
Disney Infinity 2.0 starter packs, toy boxes and figures discounted

The Marvel Super Heroes Starter Pack for Disney Infinity 2.0 has been discounted to as low $38.49. Also on sale are related toy boxes, play sets in addition to some popular figures that have been dropped to under $10.

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MeteorPanda2496d ago

Dont starve
Dragon quest builders
Toukiden (map exploration mode)

Are some open world i enjoyed that weren't in the list


PlayStation Vita's 10 Most Technically Disappointing Games

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Despite being the most powerful handheld console to be released in 2011, and being more than capable of handling ports of PS2, PS3, and even PS4 titles when the developers put the effort in, not every company was willing to take the time to ensure that the Vita version of their games turned out well - and as such a large number of games are hugely disappointing on the handheld simply due to the way they run.

In this article, I aim to examine these ports – what was disappointing about them (and why they should have been better than they were), as well as possible explanations on why they turned out the way they did - and ultimately come to a conclusion as to how well the Vita did as a machine capable of handling console ports during its lifespan."

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Amazon March Game Deals: Highlight 3/10

"Amazon has added new game deals for March 10th. Deals are BlazBlue: Continuum Shift $10, Disney INFINITY: Toy Box Starter Pack (2.0 Edition) $20, Rodea the Sky Soldier $14 and lots more!"

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