
Color-Corrected Nathan Drake leaves uncanny valley behind – Looks photorealistic

This color-corrected image of Nathan Drake in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is probably the most realistic in terms of lifelike game graphics we’ve seen so far. The tech behind the face also allows for very detailed facial expressions and judging from the gameplay video the character model will also be able to flow smoothly in-between animations.

DarkOcelet3402d ago

The lightning makes a huge difference in games. Damn this looks really good.

rodiabloalmeida3402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

Its missing proper sub-surface scatering to be photo-realistic. Also some colors are not shifted correctly (look the eyebrows). But it must be something new to some of you. Even PC games lacks proper SSS in most cases. But I must say that The Sorcerer demo running on PS4 showed by David Cage has the edge on this matter. Of course I will get tons of disagrees from people that are either fanboys or just people that doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about. Or just due to PC been mentioned in the sentence. Whatever makes your boat float.

EDIT: corrected so the gammar nazi LostDjinn can be happy for a misplaced word in a whole sentence. Point your fingers somewhere else.

LostDjinn3402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

"Its missing proper sub scatering surface".
Did you mean sub-surface scattering? I really like the way you tried to kick butt and ended up with your foot in your mouth. I await your edit.

OT: Looks good. The environmental lighting in game I haven't seen much of though. Here's hoping ND nail it.

Edit: Haha. You got caught out not knowing what you're on about. Create whatever fantasy you like to hide it.

rodiabloalmeida3402d ago


Nice try. Not working. Try harder, dreamer.

Odoylerules0003402d ago

Is English your native language? I think a missing word is the least of your issues. If I were you, I'd avoid trying to sound knowledgeable. It's pretty awkward. Still, you cater to the Sony haters so you have that going for you.

theshonen88993402d ago

PC gamer and graphics programmer here. This guy clearly has no idea what he's talking about. Nathan looks great.


Visiblemarc3402d ago

Many disagrees will result, not necessarily just from people thinking you are wrong, but in many cases people are tired of people criticizing excellent work in forums like they personally have no failings.

lipton1013402d ago

I'm more concerned with his eye motions in cinematics. That's where the uncanny valley really comes in. Think of the dead, zombie eyes in polar express

kpat19823402d ago

Or you could get disagrees for sounding like a condescending ass bag.

Dirtnapstor3402d ago

Wah wah wah, wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah. Wah wah?

Wizard_King3402d ago

Looks very good. But that's cgi cutscence stuff right there. It won't be that quality in game.

Solid Wolf3402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

3D Artist here, as much as most people probably do like these images, I agree with rodiabloalmeida that it still doesn't look quite right. The SSS isn't showing properly here, the yellow tone on those eyebrows are supposed to look pink/reddish as the light illuminates his skin. The lighting could also be improved, since I don't really see the three-point lighting at all. I wish I could see the original image since the article says that this is a "color-corrected" image. Maybe the source image would have looked far better.

Destiny10803401d ago


please enlighten me on the difference you can see with sss on and off


Solid Wolf3401d ago (Edited 3401d ago )


I don't know whether you need your eyes checked, or you're just trolling, but I can clearly see the skin of the head on the right is being illuminated thanks to SSS. You can also see the pigment of his skin bleeding/glowing around because of the light, giving his skin a more natural, and smooth look. This is opposed to the image on the left where his skin looks too rough, and because of the lack of light bounce, makes the lightning look too mushy, and clay-like.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3401d ago
Dannylew3402d ago

Lights is the most important thing in CG.. in Photos .. in Life.

skratchy3402d ago

It's really true. Lighting has made a significant leap this generation. Playing PS3 games is so hard for me. They hardly look better than PS2 games to me anymore XD

LightofDarkness3402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

Still looks pretty uncanny valley to me. Plus, perhaps the biggest issue with uncanny valley is the eyes, which these images obviously do nothing to address.

It's nice, but let's not go overboard.

G20WLY3402d ago

I think it's difficult to demonstrate how lifelike something looks when it's a static shot. You're right about eyes being important - their movement can help a lot.

Subtle, barely-perceivable, facial movements can be key to believability. Looking forward to seeing more of this!

Spore_7773402d ago

"Still looks pretty uncanny valley to me."


specialguest3402d ago

There is just something about video game character models i can't quite pinpoint out that makes them uncanny valleyed. It's not the resolution or making out fine skin details that is the issue. We can look at low resolution muddy images of real people's photos and without a doubt know it's real.

rodiabloalmeida3402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

It's the lightning. After All, that's how we perceive things with our eyes. It does apply to video games too (also movies and related stuff)

Fishy Fingers3402d ago

Usually exaggeration, but does look very impressive.

AudioEppa3402d ago

It looks like a beautiful video game face.. I can't wait for ND to juice me with this game.

jhoward5853402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

WOW! The Color-Corrected Nathan Drake looks amazing. The pores and imperfection on his face are freaking amazing.

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RaidenBlack99d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai99d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

98d ago
lellkay98d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

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Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90200d ago (Edited 200d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

200d ago