
CliffyB loves MGS4: Best cut scenes in the industry

Epic's design director tells CVG: "The kind of scenes they do in MGS4 are phenomenal. I think it has the best sound and real-time [cut scenes] I've seen in the industry and since they're the best at what they do, players love it."

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Silogon5791d ago

I told you people there was more to the story and or Mark would check this pony boy into place. Like me to find the link to the topic where I specifically pointed out --

A - He'd clarify the situation


B - Apologize and say he loves Kojima


Check thru my comment section if you'd like.

Kleptic5791d ago (Edited 5791d ago )

actually I thought it was confirmed that what he said was taken entirely out of context...

there are several little clips of interviews with Cliffy B in the special edition BD of MGS4...one of which were he addresses how 'different' it is than other popular western games...he didn't criticize Kojima or the game, he said it is a great change of pace to engage in passive entertainment, in which the point is sometimes hiding and not engaging the enemy...

he then went on to say MGS as a series has changed the industry, but his company has yet to make a game in that genre...that is what he meant by 'Gears 2 will not be passive entertainment'...which was obvious anyway...

that headline made it sound like Cliffy trashed the game...perfect example of only giving 50% of the comment in order to make a storm...

Truplaya5791d ago

i agree that MGS4 has some amazing cut scenes but id still rather play a game than watch cut scenes in one, i usually skip em all.

kornbeaner5791d ago

Then you are truly missing out on some of the best story telling/presentation to ever be made in a video game.

But thats one of the best parts of MGS4 its your choice as to how you want to go through the experience. But fair warning playing through MGS4 without watching the cut-scenes is like sex without the orgasm, still enjoyable but at the end it could of always been better.

Enjoy your MGS4 BB's. :P

sunnygrg5791d ago

CliffyB is worse than your average politician. He is usually seen flip-flopping (Read his comments a few weeks ago as opposed to this) or criticizing a better-than-him developer like Mr Kojima.

edhe5791d ago

That's not flipflopping. He appreciates that they're great cutscenes, but he also says that it's passive entertainment which is not what gears about. They're not contradictory statements.

Think before posting.

FAQS5791d ago (Edited 5791d ago )

A...That's because MGS4 is an unique game...because it allies a MAGNIFIC STORY WHITH A MAGNIFIC MASTERPIECE GAME...the cutscenes are essential to this game beacuse whithout them you miss every detail of the game, most of them brilliants and hilarious! skiping cutscenes in MGS4 is not the same thing that in other nonsense storyless games, if you did that you did a real dumb thing!...I recomend you, if you replay the game, do not skip them, for a COMPLETE AWESOME GAME EXPERIENCE!
Edit to edhe : sorry man but 100% sure that he is turning back whith his words weeks ago, because is terribly explicit! what's the need to coming now whith this talk about how great are the cutscenes? that's because he now knows that he did it wrong in the past!...

edhe5791d ago

See how many disagrees that gets O_o

Tarasque5791d ago

Well i skipped through every cutscene , well actually i watched one. Monkey wanting i a cig, i said ok i watched enough. If i want long cut scene's i will spend 15 buck's on a movie for story and such. I get more enjoyment out of my 60 buck's by playing the game. If everybody would make scene's like this and as long. I would pick a new hobby, i would not pay 60 buck's for 3 hour's of gameplay and 20 hour's of cutscene's.

RecSpec5791d ago (Edited 5791d ago )

No offense, but if you were going to skip every cutscene, you probably could have just saved your money. Sounds like you just wanted to get through the game just so you could talk about it, instead of enjoying the game.

SnakeShady5791d ago

you never understand what is the real meaning of gaming.

r2kcipher5791d ago

i think a game that lacks a good story is mindless entertainment. if i didn't watch the cutscenes in mgs i would have been so confused. why does old guy travel so much? and how do i beat this vampire?

tojfs79315791d ago

Skip the cutscenes in a story driven game? Makes no sense.

r2kcipher5791d ago (Edited 5791d ago )

they actually didn't skip the cutscenes because they never played the game...... u should ask them how they skipped them.

