
Why Battlefield: Hardline will be unlike most shooters

MWEB GameZone writes: "It's easy to make the claim that your game will be different than other games in the same genre. Every new video game release, especially AAA games, come with an overdose of hype. Each claim is trying to sound grander than the previous.

Visceral Games don't want to reinvent the wheel, but they do want to change a feature that not many shooters excel in. Dialogue."

HanCilliers3386d ago

Nice turn for the Battlefield franchise to improve dialogue. Will wait for the final release to say if the were successful in doing something other shooters fails at

badz1493386d ago

Different? How? Like seriously, HOW? From the beta, it's feels more or less like an expansion pack for BF4!

DivoJones3386d ago

It could be unlike other Battlefield titles by simply working on day 1. Even in their solid titles like Battlefield 3 they had launch day issues. EA chronically underestimates server traffic for their launches, hopefully they do something about it this time around.

SolidStoner3386d ago

BF hardline beta didnt work instantly.. so its a sign of things to come :D

anyway... I can assure you that problems in first month with online game in that scale is nothing special.. it will not change the quality of the game! Battlefield 4 looks and works fantastic now...

HanCilliers3385d ago

ROFL, the gods help them if the launch is bad

lord zaid3386d ago

Dialogue...? That's going to be what seperates Hardline from other shooters? Well Ok, I guess

HanCilliers3386d ago

So when did you last play a shooter in the Battlefield category with good dialogue? If you've played previous Battlefield games you would know that it's something very different for the series

schmoe3386d ago

not true. Bad company was pretty damn cool in that regard

lord zaid3386d ago

The Bad Company games excelled at delivering a brilliant characters and snappy dialogue.

I'm just saying that while its nice that they making an effort in this direction, claiming that as your big differentiator maked me think you are focusing on the wrong things

jmc88883385d ago

I'll tell you what, the random things that are said in the multiplayer, especially by the criminals was pretty dang funny.

HoldenZA3386d ago

Battlefield's campaign has been dull in the past and I have a feeling that this one will be too. I'm not sold.

Kyosuke_Sanada3386d ago

I'd be surprised if the script is better than Black (which still needs a sequel damn it!), I'd be really surprised if matches the first two Medal Of Honor games for Playstation One.

marcindpol3386d ago

Who gives a damn about 5 hours long, boring single player campaign in Battlefield game?.
Battlefield is all about the online multiplayer..

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Five Cancelled Video Games That Deserved a Chance

Gotta wonder why Starcraft: Ghost literally became a ghost.

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shinoff2183454d ago

Wish they did more then 5. There's a ton more out there.

TheSenorCheese454d ago

It's obviously something that can be revisited. But, yup, agree.

darthv72454d ago

Im surprised 1313 has not been revisited after the success of Fallen Order.

shinoff2183454d ago

Hope I will cause it sounded amazing.

Knightofelemia454d ago

I was always curious about Scalebound until it was scrapped.

TheSenorCheese454d ago

One of the titles we missed covering. But our guess? Uneasiness between Platinum and Microsoft.

Godmars290454d ago

You mean MS wanting a MP component for an obvious SP game.

porkChop454d ago (Edited 454d ago )

Platinum said they actually deserve a lot of the blame. Realistically both parties made mistakes. Platinum bit off more than they could chew at the time, and MS didn't quite understand how to just sit back and let the devs work their magic.

Hopefully the two can come together and try again because the game sounded really good.

jznrpg454d ago (Edited 454d ago )

If it was a single player game I think it would have had a better chance of coming out . Ms wanted it to be online co-op . Dragon games aren’t easy to make and making it co-op is even harder and to me that was the major factor of why it failed

gangsta_red453d ago (Edited 453d ago )

Not sure where people are getting their info that MS 'wanted' it to be co-op. From it's first teaser it was shown to have some type of co-op feature. It was probably pitched to MS as a multiplayer co-op game and Kamiya has gone on record saying he bit off a bit more than he could chew. You can definitely see elements on what they wanted to do with Scalebound in Bayonetta 3.


Godmars290453d ago

Largely because the game existed before MS wanted it. Another is that more if not all Xbox titles have been online coop. Lastly, in in-game continuity, it made no sense to have customized versions of the same character popping up for boss fights. At least, as a hyped feature of the game, I've never heard explanation for it.

Regardless of what a dev, who wants to do business with MS so likely isn't going to badmouth them, says. Of course they're going to share blame in what a client wanted, even if that one thing was the exact thing making the project "more than he could chew".

gangsta_red453d ago (Edited 453d ago )


"Largely because the game existed before MS wanted it."

Where are you getting this info from, because the story I've read is that Kamiya had the idea for a while and always wanted to make it but ultimately went with Bayonetta. He then pitched the idea to MS and then started to develop it. There may have been ideas for features from in other games that may have found there way to Scalbound, but Scalebound was not created beforehand.

