
STRAFE, the most badass FPS ever conceived, meets its Kickstarter goal

MWEB GameZone writes: "The fastest, bloodiest, deadliest, most adjective-abusing, action-packed first-person shooter ever" to end up on Kickstarter has met its funding goal.

The problem here of course is that as nice as it may be for Pixel Titan, the fact is, this game only got as far as it did thanks to the unmitigated genius of it trailer."

HanCilliers3393d ago

I agree with the writer, the video sold it, not sure if the game is actually worth its praise. Will reserve final opinion until we've played it

Sillicur3393d ago

Very happy to see it meet its goal, cant wait to play the game, looks super addictive :)

plut0nash3393d ago

Pretty sure the trailer was awesome but I will wait since my benchmark for crazy unrealistic shooters remain ID's. Painkiller came close, though.

CongoKyle3393d ago

It's pretty good news that they reached their goal, but I'm still not convinced...

Sillicur3393d ago

Well the game will definately not be for everyone, but for someone who grew up on games like Doom, i am so amped for this!

SonZeRo3393d ago

I'm pretty sure the dev's of that game haven't heard the words anti-aliasing before and have just crawled out from a bunker where all they had to play was Doom and Duke Nukem 3D.

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