
Wii U Exclusive Xenoblade Chronicles X's 24 Minute Video Will Make You Cry With Joy;Bundle Announced

Nintendo just broadcasted a large batch of new gameplay of Xenoblade Chronicles X, that will be released in Japan on April 29th, and in the rest of the world later this year. The publisher also announced a Wii U bundle for the game and the pre-download option in Japan.

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GamesGamesGames3380d ago (Edited 3380d ago )

It makes me cry - but not because of joy.... this looks horrible. The whole world looks bland and empty. It looks ike you could do nothing but fight against monsters.. and the character design is awful. There is a difference in looking like an anime and just looking horrible....
Everything in this game screams last gen.. the way the characters stand around and talk - without any kind of motion or expression of the face..
This game looks so sterile it could work in a hospital....

What I don't get is.... are you guys blind? Can't you see it? I mean can't you see how bad this looks? I'm not necessarily talking about graphics. I'm talking about the whole presentation.. the way the characters and monsters move... it just looks bad.

leemass243380d ago

"looks bland and empty" abit like you're comments then lol

3380d ago
Abriael3380d ago Show
pivotplease3380d ago

Graphically not that impressive(compared to the likes of FFXV)...but these games have depth and just as much longevity as DA. I would go as far as to say that this will probably be more fun though. Can't wait to find out. Definitely a reason to consider the Wii U as a second console if you're an RPG fan. That and what RPG fan doesn't also love Zelda despite the genre difference?

kwandar3380d ago

Like the look of this far better than Persona5, not that there is anything wrong with Persona5 - just that it is more cartoonish.

pivotplease3380d ago

I like both, but as a huge fan of the likes of Wind Waker, DC2 (<--- obviously), Journey, and Okami, there's just something about a well-done cartoonish art direction. It's probably because they can pull off more with less processing power and it is far easier to hide graphical blemishes. I think these kinds of games sometimes have the potential to be even more beautiful than the photorealistic games though.

acekaze3380d ago

if you said "Hey i dont like the rough edges or the graphics on itself" i could have understood your position, after all some people are more demanding than others, but, seriously? the world looks empty? Its probably one of the best factors i am seing ingame, the fact the both the world + its fauna are looking extremly alive on its own i am curious, what is it for you that makes a world alive? And please, use a reference thats similiar to this type of game.

mshope103380d ago ShowReplies(1)
Mikito113380d ago

Wow if you're that focused on how realistic graphics are maybe you should change your profile picture.. I mean.. It's like so 7 gens ago, right?... -.-

raWfodog3380d ago

From the perspective of an older gamer:

I've been playing video games since my first Atari back in 1977 when two white sticks on opposite sides of the screen bounced a white ball (square) back and forth between each other. I've been through the whole gamut of graphical innovations and improvements and I realize that we have indeed come a long way in video game graphics and presentation. But that doesn't mean a game can't be fun because you think it doesn't look good.

These days, its fashionable to argue about the differences in resolution, framerates, anti-aliasing and tessalation. I'm sad to see that many gamers have seem to lost their sense of adventure and wonder when it comes to exploring new game worlds because the graphics and game world aren't hyper-realistic. Now a popular complaint is that games look 'last gen' as if a game can't be fun because it looks like something you may have played years ago. Many of my favorite games and memories are from N64 and the original Playstation. Many people, like myself, find these 'bland' graphics aesthetically pleasing and look forward to playing this game.

You're obviously looking for more in your gaming experiences and you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But you seem to think that other are 'blind' because they don't share your same sentiments and that is ironic because you are the 'blind' one if you think that your opinions are fact.

higgins783380d ago

I wholeheartedly agree. I don't know what you've said to warrant a disagree. It's true particularly regarding 'last gen' graphics. Each to his/her own tastes, but looking at this footage, I can't help being blown away. It's even true that (for me) a game (for example) such as Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) looks today far more aesthetically pleasing than say Dark Souls 2, again, for example.

Zulehan3380d ago

I want to give brief comment on two FF games before adding to this discussion with my thoughts on Xenoblade Chronicles X. As implied, this reply is not meant toward anyone in particular, but for the readers in general. I hope my input may be worthwhile, as I have found most other comments here.

I remember how gorgeous FFXIII looked but how I was disappointed with its world. For one, a lot of its backstory, which would have been an interesting part of the narrative, was instead to be found as reading material in the menu. If someone has to access the menu to get an idea what was and is going on, you as a writer are probably doing it wrong. Also, though the settings were beautiful, I realized, as the reviewer at Zero Punctuation pointed out, it was like a lush painting bordering you on a narrow corridor, and even the vast field near the end of the game was but a brief foray before a return to the narrow corridor with no towns or other breaks that made the other FF games I played more fun.

That said, I am excited about FFXV. Yes, the graphics are spectacular and the open-world a departure from FFXIII, but that is only part of it. I have higher hopes for the story and characterization.