"Another is that more if not all Xbox titles have been online coop."

That may be true for most MS games but that still doesn't mean it was mandated by MS for Platinum to do. And even if it was, Platinum agreed to do it, there wasn't a surprise by MS that they needed to add multiplayer halfway through development. That is not how third party development works, both parties agree through signed contracts beforehand what's expected with milestone deliverables.

"..it made no sense to have customized versions of the same character popping up for boss fights."

Not sure what you're not understanding, but there were customized versions of different players coming to help for boss fight. Maybe there was a mechanic to have characters equip different gear, the same type of features that is pretty standard found in multiple games of its type.

"Of course they're going to share blame in what a client wanted, even if that one thing was the exact thing making the project "more than he could chew"."

Kamiyah has never held back his opinions, he's been extremely outspoken in the past. Enough years has gone by for him to have told even a fraction of what you think might have happened and still not him or anyone from Platinum, from recent employees to any ex employee has said anything of what you are claiming.

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Dead Space is Alive, But Visceral Games is Still Dead

The Dead Space remake might have brought the franchise back, but much like all the other studios EA felled, Visceral Games itself remains dead.

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CaptainHenry9161042d ago (Edited 1042d ago )

Visceral games and Sledgehammer games is Striking Distance studios now and they're making the Callisto Protocol 😊

lonewolf101042d ago

Yep, looking forward to that one for sure. Just started the original DS again, still great to play now, impressive for a 13 year old game.

isarai1042d ago

Exactly, which is why i rolled my eyes when EA announced this remake. Both fans and the devs behind Dead Space have been asking for a new game in the series for a long time and EA just wouldn't listen. But now that the devs have taken things into their own hands making Callisto Protocol, EA suddenly wants to show interest, so petty.

sourOG1042d ago

Visceral is dead, long live visceral.

CaptainHenry9161042d ago (Edited 1042d ago )

I would like to see EA make a Dead Space sequel or reboot from scratch without Visceral. Now that would be interesting

sourOG1042d ago

The only way I see them making a good dead space reboot is if respawn made it. Motive needs those visceral fundamentals imo. And dead space one deserves a makeover. Any team can make dead space 1 better, it’s already near perfect.

annoyedgamer1042d ago

Calllisto Protocol. Dont support EA.

HeliosHex1041d ago

"EA reacts to what other publishers are creating rather than striking out on its own."
Man...this really describes them perfectly. I suppose Capcom making resident evil remakes made them interested in dead space. I feel a bit guilty even purchasing this remake now. Maybe I wait for callisto protocol.


Dead Space 3 Isn’t As Bad As You Remember

The final chapter in Visceral Games' horror trilogy isn't so bad after all.

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-Foxtrot1046d ago

It was...I mean jeez, it basically killed the franchise

- It lost all its big horror themes

- It went full action, a crime which at the time was committed by Capcom with their latest Resident Evil games, so they clearly knew the consequences but did it anyway.

- The new character, you're partner, was a bland, generic space marine with no personality, I mean they set up Elle in Dead Space 2 and she was in this game, if they HAD to include co-op why not her?

- Speaking of co-op...the feature as a whole, again they didn't learn off Capcom where they were killing the Resident Evil franchise, loosing the horror element. The game also then sucked when playing play yourself, you lost that alone, isolated tension and overall lost the horror element.

- The story got ridiculous, I mean the overall story of Dead Space is out there I'm not going to pretend it's not, but by the end we had a giant moon sized Necromorphs. Like, they could have just stuck with the marker and brought in a central "queen" Necromorph overall, probably would have been a better route to go down, either that or just someone at the head of EarthGov or Unitologist cult The Circle.

gantarat1046d ago

Also the love triangle subplot.

Psychonaut851045d ago

Oh yeah I forgot about that. That was so fucking stupid.

1045d ago
giovonni1045d ago

Hey!!! Spoil alert… I never played part 3… then again if it’s as bad as you all say…. Carry on

bouzebbal1045d ago

I enjoyed this game a lot.. didn’t disturb me at all it didn’t stay dark because the first two were also very action oriented..
I enjoyed the possibility to craft weapons and that they removed the loading screens between levels.
What I didn’t like though is that they didn’t create any new enemy for this one they were all seen before.