IaMs125791d ago

Real meaning of gaming is not watching a 45min cutscene it is playing the game DUR! I admitt i love cutscenes, i like them they fit the story together better but not a freaking 45 mins.... there is a point where its i had enough lets play... Im sorry but watching a movie in a game is not the meaning of gaming...

SnakeShady5791d ago

you don't get it.
you think that gaming is only tapping on a button. you will never be a real gamer, real gamer understand the game, his true nature, cutscenes are part of the game, the story is the game itself.
you are not watching a movie, you are watching a game, you are playin it, you are part of it.
it's for people like you that videogames never became a form of art, cause you don't get it.
tetris is the perfect game for you, no story, only tapping on a button, no cutscene, only gameplay.

dantesparda5791d ago

And that is the end, everything else is way below that, sh!t i wanted a hour and half long cinema and never got one. I unlike a lot of the A.D.D. ridden people on this site like to watch and enjoy the cinema graphics. On any game, the cinema is when the graphics look their best, i like seeing that. Anybody who complains about MGS4 having 45 min cutscenes, obviously hasnt played it and is full of sh!t.

IaMs125791d ago (Edited 5791d ago )

Uh okay im not a "True" Gamer because i like to play the game?? uh ok yah and Watching Cutscenes is not a movie it is playing the game? SINCE WHEN!? im sorry but yes okay follow the story i get it but come on your watching an Episode and a half of Family guy(or what ever show you watch) time with a game? its called a GAME for a reason to play because it is a GAME not a movie

EDIT: No i have not played MGS4 and im not saying the Cutscenes are bad to watch or in fact any of them im just stating that Cutscenes is not the true meaning of gaming?? go rent FFVII Advent Children if you want an Hour Half of Kick A$$ graphics Cinema... i like Cutscenes but it shouldnt make the game the gameplay makes the game hence its called a GAME (YES I understand MGS4 Has awesome gameplay OKAY i heard a lot about it I KNOW i need play it im not bagging on it that way)

Shankle5791d ago

If you weren't so heavily biased against MGS4, and if you played it (ie If you had a PS3), you would very quickly understand why long cutscenes are good. MGS4 is more than most games. Not just different. It's not just a matter of preference. Even if you find the story a little odd for your taste, you will still realise that this game is the template for future gaming. It's symbiotic you see. The cutscenes enhance the gameplay, and the gameplay enhances the cutscenes. You're given a sense of purpose, and you get invested in the story. And one of the main reasons that no one plays the game thinking "oh come on I've had enough of this cutscene, I want gameplay" is because (almost) everyone gets the game for the STORY. If we just wanted the gameplay, Kojima could have given us 20 hours of bloody VR missions.

Legion5790d ago

"The kind of scenes they do in MGS4 are phenomenal. I think it has the best sound and real-time [cut scenes] I've seen in the industry and since they're the best at what they do, players love it,"

Wow... backhanded compliment. Saying they are the best at what they do, uuuhhhmmmmm..... making digital movies. FUNNY! Did anyone truly understand that he was calling him a great movie producer, not a great game developer? Ouch.....!

SnakeShady5790d ago

you don't even have the game and you talk about it?
are you kiddin?
you are talkin about something you don't even have, only things you know is what you read?
you are so stupid.
you are talkin about something you never seen.

IaMs125790d ago

Im not bagging on the game im just making the point that you quoted that Cutscenes are what makes the game and yada yada yaa... im stating that a game is to be played not to watch..(videogames dont bring sports into this lol) yea throw in the cutscenes, thats fine, i guess MGS needed them since its Snakes last mission... but cutscenes shouldnt make the game worth buying its the gameplay, make a movie out of it then... i use to think the same as you EXACTLY the same but ive come to realize its not all about the graphics and story as long as i have fun PLAYING the game its worth the money...

