
NGamer: Magnetica Twist Review

The variety of ways Mitchell repackages the core game impresses. Quick Play's a pleasant time-waster, Challenge is an endurance run of increasingly awkward ball streams and Quest offers missions with specific criteria for completion. Enlist three friends and you can tackle a bevy of co-operative and battle scenarios sure to turn the air blue with marble-inspired cursing. Lack of Wi-Fi additions aside, it's the polished Dr. Mario approach to WiiWare all over again – only this time built on a great puzzler.

You'll love:
- Serious aural pleasure
- Cannon-propelled marbles
- Polished puzzle mechanics

You'll hate:
- Lack of Wi-Fi
- Not super deep
- Making the wrong shot

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Top 10 Fun Wii Games That Look Like Shovelware - You need a shovel to dig up treasure

Nintendo's Wii has a fantastic library of games. Unfortunately, it also introduced many gamers to the concept of shovelware: bad games created for a quick buck. However, there are many good games that look like they fit this description so let's start the countdown.

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Ninja_G_Aidan3011d ago

Kororinpa was amazing game and worked brilliantly.

NintendoLife Interviews: Magnetis - Yullaby

NintendoLife writes: "We were recently lucky enough to catch up with Etienne and Romain of Yullaby to talk a little bit about their upcoming WiiWare puzzler Magnetis. Etienne Périn is the main 2D/3D artist and lead game designer of Magnetis and Romain Gauthier is the music composer and sound designer of the game. You can find out what they had to say to Nintendo Life in the full interview below."

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Diehard GameFAN: Magnetica Twist Review

The Magnetica design is on the shallow side to begin with and when you add wonky motion control to the mix you find yourself with a game that falls far short of the best in the colored object matchin' puzzle genre. Coming from Nintendo this is very disappointing as this is one of the most mediocre products Diehard GameFAN have ever seen them attach their name to as a publisher. Don't support this kind of laziness; keep your Wii points for some of the great 3rd party WiiWare offerings.

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