
Evolve Review - Gamespot

Battles are vicious and intense.

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vishmarx3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

how do these games not have a
- no story
- no dedicated sp
- no proper ost
- little to no VA
- mandatory online
- repetitive
- s*** dlc

when they do cut points for games with no multiplayer, poor story, sub par ost or repetitive gameplay
while games the order will get murdered for qte's and cinematics.
oh wait its an online fps.its forgiven everything.

SnakePlissken3372d ago

Couldn't agree more my friend! Makes no sense.

freshslicepizza3371d ago

one game likely has a great story but is also likely to have very limited gameplay filled with cutscenes and qte and lasts about 10 hours.

compared to a game you can enjoy with friends for an unlimited amount of time with better gameplay mechanics.

ask yourself this, which game will people be playing for longer and get more out of their $60 purchase?

of course we need single player games but don't discount online games because you enjoy playing solo more. if you have the right people playing online it can be so much more fun. the order looks far too limited for my liking because the player doesn't seem to do much. more of an interactive movie that goes from point a to point b and if the gunplay and a.i. aren't very good then what? all that's left is a decent story and pretty visuals.

Moe-Gunz3371d ago

After playing both betas I will say people will play The Order longer. Sorry but this game should not be full Price. After the first two games you play you'll realize it's simply the same thing over and over.

If this was a $30 digital game I could understand, but Evolve is definitely not worth full Price especially with Dying Light out there. You say The Order is limited but this game is limited in almost every aspect.

guyman3372d ago

Very well said. Watch the order get ripped apart by reviewers, even though the game is exactly the opposite of those first points you mention. Especially from gamespot that nitpicks and blows every tiny fault out of proportion.

And apparently every game needs to have multiplayer, otherwise it sucks.

WellyUK3372d ago

There's a massive difference though which is a Linear SP game like The Order will have little to no replay value... A MP only game has a lot more replay value and will have you playing for much longer. How can you people not see that or understand that... Look at cod and bf etc the only reason people play them is for MP as no one gives a shit about the SP except for people on this website who seem to think SP is the be all and end and anything that gets a good score that doesn't have one should be shamed upon...

slappy5083371d ago

WellyUK: Not everyone has the time to sit infront of a screen the whole day, if every game was 100 hours open world multiplayers the pile of incomplete games will just get bigger and bigger.

Joydivision393372d ago ShowReplies(2)
3372d ago Replies(3)
allastocata3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

Games don't have to have a "rich" story to be fun. If you want them to deduct points for no story/dedicated single player, then by your logic they should deduct points for no mp/limited game modes. Problem with single player games is they generally have no/limited replayability. It seems like people are SIGNIFICANTLY harder on MP only than SP only games.

People need to stop trying to champion their preferred genre of games by questioning other peoples tastes. Fun is fun.

The reason games like the order might get knocked for no MP is because unless their are alternate modes of play, if the game is short, your done. Even if it is a great single player, if it is heavily narrative driven, your lucky to get 2 MAYBE 3 play throughs. A great MP game can sink 100s-1000s of hours. I think a lot of reviewers base their scores on a cost-time versus fun-time.

vishmarx3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

judge a game for what it is.i get it
unfortunately that only holds up for online fps and telltale games.
im not championing anything.im simply pointing out the irony.
two months later ff type-0 comes and i can guarantee you media will come down on it heavily for poor visuals, some will deduct points for weak narrative, others will say the character are bad. yet no review will give the order 1886 a +2 for probably the best console visuals so far.it just seems you can evade all of this by making a dudebro online fps with no story,characters, ost or anything. these review practices are killing the creativity in the industry.
yes the order is linear, yes its cinematic ,yes it has qtes. and if its not your thing, walk away, but do not go dissuading people from buying it.this is exactly what happens when people who give these games 8s and 9s get to review alien isolation, which has everything , a long campaign, excellent soundtrack, great characters etc , wait no mp and the guns arent fun like halo-6/10 - boom mcaffery
do you see how dying light is littered with great reviews? 9 millionth zombie game,crap story,stupid quests, repetitive ,lame characters ,has plenty of online play --8s and 9s everywhere.
driveclub. solid racer with nothing wrong with the sp(at launch),5s 6s everywhere because it wont connect to mp.
evil within, technically unimpressive and yet an amazing game none the less,shat on by the media endlessly.
thank f*** for the gamers who actually went out and bought the game in huge numbers.
yes games do not need rich stories to be fun, but they need to keep trying something new to continue being fun. mario was fun 30 years ago, bt even that had to change and take different approaches,some people live for online mp i get it.but online mp isnt what gaming is about.
insted of asking why, ask why not?
why could this game not have a memorable story and great characters and sp gameplay?
clearly theyre not short on funds since they have all the time and money to go an make s*** tons of vital dlc that the people may or may not buy?
why are they given a free pass like that when no other genre is?
in this case its easy money for everyone,
half the game is dlc,forces you to pay for online, easy development since it needs no great scripts,actors or composers,
instead just slap dudebro and buy 50 e3 awards,slap it on the cover and youre done.$$$$millions made easy.
look at what this vocal mp obsessed media has done to legacy of kain.one of the best writings,story and puzzles in gaming history and now its a f2p competitive deathmatch game of humans vs monsters.
if there are 20 million gamers that live for mp , keep in mind there are 60 million others that do not even subscribe to those services.
evolve is everything thats wrong with the industry in a gist