When it comes to Xenoblade Chronicles, the creators had to expend more effort to convince me because I am completely unfamiliar with their franchise, but what I have seen encourages me. Their characters' facial designs are not so pleasing to me, but the great attention to their setting is. If I enjoy the game, I imagine my memory might be skewed in favor of thinking it looked better than it did, much as fans like me who played Ocarina of Time remember that waterfall near the entrance to Zora's Domain as looking more intricate and wondrous than it is to gamers who did not grow up with it like we did.

In regards to the story, simply from the opening cinematics I get a good idea for the plot and characters, in contrast to how seemingly confused FFXIII's narrative felt. Not to give anyone the wrong impression: I am not one of those people who throw a hissy fit when a plot is more complicated than prince saves princess, evil guys are invading lets stop them; in fact, FFX is one of my favorite games, despite its plot being quite intricate and not entirely straightforward. But there was enough narrative focus and content in the game through character interaction, gameplay, and cinematics, that I was left interested enough to read up on more details on my own.

I have also been encouraged by a playthrough of the previous game, Xenoblade Chronicles, by Chuggaconroy at YouTube. He has been playing the game for months (uploading 20-30 minute videos), and shows no signs of finishing yet. I have noticed him engaged in many sidequests, and he would say, 'Oh, going this way will bring us to such and such mission, but I want to head here to take care of these few first...' and I was simply taken aback by how lost in objectives he was. There is no reason to believe that the creators of this franchise are less ambitious this time around, as ever indication is even greater ambition.

Xenoblade Chronicles X may not have graphics as mindblowing as FFXV, but Xenoblade Chronicles X's graphics are not pathetic either. I will take amazing graphics where I can get them, but if I am at least OK with the design/style I look to whether the other aspects of the game are good.

F0XHOUND3380d ago

This looks epic. Full of character, the world is there to explore and hunt monsters.... the characters are anime themed, its nothing special but they look decent enough. The story, music, gameplay and general feel to the game will be great I'm positive.

StarLord_Who3380d ago (Edited 3380d ago )

Don't have kids

TomahawkX3380d ago

first of all the video shows basic exploration, they haven't shown any of the dungeons yet where there will be puzzle solving and fighting things other than monsters. Did you watch the video until the end where they showed an alien race that you fight? Yea they haven't revealed much of the main story and bad guys at yet. As for the complaints about character design, check out xenogears and xenosaga because the same character artist for this game designed the characters in those games. The models are designed exactly in that persons art style, so yeah love it or hate it.

3-4-53380d ago

I'm still working through my DS/PSP backlog of games and I think a lot of those are beautiful.

If those are beautiful.....for what they are, then so is this.

People who care the most about graphics aren't even really that into games most of the time.

It's usually the "fake hardcore" crowd.

brewin3380d ago

Haters gonna hate... Sad. Game looks awesome and I cant wait to spend hundreds of hours exploring this games' many many areas.

Magicite3380d ago

Gonna wait until WiiU games can be emulated.
So far all Nintendo systems have been emulated and its a joy to play their games on PC and with no cost.

bobacdigital3380d ago

Do you have no shame lol.. Show some respect to the developers who make the damn game. People work pretty hard to bring experiences like this to you and me.. Pay for software... incentive is you keep getting quality games.

wonderfulmonkeyman3380d ago

Idiots like you lend credence to Nintendo's bad moves on Youtube lately.
So yeah, thanks for being an enabler for some of Nintendo's worst decisions.

bangoskank3380d ago

Either you need to update your eye prescription or you don't get enough attention in real life.

DeusEx-Machina3380d ago

probably a little bit of both...

wonderfulmonkeyman3380d ago (Edited 3380d ago )

No, you ARE talking about graphics.
Your entire complaint revolves around "how bad it looks".
And you're STILL on that "last gen" kick.

You really just need to quit commenting on this game.

We like what we see.
You don't, not just because you hate the game but also because you hate the console, and you're insisting we should follow your tastes instead of having our own opinion, otherwise we're just "blind".

It's arrogant and irritating, and you need to SHUT! UP!

gangsta_red3380d ago

I feel sad for this gen of gamers. Where looks are the only thing that matters and anything beyond what the eyes see is ignored or not even considered.

Sure, its no The Order or Ryse with 10 million polys for each eyelid but everything else for this game screams EPIC.

If you played Xenoblade and just experienced how well crafted the gameplay, story and design was as I have then you would forgive these "bad" graphics and be more excited in knowing just how big and well done this game is going to be.

