
Bear Simulator dev vanishes, last Kickstarter update in September

It’s been almost five months since the Bear Simulator Kickstarter posted an update (23 September,) and efforts to contact the creator “John Farjay” have been unsuccessful.

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Bear Simulator Developer Returns After PewDiePie Drama - Cliqist

After a harsh Youtube reception via PewDiePie, Bear Simulator may have finally licked its wounds and continued development of his hit Kickstarter.

garyanderson2959d ago

Glad he's finally manning up and taking some criticism.


Bear Simulator : Be the Bear You Want to Be - Gaming Rebellion

Arcade Android of Gaming Rebellion looks at Kickstarter-fueled indie game Bear Simulator to see if it lives up to the claims of the crowd funding campaign while examining how it presents truly open world gaming.

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Successful $100,000 Kickstarter Dev Calls It Quits Due To Drama

In 2014 nearly 4,000 backers pledged $100,000 for a silly game about being a bear. Yesterday, despite seemingly happy backers and 78 percent positive reviews on Steam, Bear Simulator’s developer says updating the game any further is “a lost cause.”

DragonDDark3012d ago (Edited 3012d ago )

The 30 "Not recommended" reviews are what are mostly found helpful by steam users though: http://steamcommunity.com/a...

Most of them say it bearly works!

DarkOcelet3011d ago

"bearly works"

I see what you did there :)

ThunderPulse3011d ago

Got a real "Teddy" over here.

Heyxyz3011d ago

That made me "roar" with laughter.

Christopher3011d ago

Negative people are most vocal and people who aren't interested in the game in the first place will focus on those who support their lack of interest in the game or give them a reason to not buy it.

It's a niche game. Don't expect anyone to really go for it overall.

Utalkin2me3011d ago

I can't bear these puns anymore...

UncleJerry3011d ago

@utlakin2me...just bear in mind there will be more to come

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3011d ago
OoglyBoogly3011d ago

Sounds like someone couldn't deal with the criticism. I've never understood how or why some people let those on the internet get to them so much. How hard is it for people to just ignore and/or block the people that don't agree with you?

Plus it's not like the game isn't without it's faults. I've played it and for $100,000 I don't see it at all.

Erik73573011d ago (Edited 3011d ago )

I think he is just looking for a excuse to and stop developing the game and take all the money he got.

.Didnt even pay a dime to make the game nor does it look like he spent all the money on it

.Got even more money from the people who bought it on steam early access

Ulf3011d ago (Edited 3011d ago )

@OoglyBoogly, @Fries1223:

Both of you are really uninformed, with regards to the numbers here.

Kickstarter takes %30. 70% of 100K is 70K.

$70K pays about 2 minimum wage people @ 40 hours/week for a year, after you pay all ridiculous small business taxes and costs of software, etc. to develop a game, even in your garage.

You think this guy has any money left? HA ha ha.

That's like saying he ran off with all the money he made working at McDonald's over the past year.

I sincerely doubt he made much on Steam, given their model, as well. I think he's bailing for the obvious reason: he thought indie game development was worth the investment. It's not, unless you have a mega-hit.

yomfweeee3011d ago

Kickstarter don't take 30%. If you're going to call someone out for being misinformed, don't post something ridiculous yourself.

Christopher3011d ago

$100k to make any game the first time isn't really walking away with much at all. Especially not a 3D game.

This guy isn't walking away with people's money and nothing delivered for it. Sure, he's not a good developer, but he put the work in. Honestly, I question more the people who put a combined total of $100k towards a bear simulator.

Kleptic3011d ago (Edited 3011d ago )

first...full time minimum wage in the US results in roughly ~$15k a year, assuming no overtime...doubling that does not 70 grand make...even if those kickstarter figures are off...

I don't know or care about any further details of the game...but isn't it safe to assume that this wasn't necessarily the person's full time job? The knowledge and skills needed to take on such an endeavor probably involved an intelligent enough person to not walk away from steady employment in the hopes of hitting it big...with a freaking bear simulator...meaning, this most likely wasn't the guy's calling or some life mission...He was probably as surprised as I currently am that the idea raised a 10th of a million dollars just to develop....

occam's razor probably applies...it got annoying; he pulled the plug...whether it was too much work, too much internet BS, or simply no longer being interested...isn't really relevant...but i agree with fries: The little profit he made was probably not very reflective of the effort put in, and didn't really see the value in investing additional time and money...

big publishers do it all the time...and 'gamers' buy more every time the next one releases...if anything; smart dude confirmed...he has a bright future in game development/publishing...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3011d ago
rainslacker3011d ago

It gets frustrating. Particularly if you try to address the criticism and people won't accept anything beyond what they want, or want to hear.

I don't personally ignore or block unless someone starts with the insults. I come to the internet for discussion, and even though good discussion can be a chore to make happen, it can be found in those who have different opinions.

Fullmetalevolust3011d ago

Maybe it's just in hibernation for now, I don't think people who backed it up could bear to not get their paws on this. I mean he built it from the cave up with his bear hands, it's a rather polarizing topic, almost unbearable to watch...

Christopher3011d ago

If there was the ability to just ban one person from the Internet for a week button and I could press it...

Fullmetalevolust3011d ago (Edited 3011d ago )

Lmao...rude! :) good thing I haven't lost my bearings. We're obviously on polar opposites.

Scofod3011d ago

Making games can be a grizzly business. Especially without panda-ing to people.

Fullmetalevolust3011d ago

I think he just went bear-zerk n quit!

MasterD9193011d ago

Well, stranger things have happened...We do have a Goat simulator.

DivineAssault 3011d ago

The money people throw away on things just baffles me..

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