FrostedFire3372d ago

That's actually an interesting point you're making there don't know why you have so many disagrees.

shammgod3371d ago

Well said. It is a mystery to everybody. Another reason why reviews with scoring are absolutely pointless

gangsta_red3371d ago

I love how mostly everyone is setting up excuses for The Order to get ripped to shreds while downplaying other games that you all THINK should be equally marked or rated low.

Now how is that fair?

Have you played Evolve to even make this judgment? Do you feel Evolve doesn't deserve an 8?

On gaming site scoring shouldn't be compared to others and lumped into one conspiracy against The Order or any other Sony exclusive.

What happens if The Order gets GREAT scores? Then what will be your excuse?

Spotie3371d ago

I wonder if you intend to be oblivious.

He's not at all saying this game should be criticized for not having things it was never meant to have. He's actually saying the opposite. That fps games are apparently exempt from such utterly stupid criticisms, while a game like The Order is not.

There may not be a conspiracy; it's funny that you think that's the only possible reason anyone could come up with for having issues. But there does seem to be a far reaching effort to downplay The Order, even as you accuse people here of downplaying Evolve.

Can you explain why suddenly the black bars that have been present on The Order since almost the beginning are suddenly garnering beehive attention?

Why are you even arguing against what's being said, when you're essentially saying the same damn thing?

gangsta_red3371d ago

"That fps games are apparently exempt from such utterly stupid criticisms, while a game like The Order is not."

I wonder if you intend to be naïve.

Take a stroll through Titanfall Spotie and see just as many negative articles AND the fanboys who were downplaying that game too. I'm sure a quick trip through your comment history as Hicken could reveal you were one of them.
Oh yes, i was told about your early account.

"Can you explain why suddenly the black bars that have been present on The Order since almost the beginning are suddenly garnering beehive attention?"

Oh...you mean the one or two articles talking about them that were submitted here? Oh yea... it has definitely ruffled the hive of N4G, but hardly impacted the gaming world. So yes, I do see it as another conspiracy you and others are trying to push on this site.

He's criticizing Evolve for not having the things a normal game should have and getting a decent high score and automatically assuming The Order will get ripped to shreds for not having those said features also of it's genre.

You guys can't even look at individual games objectively without dragging a precious Sony exclusive in the mix and throwing it in your "media is biased" pot.

I mean seriously...we are talking about The Order in an Evolve article. Hilarious!

PONTIAC08G8GT3371d ago

Just because a game has a story doesn't mean it should get a better review then a game that doesn't. COD, BF, those are multiplayer first games with barely a story. TF had no story mode and I'm still enjoying it. I think a little too much is made of single player games or a story. After you beat games like God of War, infamous, sunset overdrive, uncharted, is there really that much replayability afterwards? Yes, you can go back and find hidden treasures or make it harder, but it's still the same story you are replaying. What makes MP games so effective is even though the map might be the same, the objective the same, the people you play with and against is the real challenge. Anyone can beat AI, but facing a really good player in an online game is much more rewarding.

pivotplease3371d ago

You almost just described L4D lol. I don't know if this is going to be as successful simply because it won't have the same sense of novelty (and it just doesn't look as fun).
Those QTEs people are talking about were actually not that common and appear in every action game. As long as the game has plenty of TPS action I couldn't see it getting teared apart.