I'll take a well done, epic, huge game with attention to detail, design and game mechanics any day over pure eye candy.

feragom3380d ago

Well considering it almost took 2 disks, runs 720p, huge world, great design, huge improvement from e3 2014, and so many feature would make good but it is on the wiiu it must suck. That is what I hear from you. Contrary to your ideas I believe it will influence video games just like the first.

elninels3379d ago

Super strong disagree. This game is why I will buy a wii u.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3379d ago
Drithe3380d ago

I think this game looks absolutely incredible. I would much rather play this than FF 15.

Clover9043380d ago

It looks good, but let's not get crazy now.

Concertoine3380d ago

Honestly Monolithsoft has a much better track record than FF as of late. That makes me cautiously optimistic of FFXV and very excited for Xenoblade X.

Also, dat Dualshockers headline

shaw983380d ago (Edited 3380d ago )

Crazy? This is Monolith soft we are talking about. The people that gave new life to the dying JRPG genre with Xenoblade. FF has been falling on it's track record for years now. Do I need to bring up Final hallway? Monolith soft has a stellar track record even before they were bought by Nintendo. With how big this game, it being 5 times bigger than the first Xenoblade (Xenoblade was already bigger than skyrim) and with so much to do in it, I don't think it is hard to see why people can put it over a franchise that has lost it's lust.

Big_Game_Hunters3380d ago

What was the last great mainline FF game? 15 looks good but at this point Monolith has a much better track record.

magiciandude3380d ago

FFXV will have shinier graphics for sure, but the game with the better gameplay and story? My bet is on Xenoblade, but we'll find out. :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3380d ago
mezati993380d ago

How can you say that when we haven't play either games?! crazy people....

rawrock3380d ago

Not sure yet, FF15 may be great as well...we will have to wait and see. Gonna get both anyways.

Shadonic3380d ago (Edited 3380d ago )

I do agree that Squareenix hasn't been doing that great with its recent games but we cant just stop hoping that FF15 will be good due to some 15 mins of xenoblade i am a ps4 owner and think xenoblade looks like a good game i would buy if i had a wii u that said i do think it has cons and so does every game.
But FF15 has barely been shown to us so we don't have the right to judge it in my opinion, from the trailers though it looks like the story and gameplay are going to be there definitely.

NoctisPendragon3380d ago (Edited 3380d ago )

If FF XV was on Wii U it would sell twice or trice more than XCX , 100% true sry.

And to say the true , alot of FF XV players wont care about XCX, so there is no point comparing them.

wonderfulmonkeyman3380d ago

You could not be more wrong if you tried, especially considering the lack of trust Squeenix has right now in regards to Wii U development compared to Monolith.

pcz3380d ago

those are the most annoying voices i have ever heard.

i didnt watch the whole vid i just skipped through to get an idea, dont want to spoil it.

i pray they release a hardware bundle in Europe for this game. if not, then i hope it gets the collectors edition treatment at least.

Ch1d0r13380d ago

For a Wii U game it looks great.

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Elit3Nick3380d ago

Damn I instantly recognised Hiroyuki Sawano's music in this. He's the one who composed the music for Guilty Crown, Attack on Titan, Kill La Kill and Aldnoah.Zero

Qrphe3380d ago

And Gundam Unicorn, which was his most recognized work until SnK

Shadonic3380d ago

I actually noticed it too lol thats awesome he is doing the music

rawrock3380d ago

Looking forward to this game, and Xenoblade on New 3DS :)

AsheXII3380d ago

game looks good, but the music and voices leave a lot to be desired.

Metallox3380d ago

I can barely hear it in this video.

pcz3380d ago

im disappointed with the music too. there was no need to bring in a new producer, ACE produced the best soundtrack i have ever heard in a game for xenoblade... if it aint broke, why fix it?

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With Chronicles Done, It's Time to Make Xenoblade X: Definitive Edition

With Chronicles finished, it's time to return to the mechs and mysteries of Mira

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jznrpg326d ago (Edited 326d ago )

Yea. I own it but don’t want to pull out the Wii U

Zeldafan64326d ago

I never unplugged my Wii U. Still play it almost daily but a definitive edition of X would be appreciated.

jznrpg326d ago (Edited 326d ago )

It’s one of the systems I have the least games for . Though there are some really good games on it. I have systems from Atari’s , Nintendo’s, Segas , TurboGrafx 16 , PS’s etc etc so I put a few in my game storage room. I do pull it out from time to time and I have a new one in a box but won’t open that .
But I’d really like to have a Chronicles X but not on Switch whatever the next console is preferably so they can add more quality to it .

Zeldafan64325d ago

Lucky, you didn't need to explain that.

Zeldafan64326d ago (Edited 326d ago )

Playing X at 1080/60 would be great so waiting for the Switch successor would be ideal but it wouldn't be smart to make it a launch game. It would suck waiting til 2025 to get X definitive edition but I think that's what will happen.

