
1979 Revolution Game Interview

Artist Vassiliki Khonsari explains how the Iranian 1979 Revolution became an episodic video game in this exclusive interview from the 2015 Sundance Film Festival New Frontier in Park City, Utah.

ironfist923405d ago (Edited 3405d ago )

Yes, a video game about the real life 1979 Iran Revolution, an important historical event for the country, is weird...

Sorry it doesnt have gung-ho American soldiers shooting "terrorists".

porkChop3404d ago

Yes, because he thinks the game looks weird it automatically means he wants gung-ho american soldiers shooting terrorists. He couldn't possibly have thought or wanted anything else.

VTKC3404d ago

haha yeah I know what you mean because the Americans are the "good guys".

This looks interesting and educational at the same time. I will be keeping a look out for this.

WelkinCole3405d ago

I like weird because I am weird myself lol!.

I can't help myself but man. Is it just me or is every Iranian girl hot?. Must be just me.

Pastorfuzz3404d ago

Yes they are hot while they are still young. And I would not want to piss one of them off!

ironfist923405d ago (Edited 3405d ago )

Been wondering where this game went. Heard about it years ago but havent heard a blip from it since. Good to know its still in development.

Its from a former GTA/Rockstar developer, so hopefully its good.

WelkinCole3405d ago

I always welcome different stories in gaming.

Walker3405d ago ShowReplies(1)
jagiii3403d ago

This is also going to be a VR game.


Games of History: Iran, Revolution, and History

Games of History examines the history behind history-based videos for their authenticity, and the culture behind these games. Today's video is all about 1979 Revolution - the Iranian Revolution.


The Story of the American Game Developer Charged with Spying on Iran

Josh Griffiths writes: "Khonsari and his team were right to be afraid. In August 2011, Amir Hekmati, was arrested on charges of spying while visiting his grandmother in Iran. Hekmati was also a game developer working on the Kuma War series, a first person shooter franchise set in the Middle East."

Nu2423d ago

Persia shall strike Arabia, goodbye to bad rubish! Goodbye to Saudi Arabia!


Historical Games Are Important, So Why Don't We Crowdfund them More?

Josh Griffiths writes: "Historical games are incredibly important and can be a lot of fun, so why do they have such a poor track record when it comes to crowdfunding?"

garyanderson2579d ago

I'm gonna venture to say that it's because they take more effort than 2d pixel plqtformers.