Paperclip6663371d ago

Is this game even TRYING to have any of that? No. Don't take off points for something the game isn't even advertising is there. This isn't Destiny

oO_bizkitz_Oo3371d ago

Really did u play the alpha or beta?????? Evacuation is part of the story mode..... have you even played the game... I hope so if not don't talk about a game you have not played.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3371d ago
MatthewBandeira3372d ago

Not a bad score, but I think I'll pass. I'm going to be busy with Majora's Mask 3D this week anyway.

Deadlead3372d ago (Edited 3372d ago )

Not bad indeed, I watched a couple streams on this game to get a better idea, and what I saw was extremely underwhelming. Lots of running and running for gameplay and a money grabbing infrastructure turned me off but an 8s a very good score. See this is a perfect example, review scores won't deter you from games you know you want, but can be very useful when on the fence. That's why dishonest or indefensibly harsh reviews often offend people. You can say" That's why I don't let reviews dictate my purchase." But the impact they have remains, resonating in the potential audience and the developers pocketbook. I guess what I'm saying is I just want to be able to trust these reviews, using them as a tool in forming my own opinion. I'll probably just rent this one...

ContinuePlay3372d ago

How can they review a multiplayer game when the servers aren't even live yet?

MasterCornholio3372d ago

Don't tell me they wrote the review based on what they experienced in the beta.


isa_scout3372d ago

Apparently the servers are up for reviewers and people that received advanced copies...That's what ign.coms review in progress says.

ContinuePlay3371d ago

So in other words they reviewed it based on carefully controlled conditions and not live conditions.

Sorry, that's unacceptable.

isa_scout3372d ago

After playing the alpha and beta I was extremely disappointed given all the awards this game won. The gameplay felt repetitive, and the progression to unlock new characters and perks felt to grindy and shallow. Overall this looked like the type of game you'd play for a week, maybe a week and a half, before moving on to something a little more robust. I have no problem with MP only games, but if a dev is forgoing a proper SP campaign then I expect the MP to be much more feature rich than what Evolve is.

Dyldog693372d ago

Online/multiplayer has slowly been reducing gaming to rubble. It removes the imagination in games and allows developers an out for creating a real immersive experience as by suggesting a gamer supply their own experience. Multiplayer fps is the evolution of kids playing on a playground pointing imaginary/fake finger guns at one another saying "I got you". Only to be responded to with "no you didn't".

Scottyxboxoneandps43371d ago

Are u sure your just not bad at multiplayer dude?? U sound pretty sour about it.

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Evolve or Die: The final days of the follow-up to Left 4 Dead

Back in 2016, Turtle Rock announced that support for its 4v1 monster-hunting shooter Evolve would end but fans wouldn't let it die.


‘Evolve: Stage 2’ is back from the dead as peer-to-peer servers come back online

From NME: "Evolve: Stage 2 had its multiplayer servers shut down back in 2018, but today players are once again able to matchmake and join peer-to-peer multiplayer games.

Several months ago, peer-to-peer functionality was lost for Evolve Legacy, which was the only way fans of the series could play with friends. Upon a multitude of players reaching out to publisher 2K, the issue was eventually fixed earlier in July. It seems 2K have gone a step further now, and reinstated peer-to-peer and matchmaking functionality for Evolve: Stage 2 after four years."

MIDGETonSTILTS17645d ago

^^this, I have so many awesome skins on Xbox that I’d rather not lose

Germaximus645d ago

Yes so far because it's just the servers alone coming on and the console version never had the free-to-play update.

I imagine if they find people playing the PC version and enough players are enjoying it then they'd probably reconsider opening console as well but I wouldn't count on it.

The game was epic as a monster. Hunters were really boring to play as to me.

LordoftheCritics645d ago

I used to play this a bit.

Was kinda fun.


Evolve or Die

Evolve is an asymmetrical multiplayer experience born at the tail-end of the wrong era, in the multiplayer world.

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Highrevz1114d ago

Great idea but poorly executed and destined to fail from the begging. Only thing I’m grateful towards this game is that it’s the one that convinced me to never buy a game blind again.

Shadowrun for the Xbox 360/PC would of been a better example of a great online game that launched At the wrong time.

Livingthedream1114d ago

Shadow Run was fantastic! Would probably do alot better now.

DaveZero1114d ago

Is this a new evolve game??