
Wii U Exclusive Xenoblade Chronicles X's Video Shows Day/Night Cycle &Weather; Characters Introduced

Nintendo released an impressive video of Xenoblade Chronicles X, showcasing the Day/Night cycle and possible weather types on Planet Mira.
In addition to that, they also released artwork and screenshots showcasing two new character, Rao and Doug.

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vishmarx3384d ago

dammit show me some detailed combat already
a jrpg is more than just about environments,which are great btw

Griever3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

I have been wondering that too. Why do the videos always show characters just running around? Isnt there anything else to do in the game? They are not showing gameplay and combat in detail. All of the videos are limited to wowing gamers with the world/monster design and size. I want to know if I buy this game how I will play it and what I will be doing except wandering aimlessly in a beautiful world. Furthermore, what about the story? Where are some awesome cutscenes that give a glimpse of the game's story? This is the only game that I am considering buying a Wii U for (wanted Fatal Frame 5 too but no localization....) so I need to be absolutely sure about it before I spend $400 for playing a single game. It is like they are hiding the story and the actual gameplay/combat details purposefully and I hope they are not doing it for the wrong reasons.

BigDuo3384d ago

For what it is worth, Monolith Soft said its next video presentation for Xenoblade X will be focusing on the battle system.

wonderfulmonkeyman3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

They did do some detailed combat in earlier trailers and interviews, but since I like talking about this aspect of the game the most, I've gone ahead and searched back for an article that had the details for you:

The real-time battle is, according to Takahashi, an advanced version of the system introduced in the Wii title Xenoblade Chronicles. Battles take place in real time, without transition screens but they are menu based and enforce cooldowns on arts.

The battle menu is again based on special skills called arts. These are split into attacks, buff and debuff arts with a most likely character-specific special skill in the center. Players will be able to freely transition between on-foot and mech combat during battle. The available skills change when entering a mech and allow for different types of attack and even aerial combat.

Unlike Xenoblade Chronicles, all characters can now instantly switch between melee and long-range weapons--even mid-battle. Attacking builds up TP that can be used to, for example, revive a fallen character during battle. Melee attacks grant more TP as the risk of getting hit increases in close-up combat situations.

New to the arts palette is a risk/reward mechanic that directly ties into the cooldown. If the player lets an art cool down twice, it is charging up that art and applying additional enhancements to it when used again, such as extra damage or buffs/debuffs. This charge system is tied to the melee/ranged attack by only charging up arts in the palette that are associated with the current auto-attack type. For example, melee arts only charge up when the player is executing melee auto-attacks."

The article's a bit long, so there's gonna be a part 2...

wonderfulmonkeyman3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

Part 2:


"Positioning & Targeting:
New this time is the attack-location indicator that shows where the player is currently aiming/attacking.
This system was already present in Xenoblade Chronicles with increased backstab and flanking damage but in this game, there are now clear indicators in the menu showing exact targeting locations as well as a reticle on the enemy's body.
This ties into a limb-targeting system which allows characters to chop off, for example, an enemy's tail.

Additionally, the HUD informs the player of their elevation relative to the enemy they are targeting. This plays into certain arts that get added effects in certain conditions such as attacking an enemy from higher ground. Mechs cannot target specific body parts which can be crucial for some fights, meaning players are forced to engage with certain enemies directly.

Party Control:
Players now have greater control over their party members in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They can pull up a Battle Menu and issue live orders to their party members without pausing action. The standard party size is four characters, unlike the previous game which featured a three-person party system.

Soul Voice & Soul Stage:
The other party members might call out to the player for certain actions (currently referred to as Soul Voice) which, if executed successfully, build up the Soul Stage meter. The meter is separated into three stages and attaining a new Soul Stage is rewarded with extra buffs and other bonuses during battle. The battle conditions for when a Soul Voice prompt from a party member is triggered as well as their success rewards can be fully customized by the player outside of battle.