Tarasque5788d ago

Actually, i did not waste my money on this overhyped turd. I had it pre-ordered but cancelled it after i seen the review's of the really long cut scene's. And i gameflyed it, which that is the best thing i have ever done. I beat it in 11 hour's and sent the game back the next day.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5788d ago
Fishy Fingers5791d ago (Edited 5791d ago )

Bit of damage control after his slip of the tongue a few days ago ("passive entertainment on its way out")?

Cliffy's expertise are in game development, not Public Relations, perhaps he should stick to what he's good at.

NO_PUDding5791d ago

Define good at.

He's a great politician. He still hasn't admitted that it also has great gameplay. People who deny this are just stupid or haven't played it. MGS4 has superb gameplay, it's just equal amounts of movie and game, and it's not that much of a heinous crime. Cutscenes are accepted (even thoguh we shouldn't have to rely on them ever for a game) generally.

And MGO is just plain superb and can hold 4 more players than Gear of War 2. That's not overly impressive.

socomnick5791d ago

I dont think hes flip floping or this is damage control. The way I see it is that the game is boring as fuc** because of all the cutscenes. His statement is true mgs 4 is passive entertainment.

255791d ago

boring? both mgs4 and gears of war share an over the shoulder shooting mechanic, that was started by re4 of course. the shooting of each game is on par with each other. so, mgs4 not fun = gears of war not fun? y all the hate?

rogimusprime5791d ago

sack lickers that continue to report on everything cliff B says as if he's on a pulpit?


Yeah, we all love Gears, Its a great game and the second one will probably be even better, but I don't need to hear cliffy B's words as NEWS.




no one cares...at least the way these 'articles' portray it.

Enigma_20995791d ago

And just how many variations of "shoot/blow up/chainsaw this locust" can you sit through without wanting to play something else?

NO_PUDding5791d ago

Socomnick, you obviously haven't played or watched it.

The Cutscenes are unbelieveably good. Especially when you ahve splitscreen cutscene and gameplay. Soemthing I ahve never seen in a game before.

And the gameplay is superior to Gears of War. There are so many options in terms of movement and little stealth tactics. And then there's the huge weapon collection with so many different contextual options,a nd customisation.

The onyl critisism anyone can have is that it's too short. No other critisism is valid.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5791d ago
TunakTunakTun5791d ago (Edited 5791d ago )

Buzz! Quiz TV
Calling All Cars!
Dark Cloud 3
Dark Mist
Disgaea 3
Epic Unannounced Game
Everyday Shooter
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Formula One Championship Edition
Free Realms
God of War 3
Grand Theft Auto V
Gran Turismo 5
Heavenly Sword
Heavy Rain
High Velocity Bowling
Hot Shots Golf 5
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Killzone 2
Kingdom Hearts 3
L.A. Noire
Linger in Shadows
LocoRoco Cocoreccho
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Metro 2033: The Last Refuge
MLB 07: The Show
MLB 08: The Show
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Pixeljunk Monsters
Rat Race
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Redwood Falls
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2: United We Stand
Ridge Racer 7
Rockstar Unannounced Game
Rockstar Unannounced Game 2
Rouge Galaxy 2
Siren: Blood Curse
Sly Cooper 4
SOCOM Confrontation
Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer
Super Rub-a-Dub
Super Stardust
Syphon Philter
Team Ico Unannounced Game
Team Ico Unannounced Game 2
Tears of Blood
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online
Tekken 6
The Agency
The Eye of Judgement
The Protector
Timesplitters 4
Twisted Metal
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Uncharted 2
Valkyrie of the Battlefield
White Knight Chronicles
Wipeout HD
Yakuza 3
Zone of the Enders 3

BD Live
Built In Wi-Fi
Cheap PS Store Content
Create Themes
Dedicated Servers
Easy to Use XMB
Firmware Updates
Free Online Play
Harddrive in all Consoles
Lagfree Online Play
Playstation Eye
Playstation Store
Rechargable Sixaxis Controllers with Gyro
Reliable System That Does Not Break
Remote Connection With PSP
User Generated Content
Video Store
Webb Browser



