
Nintendo, We Need To Talk About Voice Chat

Nintendo Enthusiast writer Mike D. discusses Nintendo's decision to ignore voice chat in Nintendo's first marquee online shooter, Splatoon.

"Nintendo simply doesn't care about voice chat.  They know it is used by other developers.  They understand its importance to gamers outside of Japan who live in areas where their friends live hundreds of miles away.  Yet it's not something important enough for them to worry about...One can argue, though, that even having this discussion in the first place is more than a little absurd, like wondering if the expensive new car you're buying will have airbags."

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randomass1713408d ago

Yes please. This is something Nintendo really should have gotten down already. At least let friends voice chat together!

LOL_WUT3408d ago

I don't understand how they cannot implement this feature? This is what I mean that Nintendo just doesn't understand the west, let alone gaming in general. Voice chat just among friends? I don't see the point in that when it could just be open to everyone like every other NORMAL game.

I wonder if those who constantly defend them will even complain about this... Probably not. ;)

3408d ago
Concertoine3408d ago


Yeah. I think its best MK8 was without 100% game chat. That wouldve been chaos. But Splatoon needs chat.

Sincere01213408d ago (Edited 3408d ago )

If you dislike Nintendo so much, why do you dedicate so much time of your life talking negatively about them, about EVERYTHING, Nintendo can do no right in your eyes so why not just go and find something you enjoy?

You really seem mentally challenged and in need of some psychological help. I sincerely hope you get the help you need as I've never known anyone as sad and pathetic as you. U need to get a life, this isn't healthy, get some real life friends Please.

bouzebbal3407d ago (Edited 3407d ago )

it's funny but Nintendo consoles are the only ones where internet and playing online interest me the least. tbh i dont even understand the Nintendo Network it's so poorly developed and explained.
The only times i play online is with Mario Kart 8, not even sure i know what my Nintendo ID is :D
Is it possible to log in the Nintendo Network from a browser?
To me Nintendo games are about the SP and couch co-op. i'm pleased with how things are so far.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3407d ago
TXIDarkAvenger3408d ago

This is something I thought Wii U would have.

Nintendo's decisions are quite questionable sometimes. They said Wii U doesn't support DVDs because people already have a DVD player. Like what?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3408d ago

IT said with random player you won't.

It didn't say with friends or overall.

Jumping the gun again.

juegosmajicos3408d ago

I'd be with you if there wasn't a huge precedent with Wii U Nintendo games. Ever tried voice chat in Mario Kart 8? It's trash, and lobby-only. How about in Smash 4 U? It's even worse, and also lobby-only.

How about in Wii Sports Club? Oh you can't, there isn't any.

So it's reasonable to consider that Nintendo is doing the exact same for Splatoon, especially when they already said they tried to implement a text communication system, as if voice chat didn't even exist.

More importantly, do you think Xenoblade Chronicles X or Devil's Third will have voice chat? Certainly not if it's up to Nintendo. It seems to me that any of Nintendo's developers have to make an extremely good case for voice chat to be in their games before the 60-year-old supervisors in charge of these teams approve it.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3407d ago

dont care if has voice chat or not. I getting game for the game itself not voice chat.
If I wanna talk to someone online I just use other method or livestream.

AJBACK2FRAG3408d ago

Voice chat is available on SSB 4 and nobody uses it! Wii U chat everybody's to shy to use it lol!! Why include it if nobody want's it?

SpiralTear3408d ago

Have you ever played Smash Bros. multiplayer with random people? I have. They really don't talk. The people who make the most noise in that situation are the crowds at pro Smash tournaments. Fighting games really aren't a genre that demand voice chat, because they require attention and concentration from players at all times. Talking to a friend during a fighting game match seems counterproductive, so that probably explains the lack of voice chat activity in Smash.

But Splatoon isn't Smash. Splatoon is a team-based shooter. Those DEMAND coordination. So Nintendo needs to clear this up on the double, because shooters use voice chat very frequently, ESPECIALLY if it's a team-focused shooter.

Theyellowflash303407d ago

Actually, I've played quite a bit of Splatoon. And it really doesn't demand any coordination. I never talked to anybody on my team at E3. You just kill people and shoot paint..... that's it.

Its more like COD's team death match.... fast, crazy, and everybody just doing their thing.

There is a lot of misconception from this game by a lot of people who have never played it. Its not Rainbow Six. You won't be giving out commands and stuff. lol

AJBACK2FRAG3407d ago (Edited 3407d ago )

Super Smash Bros. to me will always be a party game more than an actual traditional fighter! I really have zero interrest in Splatoon. I think a company that has played host to some of the best fps's in the world, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark etc. could do better and build from the ground up a realistic first person shooter that would blow COD out of the water!!! Out of any developer in the world I would think Nintendo is innovative and unique enough to do just that! Maybe next generation! I hope!

Klonoa-dreamtraveler3408d ago

nintendo loves holding your hand there like the soccer mom version of consoles even when they finally allow user names instead of that stupid ridiculous friend code they still dont let you use your screen name in game they use your nick name. nintendo needs to give more freedom and take the hand leash off. samething with voice chat they give some fake sense of having voice chat but very limited. if it isn't third party support issues people don't like about getting a wii u its also having to be treated like a child and not having the freedom like other consoles give there customers.

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Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

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GhostScholar1d 6h ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder1d 2h ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing6915h ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…

Popsicle8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Yes please. Did pretty much everything there was to do in this game. Took a very long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Skyrim is one of my all-time favorites, but I would prefer a new experience.

anast13h ago

They might as well. So far, it looks like ES6 will be mostly developed by AI.

Smellsforfree9h ago

I don't want a next-gen version of a game I've already played to death. Skyrim was a great game, but I'm over it.

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