In this game, characters can only heal themselves. There is no designated healer on the character roster. Instead, health restoration of other party members happens automatically if the player successfully executes a time-sensitive button prompt during battle (Soul Voice)."

Un-quote and Source: http://www.giantbomb.com/xe...

Hope that was useful to you.^_^

If you want a couple of videos showing off some of the combat, I can search for those as well.
Just say the word.

Also, @ Griever; there's plenty of Wii U deals online; if you look around, you won't be spending $400 on it.
Heck, if you wait and see if there's a bundle coming to the US, you might get it for less than $350.

Griever3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

Thanks for taking the time to find all that and posting it. But... those are all just concepts and ideas for the game from a wiki. Can you direct me to a video where I can see all those ideas in action in a combat environment? The only combat video I can find is from the Treehouse from 8 months ago but that is limited to just shooting. The game is less than 2 months away from its release and we havent seen a single dungeon or detailed combat or boss fight.

vishmarx3384d ago


there another one with a minute of sword combat but its nothing too informative, looks mostly like xenoblade chronicles and its probably the old build from the reveal trailer, and characters were lv45,ill pm you if i find it. i too need a deeper gameplay analysis(video) and more changes to justify me buying a wii u just for this and zelda u.

its 720/30

NuggetsOfGod3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

This game looks like good fun.

Graphics kinda sucks though but if it's 60fps in an open world then I see why.

wonderfulmonkeyman3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

There's mixed reports.
Some are saying it's going to be 30 and others 60.
The only confirmation we actually have is that it's in 720p.

BigDuo3384d ago

I would fully expect it to be 720p @ 30 fps with some occasional slowdown during combat. Most open nworld game is not going to prioritize 60 fps anyway.

For what it's worth, the developer said Xenoblade X will load seamlessly in its environments except for scripted events.

N4g_null3384d ago


scan to 2:40 and there is a huge boss fight with the mechs, just a few seconds.

You can take what Monkey said and just watch these vids and you will see it is just not a wiki. This is a serious upgrade over the old xenoblade.

To put it simply it is a cross between monster hunter, final fantasy with some chrono trigger thrown in. Times 10 in size. Plenty to explore and fight.

I'm sure the zelda team will be looking to beat the monolift team so if you are getting both games then you are in for a huge event. Then if nintendo chooses they can add super cheap DLC to these games and amiibo support.

Then it seems Splatoon is going to be a deep game also. Now we just wait to see how epic starfox is going to be. I don't think myiamoto wants to get shown up.

While you wait there is monster hunter, bayo2, the prime trilogy, mk8, smash, hyrule, you should also try out the COD on the wiiu with dual screen online and wii mote aiming similar to res evil wiimake. Also you have a ton of old Wii games to catch up on.

https://www.youtube.com/wat... Or just search for xenoblade videos, great game. Enjoy!

Segata3384d ago

Where were you at E3 last year? They showed a 40 minute demo ..twice.

pcz3384d ago

the music sounds great. xenoblade on wii had an amazing soundtrack, possibly the best i have ever heard in a game.

here is a remix from mechonis field i made


3-4-53384d ago

They are saving the Epic stuff for E3 most likely.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3383d ago
FromTheAshes3384d ago

Wow this game is shaping up to look like something special. I envy Wii-U owners and I need to join the club really soon.

At least Nintendo and Co. are releasing some solid exclusives that aren't bug ridden or missing content. Wow.

mcstorm3384d ago

I am very impressed with how this game looks. It really shows what the WiiU can do and I have never regretted buying my WiiU it has had some amazing games I just need to find time to fit them all in as none of the games I have for it can be done in 4 to 6 hours like we see with some 3rd party games.

FromTheAshes3384d ago

Despite the third parties...Nintendo knows their own hardware better than anyone and it shows...How is it that games like Smash Bros. run at 1080p 60fps if the Wii U is so called "weak"?