P L A Y B 3 Y O N D


All it's Exclusive Games are PC Ports
Already Maxed Out Hardware
Crappy Costumer Service
Expensive Online and Online Content
Laggy Online
Last-Gen DVD
Loud Console
Microsoft Lies and Cheats
No Future
No Good Exclusive Games
P2P Online Servers
Poor Sales
Scratches Discs
Short Lifespan
Stupid Core Without Harddrive
Useless HD-DVD Player Add-on
Weak Hardware



Bubble Me Up Sony Soldiers !!

kornbeaner5791d ago

LenHart is back, TAKE COVER!!!!!!

FAQS5791d ago

A: Exactly man: THE LIST OF THE TRUTH!!

BLUR1115791d ago

Ohh god. not you again TunaktunakTun +and your game list in every comment you make you and others are why ppl left n4g community. godamn fanboys and juuken

poos35791d ago

LOL 60% OF THAT list is all from his twisted mined meaning there has never been info of any such game.

Bladestar5791d ago

wow... huge list... but out of all those games the best ones are:

Team Ico Unannounced Game
Team Ico Unannounced Game
Epic Unannounced Game

This list is not complete because you missed:

(insert all game developers here) Unannounced Game.

funny.. if you remove from this list all the games that are unannounced and games already released... your super list would be very small...

ThatCanadianGuy5791d ago

That's a pretty impressive list no matter what way you spin it

And no poos3 you stupid f*ckin waste of air,All those games are confirmed.accept for the un-anounced ones,wich will be presented at E3

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5791d ago
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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro71d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv7271d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_71d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga71d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt2371d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball200071d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin71d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole71d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix71d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel198971d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

71d ago
Michiel198971d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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One Last Smoke - The significance of Snake's cigarettes in Metal Gear Solid 4

An article looking at the symbolic meaning behind the cigarettes in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

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Hideo Kojima laments that Metal Gear Solid 4's digital battlefield 'is no longer science fiction'

Game creator Hideo Kojima is and probably will always be best-known for his creation and stewardship of the Metal Gear series at Konami, which since his departure has been more-or-less on permanent hiatus (don't mention Survive). In his almost three decades these games evolved to the point where they predicted certain problems of the information age (MGS 2), took aim at contemporary topics like Guantanamo Bay (MGS: Ground Zeroes), and ended on a profound sense of sadness about our species' inability to break the cycles of global conflict (MGS V).

It's not clear what sparked this reflection, but Kojima's been thinking about Metal Gear Solid 4, an entry that was (and unfortunately still remains) a PlayStation 3 exclusive. In that entry the player controls an aged Solid Snake in the year 2014, caught up in a civil war being fought between Private Military Companies (PMCs).

Dirty_Lemons381d ago

That was a great fucking game/ movie.

DarXyde381d ago

To this day, it's one of those games where I refuse to skip the cutscenes, no matter how many playthroughs I've done.

But if you ask me...MGS2 was bloody prophetic and has aged like fine wine. That game was blasted as the weakest entry, and yet it's so enduring. I replayed it some time last year and it was remarkable.

sadraiden381d ago

Heed not the lamentations of people that say that MGS2 is bad because of the Snake/Raiden bait and switch. Every MGS game has its own merits, and while most people consider 3 to be the best, they all shine equally in my opinion.

porkChop381d ago


I would generally agree but with the exception of MGSV. It had truly excellent gameplay/combat, but dull and largely empty open world(s), and a narrative that is literally only half finished.

I really wish Kojima hadn't tried to go open world with MGS. It just wasn't right for the series. But I get it. He didn't want to make MG anymore but he wasn't allowed to make anything else. So he had to experiment within that franchise. Still, it was the wrong direction.