I know people say Wii U has no games but I've got over 100 games for it.

luckytrouble325d ago

I mean, when people say a system has "no games" they aren't saying the system literally had no games released on it. They're more commenting on the state of games that make the system worth owning. For many the Wii U never had a game that made the system worth owning, or if it did, it has a Switch port or successor at this point anyways so they were effectively proven correct to have never purchased a Wii U in the first place.

Yes, depending on the individual the Wii U remains worth owning for the handful of games still locked to it, but for many they'd rather just wait to see what else gets ported in the future at this point. There is exceptionally little you can only play on a Wii U these days though, especially with the eShop dead so anything that may have existed only on it is no longer of consequence to non-Wii U owners.

chaos999326d ago

They said it cost too much time to remap controls unfortunately

luckytrouble325d ago

In all fairness, that's probably a reason they're passing on a few of the still Wii U locked games. Starfox Zero, among the reasons you may not want to port it, would need its entire control scheme reworked from the ground up. Chronicles X may not be as extreme of a case (I don't know, I've never played or watched gameplay), but often unless a game is going to sell really well, it can be hard to convince a company to do more than the basic expected remaster work. Heck, a lot of people figure the only reason we got Galaxy 1 in the 3D All Stars collection for example is because they had already done the work for the Nvidia Shield port for China, which subsequently is likely the major reason they didn't include Galaxy 2. They simply did not want to remap the game controls. It may sound silly since it sounds so simple just by the words, but you have to figure more goes into it than you're probably thinking if it's that much of a sticking point.

DefaultComment326d ago

Yes, I agree. We definitely need to retake Xenoblade Chronicles X which btw it left us on a cliffhanger suggesting there wiull be a XCX2 .... and im up for it.

isarai326d ago (Edited 326d ago )

I put so many hours into X, just please ad a music volume setting was going crazy walking around base and hearing


FinalFantasyFanatic325d ago

I can't believe they haven't done it yet, it's the Xenoblade game I'm most excited for, I would buy it in a heart beat.


Operation Rainfall: 10 Years On

It has been 10 years since Xenoblade arrived in the US, we look back at how the game almost never showed up if not for a group of dedicated fans.

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ZeekQuattro764d ago

I wish The Last Story would make a comeback.I played it years before I got around to Xenoblade. Mainly because of the scalping going on because of Xeno's limited run. It took me a few tries to get into it but once I did I couldn't put it down. A Wii hidden gem for sure.

pietro1212763d ago

As much as I love Xenoblade, Last Story was the better game IMO. I wish Nintendo would remaster or simply port the game onto the Switch.

porkChop764d ago

Xenoblade went on to be a really successful franchise too.

pietro1212763d ago

I wish the Last Story get a Switch remaster or remake. That game deserves a second chance


The 3DS and Wii U eShop is shutting down in 2023 - download these games before they’re gone

Nintendo will be shutting down the eShop for the 3DS and Wii U completely in 2023. Makes sure to check out these games before they do.

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MadLad806d ago (Edited 806d ago )

If they're not important enough to be held on their own official storefront then they're not important enough to give your money to Nintendo.

Buy these, physically, used or simply emulate them.

This article comes off as nothing more than advertising games that Nintendo, themselves, don't care to offer you... buy now!

ocelot07805d ago

Wait hang on where all the outrage? I swear when Sony tried to do this with PS3 last year. There was outrage from all corners of the gaming universe.

Why does no one care Nintendo is doing it?

MadLad805d ago (Edited 805d ago )

There has been.
A lot of it.

Simply type in "3DS" in Google and tell me what you see.

ocelot07805d ago

Oh I have a fair few websites reporting on it. But where is the outcry on here? I remember their was 2-3 approved top voted articles when Sony announced they where closing the PS3 store. All slating them and not caring about customers.

I should of worded it better. Where is all the outrage on n4g?

MadLad804d ago (Edited 804d ago )

N4G is a fanboy site, mainly frequented by only Sony.
Microsoft is their direct competition, so you'll typically only see articles that are made to rile up those fanbases.

Nintendo does it's own thing, so they're rarely brought up, aside from their fans. The most you get is the same typical two or three posters claiming Nintendo is only for infants.

If you come to N4G for educated discourse and reasonable discussion, this isn't the place. Sad as it is.

pietro1212805d ago

It's lame that it is shutting down. Now I feel rushed buying all the rpgs I missed out on the system.

XxINFERNUSxX804d ago

You guys know that even archive.org has 3DS roms, and all other console roms. I'm downloading 846GB of 3DS roms and will add the best games to my soon to be soft modded New 3DS 😁. Might as well throw in DS and other emulators in there to. Guys this would be the best way to play and enjoy the 3DS. Just need to buy a bigger micro SD card and format it to FAT32, which you can if it's even 256GB or larger there are ways.

XxINFERNUSxX804d ago

This should help if you want to soft mod it excellent guide and up to the latest and probably last 3DS firmware update: https://www.youtube.com/wat...