That 32MB EDRam must have a huge bandwidth limit to pull off such feats...Definitely need to save to pick one up.

mcstorm3384d ago

Yeah that is true. I just have too many games to finish off. I have just on the WiiU Mario Kart, DK, Windwaker, Pikmin 3, Mario 3D world and super Smash bros all to finish off as well as some 3DS and Xbox One games. Dam getting old.

deadpools_n643384d ago

That's cool. But I really need to see action gameplay and see how much lag and frame rate loss there is. But I ain't complaining. I'm buying it regardless.

R00bot3384d ago

We've already seen action gameplay, there is no lag or frame rate loss at all.

DonFreezer3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

What?Nintendo is not Sony. They have made the game 720p so that it runs seemingless they wouldn't want you to play at full HD with subpar frame rates.

bouzebbal3384d ago

what's your problem?
Game is shaping up to be great.. Stop with your trolling worries.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

where were u when E3 2014 Nintendo Treehouse was Live

Griever3384d ago (Edited 3384d ago )

That demo was not really reassuring as it only consisted of a cluttered battle screen and shooting a gorilla and a hog to death. Moreover, it was almost 8 months ago and in no way indicative of the final game. Where are any recent gameplay videos? The game is just 2 months away from its Japanese release. Where are hands-on gameplay impressions? Boss fight reveals? Dungeon videos? Story and cutscenes snippets? Nobody including journalists has actually played this game yet. Isnt that strange and unusual? All we see is characters running and running and running.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3384d ago
Mikito113384d ago

Man this game is stunning, the amount of work that has gone into creating the locations and it's inhabitants has really paid off :)

Show all comments (41)

With Chronicles Done, It's Time to Make Xenoblade X: Definitive Edition

With Chronicles finished, it's time to return to the mechs and mysteries of Mira

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jznrpg350d ago (Edited 350d ago )

Yea. I own it but don’t want to pull out the Wii U

Zeldafan64350d ago

I never unplugged my Wii U. Still play it almost daily but a definitive edition of X would be appreciated.

jznrpg349d ago (Edited 349d ago )

It’s one of the systems I have the least games for . Though there are some really good games on it. I have systems from Atari’s , Nintendo’s, Segas , TurboGrafx 16 , PS’s etc etc so I put a few in my game storage room. I do pull it out from time to time and I have a new one in a box but won’t open that .
But I’d really like to have a Chronicles X but not on Switch whatever the next console is preferably so they can add more quality to it .

Zeldafan64349d ago

Lucky, you didn't need to explain that.

Zeldafan64349d ago (Edited 349d ago )

Playing X at 1080/60 would be great so waiting for the Switch successor would be ideal but it wouldn't be smart to make it a launch game. It would suck waiting til 2025 to get X definitive edition but I think that's what will happen.

I know people say Wii U has no games but I've got over 100 games for it.

luckytrouble349d ago

I mean, when people say a system has "no games" they aren't saying the system literally had no games released on it. They're more commenting on the state of games that make the system worth owning. For many the Wii U never had a game that made the system worth owning, or if it did, it has a Switch port or successor at this point anyways so they were effectively proven correct to have never purchased a Wii U in the first place.

Yes, depending on the individual the Wii U remains worth owning for the handful of games still locked to it, but for many they'd rather just wait to see what else gets ported in the future at this point. There is exceptionally little you can only play on a Wii U these days though, especially with the eShop dead so anything that may have existed only on it is no longer of consequence to non-Wii U owners.

chaos999349d ago

They said it cost too much time to remap controls unfortunately

luckytrouble349d ago

In all fairness, that's probably a reason they're passing on a few of the still Wii U locked games. Starfox Zero, among the reasons you may not want to port it, would need its entire control scheme reworked from the ground up. Chronicles X may not be as extreme of a case (I don't know, I've never played or watched gameplay), but often unless a game is going to sell really well, it can be hard to convince a company to do more than the basic expected remaster work. Heck, a lot of people figure the only reason we got Galaxy 1 in the 3D All Stars collection for example is because they had already done the work for the Nvidia Shield port for China, which subsequently is likely the major reason they didn't include Galaxy 2. They simply did not want to remap the game controls. It may sound silly since it sounds so simple just by the words, but you have to figure more goes into it than you're probably thinking if it's that much of a sticking point.

