
Iwata: We Can Fix Wii U’s Complete Lack of Relevance by Releasing a Mii Smartphone App

Ross Everman writes for Fully 'Avin It: Speaking at a conference held from the mental asylum where he lives these days, Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata has reaffirmed his belief that WiiU can be a successful console. His plan: take one of the features that nobody cares about and make a smartphone app for it.


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vishmarx3391d ago

most people dont even know what a mii is.
how do you fix that first?

XTGN3391d ago

Disguise it as a banana and offer it a solution.

Baka-akaB3391d ago

in some other cases the problem isnt knowing what a mii is ... but having actually a use for it or interest in it .

Some like me always found it and certainly dont care about using something so ugly and useless in other games to represent myself .

Sale goes for the defunct home avatar , or Xbox ones

subtenko3391d ago

for a second I was like "What IS a Mii?" Then I remembered its the little character thing.

Magicite3391d ago

At least they acknowledge ''Wii U’s Complete Lack of Relevance''.

3-4-53391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )

Some site I've never heard of is talking about the Wii U's relevance ?

* It's One of Three Big consoles on the market.

This person's website is One of Billions.

And they have the nerve to say Wii U isn't relevant...


All consoles are relevant. They all matter.

K.....lol just saw the satire...lol wow.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3391d ago
AskYourMumGaming3391d ago

If this is satire, it's a good laugh.

MrAnthonyDR3391d ago

The article is pretty much true - the quotes in that article are real and taken from the linked MCVUK piece. Fully 'Avin It just going farther than MCVUK in pointing out how stupid the idea is.

rawrock3391d ago

They should have made a miiverse app three years ago...

wonderfulmonkeyman3391d ago

Nice troll article; The Wii U is far from irrelevant.

But I digress; I would rather see Nintendo focus on games rather than a Miiverse app, so I can't say I like this idea.

strauser3603391d ago

How can they be irrelevant when they have street fighter 2010?

MrAnthonyDR3391d ago

The problem is, Nintendo are immune from criticism.

We can mock Sony/Microsoft for bringing out sequel after sequel just fine. But imagine that Microsoft's gaming lineup was only: Halo 5, Halo Karting, Halo 2 HD remake, Gears 2 HD remake, a Halo brawler mini-game. This and no third party decent games. People would think they had gone mad.

Yet Nintendo do that EXACT thing but somehow they're cool??

strauser3603391d ago

I'm just waiting for the next 3d mario, and mario3dland doesn't count.

wonderfulmonkeyman3391d ago

@ Anthony


Sooooo original, that argument.

Also, if Nintendo were immune from criticism, then everyone would love them and they'd be ahead of Sony and Microsoft in sales AND reputation.
It's precisely BECAUSE there's criticism against them that they aren't.[even though a lot of it is unfair]

eagle213391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )


Did you really just type Halo Karting? We know it would be inferior since they have no iconic characters outside Master Chief and the ones they threw away for Rare to make Kinect games. Meanwhile Mario Kart 8 won GOTY awards. Sad that trying to make Nintendo look bad but can't come up with a good 1:1 argument. Nintendo software is pure quality with distinctive iconic gameplay per title. Not just names on a store shelf....

LOL_WUT3391d ago

Its satire chill out! I too wish they'd focus on games instead of amiibos or a miiverse app. As for them being irrelevant just look at how many 3rd party devs decide not to develop for the Wii U lets be honest here ;)

Knushwood Butt3391d ago

If Wii U is so great, why do you spend more time on here trying to defend it than actually playing the thing?

wonderfulmonkeyman3391d ago

I could say the same thing to all the trolls that spend more time in articles like this heckling Wii U and its fans rather than logging out and playing their PS4's and XBones.
There's fewer Nintendo trolls than any other type, on this site.

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KingofBandits1180d ago

nothing wrong with him per say but he just feels kinda lifeless compared to Iwata and lacks the tough guy almost Yakuza vibe Yamauchi gave off

Nodoze1180d ago

This guy is a penny pincher and has no love of gaming. It is obvious in the half assed ports he is pushing. Iwata we miss you.