For the first post who says like Capcom did with RE, RE4 5 6 were a complete redirection whereas DS3 kept the same gameplay recipe.. yes big part of it was happening in the daylight but that’s not a change in direction..

bouzebbal1045d ago (Edited 1045d ago )


Never heard of objectivity.? Tastes are a nature thing.. I for example loved DS3 I didn’t feel any off track it felt the same with some very welcome additions I ,mentioned above. The game is almost free now, give it a shot
The game felt similar yet very different and fresh.. DS2 felt exact same as1 due to the environment being the exact same. DS3 tried to do thing differently and I’m glad they did

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1045d ago
Kaze881045d ago

Last halloween played through Dead space 2, loved every second of it. Tried Dead space 3 right after. That cartoony look, love triangle and human enemies, coop partner that you never hear or see when playing alone but appears on the cutscenes (the maps even don't fit two players properly lol)....after 2h I was sick of it and quit the game - delete local content. It's not shit, but it's bad enough when compared to the first and second instalment.

neutralgamer19921045d ago

Yeah DS1-2 are awesome tried DS3 but never got into it

RNTody1045d ago (Edited 1045d ago )

Don't forget the resource gathering robot that took 10 minutes to get you supplies unless you paid real money to get your resources in 5 minutes.

One of the earliest, most predatory ideas of a microtransaction to ever 'grace' a game.

Oh, and having quite literally 900 bullets and 25 med packs in your inventory is hardly the survival horror Dead Space was built upon.

Yeah, it is as bad as I remember.

DeadManMMX1045d ago (Edited 1045d ago )

Damn beat me to it

DeadManMMX1045d ago

Micro transactions for resources to upgrade your weapons.
It was effectively impossible to find enough to max out your weapons. Eghh

septemberindecember1045d ago

The one coop element that was cool was the fact that one of you was going crazy the whole time. However, they butchered it. They could have made it subtle where you were t sure if you were going crazy. Instead they filled the game with clowns.

Kaze881045d ago

Yeah I saw a video about that, great idea that never came into fruition because of EA management. It went something along the lines that they wanted to steer more to into horror territory and design the whole game around that other one sees everything as is and other is going crazy and seeing hallucinations. EA told them to scrap it, then later told them to add coop because of RE5 was a success. the maps etc. never were designed for it. they never had the time to balance it properly and it shows.

TheHan1045d ago

Coming from ones opinion, I on the other hand and many others disagree.

Seraphim1045d ago

while it failed miserably at bringing more of what Dead Space 1 and 2 offered it was still a good, enjoyable game; imo. As you mentioned, there is no shortage of notable issues with Dead Space 3, though. It was a disservice to the franchise but a good game nonetheless.

& let's be real here. When a developer strikes lightning in the bottle it's more probable than not everything goes downhill at some point. Especially when the publisher is pushing for change which is what's rumored to be the case and reason for Dead Space 3 being what it was. What, one or two games later Visceral was shuttered by EA; or at the very least I believe most of the core team and management were gone. side note: It still baffles me anyone at EA or Visceral thought a police based Battlefield was a good idea.....

Thing is, for all intensive purposes Dead Space was a perfect game. Dead Space 2 was more of that solid experience. Then the suites step in, allegedly. We need this game to move more units so make it more accessible to appeal to a wider audience, cater to multi-player gamers by giving the game co-op etc. Dead Space is very much the definition of what a solo player horror game should be. Minus the mediocre story. I think if Visceral were able to make the game as they wanted it would've been another banger. But in EAs infinite greed they decided the game needed change; allegedly.

& here we are over a decade later and EA is handing the reigns to another team since Visceral is shuttered and I have absolutely no faith that they'll pull off a Remake. Furthermore, why even remake what is already perfect? The game simply can't get any better. Maybe you add a few more shit your pants moments or whatever but you're taking a supermodel and sending her in for plastic surgery. Surely with EA's emphasis on making it more appealing and pushing max units sold.

gantarat1045d ago

EA Want Risk with Dead Space 3.

While Dead Space 2 Sold Very Well (over 4 million copies) but still not enough to Them since the game was cost $60 million to make (+ marketing, tax, etc)

Limitedtimestruggle1045d ago

Right on, this game was a disaster.

gantarat1044d ago

About The Brother moons, the Visceral Games plan it since the first game.

There is a hint/reference on Dead Space 1 and 2.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1044d ago
gantarat1046d ago (Edited 1046d ago )

It's not a bad game, just not the fans want.

I really like the idea your coop partner (Carver) saw something that you (Issac) can't see.

dreamed1045d ago

Yeah buddy those coop missions were good fun... Issac having to defend you both, while carver has gone all fetal position....coop asymmetric gameplay 😎👍

JCOLE131951045d ago

Definitely not a bad game, just not the best dead space game.

bloodyspasm1045d ago

This. It's not that the game itself doesn't have merrit, it's just not what fans of the series were expecting

Sciurus_vulgaris1045d ago

I did enjoy making weapons in Dead Space 3. However, Dead Space 3 lacks tension. Ammo was far too easy to manage. Also, the weapon crafting allowed the player to create some rather overpowered [or overly effective] weapons.

Fist4achin1045d ago

Agreed. When sequels are supposed to build upon the prior iterations, make improvements, tie up the story arc, maybe put the storyline in motion for a new direction, etc... And it just disappointed in all those aspects and traded it for an action game. Call of Dead Space was more like it.

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