a playable social area in the Reef, similar to the Tower. However, it appears that Bungie had already revealed the Reef was a playable area in 2013, during Destiny's original announcement.

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Gazondaily3362d ago

It's gonna be kind of annoying going from orbit to the Tower and then the Reef all the time. Ah well...at least we get to stare out our ships floating in the middle of the screen.

JeffGUNZ3362d ago

I'd much rather that then some other BS vendor in the tower. At least this will FEEL fresh.

-Foxtrot3362d ago

So basically this kind of adds onto the fact that most of the content "suckers" are paying for was infact ready before the game came out

And yet there is people who want to know why there is so much hate on the game apart from being repetitive and boring it's also unfinished

DivoJones3362d ago

Pretty much. It's been mentioned in the Reddit leaks from the 404Architect "Bungie employee" that the decision to cut down the game and release pieces as DLC was done by Activision. So it's very likely it was intended to be released on launch, and parsed back to increase profits with season passes and extend their "new content" schedule.

Honestly they probably would have gotten away with it, had it not been for the repetitive nature of the game and it's horrible random loot system.

Gazondaily3362d ago

Interesting. Can you link the reddit thread here please? I didn't know this (suspected it though).

pompombrum3362d ago (Edited 3362d ago )

^^^ http://www.neogaf.com/forum...

That's the best info link I can find on the reddit post. Be warned though, expect to be disappointed. It's the reason why I'm so bitter towards Destiny, everything the game could have been and should have been.. just searching for it again makes me a very sad panda


That's the reddit link

Drithe3362d ago

I love this game. But after House of Wolves, i will not buy another expansion until they all come out. Then I will take my time and play each and every level until Destiny 2 comes out.

When Destiny 2 comes out I will wait and see if they do the same things as they did in Destiny 1 and split it up again. If they do I will not play it at all.

-Foxtrot3362d ago

The funny thing is I got the Ghost Edition and got the first two DLC packs free but with all this going on I realise that I'm getting something that should of been in the game in the first place. Game is so repetitive so I've never bothered downloading my free DLC packs.

I honestly think they should just make a new IP and get a publisher who isn't Activision.

Seraphim3362d ago

I think a lot of us are in the same boat or a similar one.

I absolutely loved the game and sunk well over 30 gameplay days between my 3 characters, Warlock, Hunter & Titan. At the end of the day it's lacking in content and another DLC is not going to fix that. Right now I honestly don't even know if I'll go back to play House of Wolves. I just hope next time around they provide the massive content that was intended. Hate to say but I'd rather have it all w/ a subscription fee than to be dealt some at release and smaller portions in DLC. This here is exactly why DLC or Episodic content will never work. You can't provide the consumers the content they demand in the proper time frame. For Destiny even March was late but mid May for House of Wolves? I'm willing to bet if servers do pick back up it won't be for long and a good majority of hardcore players won't be coming back next Fall....

JeffGUNZ3362d ago

People get why some gamers don't get it. I think a lot of people who enjoy the game are tired of people telling them that THEY don't like it.

I agree with you though. It is clearly an activision move to make DLC and keep it periodically released to keep people playing. I wouldn't mind it TOO much if they released more public events instead of a failed Queens Wrath. If the HoW released in middle of March, that would at least hold people over for a longer time. I am running dry at 32 with all raid weapons and nothing left to do. Now I have to wait till May

Bass_fisherman3362d ago

This isnt surprising, Activision just wanted to profit on this game without any concern for its inicial release.

Bungie is working with the wrong publisher...


Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter348d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell348d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig348d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast348d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g348d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka348d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

348d ago Replies(1)
348d ago
Father__Merrin348d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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spoonard500d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai499d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface498d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard496d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.