DefaultComment349d ago

Yes, I agree. We definitely need to retake Xenoblade Chronicles X which btw it left us on a cliffhanger suggesting there wiull be a XCX2 .... and im up for it.

isarai349d ago (Edited 349d ago )

I put so many hours into X, just please ad a music volume setting was going crazy walking around base and hearing


FinalFantasyFanatic349d ago

I can't believe they haven't done it yet, it's the Xenoblade game I'm most excited for, I would buy it in a heart beat.


Operation Rainfall: 10 Years On

It has been 10 years since Xenoblade arrived in the US, we look back at how the game almost never showed up if not for a group of dedicated fans.

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ZeekQuattro787d ago

I wish The Last Story would make a comeback.I played it years before I got around to Xenoblade. Mainly because of the scalping going on because of Xeno's limited run. It took me a few tries to get into it but once I did I couldn't put it down. A Wii hidden gem for sure.

pietro1212786d ago

As much as I love Xenoblade, Last Story was the better game IMO. I wish Nintendo would remaster or simply port the game onto the Switch.

porkChop787d ago

Xenoblade went on to be a really successful franchise too.

pietro1212787d ago

I wish the Last Story get a Switch remaster or remake. That game deserves a second chance


The 3DS and Wii U eShop is shutting down in 2023 - download these games before they’re gone

Nintendo will be shutting down the eShop for the 3DS and Wii U completely in 2023. Makes sure to check out these games before they do.

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MadLad829d ago (Edited 829d ago )

If they're not important enough to be held on their own official storefront then they're not important enough to give your money to Nintendo.

Buy these, physically, used or simply emulate them.

This article comes off as nothing more than advertising games that Nintendo, themselves, don't care to offer you... buy now!

ocelot07829d ago

Wait hang on where all the outrage? I swear when Sony tried to do this with PS3 last year. There was outrage from all corners of the gaming universe.

Why does no one care Nintendo is doing it?

MadLad829d ago (Edited 828d ago )

There has been.
A lot of it.

Simply type in "3DS" in Google and tell me what you see.

ocelot07828d ago

Oh I have a fair few websites reporting on it. But where is the outcry on here? I remember their was 2-3 approved top voted articles when Sony announced they where closing the PS3 store. All slating them and not caring about customers.

I should of worded it better. Where is all the outrage on n4g?

MadLad828d ago (Edited 828d ago )

N4G is a fanboy site, mainly frequented by only Sony.
Microsoft is their direct competition, so you'll typically only see articles that are made to rile up those fanbases.

Nintendo does it's own thing, so they're rarely brought up, aside from their fans. The most you get is the same typical two or three posters claiming Nintendo is only for infants.

If you come to N4G for educated discourse and reasonable discussion, this isn't the place. Sad as it is.

pietro1212828d ago

It's lame that it is shutting down. Now I feel rushed buying all the rpgs I missed out on the system.

XxINFERNUSxX828d ago

You guys know that even archive.org has 3DS roms, and all other console roms. I'm downloading 846GB of 3DS roms and will add the best games to my soon to be soft modded New 3DS 😁. Might as well throw in DS and other emulators in there to. Guys this would be the best way to play and enjoy the 3DS. Just need to buy a bigger micro SD card and format it to FAT32, which you can if it's even 256GB or larger there are ways.

XxINFERNUSxX828d ago

This should help if you want to soft mod it excellent guide and up to the latest and probably last 3DS firmware update: https://www.youtube.com/wat...