Santouryuu381d ago

I have been thinking about this a lot, MGS2 being the weakest and getting blasted.
My conclusion, for some years now, it's my favorite game of the series.
Going from MGS1 to MGS2 was such a big leap, in graphics, mechanics, etc.
And now it's even more relevant for being 'bloody prophetic' as you stated.

Maybe dust of my vita and play it again...

porkChop381d ago

It's a shame we never got a remaster of MGS4. The original game only rendered at 1024x768, and it ran anywhere from like 20fps to 60fps depending on the area. A remaster could have very easily cleaned up the visuals and performance. It's such a great game. I just want to play it again but in its best possible state.

MIDGETonSTILTS17381d ago

I agree, but they did all sorts of tricks to make use of the ps3’s cell processor….they’d probably have to rebuild the game in order to make it run on another machine. And, if that involves remaking those cutscenes somehow, then itll never happen, unfortunately.

porkChop381d ago

Nah. There have been plenty of remasters of PS3 games and they've turned out fine. It can be done.

ANIALATOR136380d ago (Edited 380d ago )

You can get near enough 4k 60 with it on RPCS3 these days

FallenAngel1984381d ago

War... war never changes. Or does it? The war has changed ...did it? The answer is no! Unless it is yes! No, of course it is! Is war! Yes! No! Yes?

PitbullMonster380d ago

Ah a man of culture. Duty calls

cell989381d ago

He was always ahead with this series. MSG1 taught me about the importance of passing on our genes into future generations but in a responsible way, for they are bound to what we experienced in our lifetime. Sons of liberty taught me about global control and simulation runs to test society in a grand scale, the importance and dangers of control of information. MGS3 taught me about patriotism and how that can blind you into doing things you never would have otherwise, all for the sake of politicians who only see you as another pawn in their grand scheme of things. MSG4 taught me war is inevitable and always orchestrated because it's great for the economy. Soon simulation systems will start dictating who goes to war and why, all run through proxies. Privatization of military company are already here. We already started to see how a small group of elites dictates everything that happens. Nothing is done, nothing happens without strings being pulled.

Eidolon381d ago

You learned all this from MGS?

RNTody381d ago

All that was literally the themes and core story of each game, so not surprising he learned that from MGS. Metal Gear Solid 2 in particular is so relevant today, it was more than a decade ahead of its time and a work of genius. Kojima saw what the digital future was going to become when it was in its infancy. Even MGS 5 despite being unfinished and less of a traditional Metal Gear Solid game with regards to story, had a fair bit to say about language and control over it that is relevant today.

It's a highly acclaimed series for a reason, and one of my favourite.

Eidolon381d ago

I've watched my brother play the MGS games, but I only beat MGS1 myself on the PSP in 2014, and MGSV in 2016. I took the themes and plots as lore, tbh.. trying to piece together the story of MGS rather than relating them to our current times.

RNTody381d ago

It's definitely social commentary, Eidolon. You should read the "themes and analysis" section of the Wikipedia page for MGS2: Sons of Liberty for a start! Game was heavy on this.

Eidolon381d ago

I'll take a look, thanks. Actually might pick up MGS2 again (PS Vita), It's been years since I last played. Might start a new game tbh.

sadraiden381d ago

MGS2 literally predicted digital manipulation of information that we see today all the way back in 2001. MGS2 became Zucc's playbook.

Knushwood Butt381d ago

MGS taught me not to pee my pants.

cell989381d ago

Yes back in 1998 when I was 13. Throughout the years more information has been shown on this subject matters, but go back to early 2000s and information wasn't as prominent. Kojima was ahead of the game

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 381d ago
MaxiPower90381d ago

He was on the ball about many things. A true visionary.

sadraiden381d ago

If it wasn't for the retconning of how FOXDIE works, including clunky scenes with Naomi and Liquid, MGS4 would be a perfect game. There are so many gameplay options. It felt like us PS3 owners got something truly unique and special.

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