
Eurogamer Review: Siren: Blood Curse - Chapters 1-3

Reviewed by Rob Fahey, he writes:

"Americanised remakes of Japanese horror. Depending on your perspective, that phrase may or may not induce absolute revulsion - but even those who insist on the originals would have to acknowledge that Americanised remakes tend to work best when the Japanese creative team is deeply involved (The Grudge), and worst when the films are so heavily Americanised that their origins are entirely erased (the execrable Pulse).

So when I tell you that Siren: Blood Curse is, in essence, an Americanised remake of the original Siren, bear with me for a moment more - because it needs to be emphasised that this is a remake by the original creative team, working out of Japan. They have chosen for their own reasons to replace several key characters with Americans and record much of the dialogue in English - a decision that's initially jarring for fans of the first game, but whose impact on the quality of what's on offer is actually negligible."

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ParanoidMonkey5809d ago

Excellent news, I'm looking forward to this even more.

RocketRaiders5809d ago

so this game is AA if not AAA

meepmoopmeep5809d ago

i played the demo and it's a for sure buy for me.

Fototherapist5809d ago

the British just automatically create superior clones of Japanese horror movies. Gosh, the entire universe knows that!

Homicide5809d ago

I agree meep. The demo was good. Reminded me of Silent Hill. Importing the disc version. I want a damn good, scary game this gen and this might be it.

Polluted5809d ago

The demo was plenty spooky, but I couldn't get past the second zombie because I wasn't sure what to do. The text on screen was in Japanese for anyone who hasn't tried it. Anyway, nice to hear the game turned out well. I hope we see an all English demo soon.

Doppy5809d ago

Wow I expected an 8. However it is a good game, I'll be buying these chapter when they come out, the only problem I have is how many GB will it take up on my HDD. Since you can only download the episodes, I'm sure I'm going to have to upgrade my HDD this year.

Panipal20055809d ago

Importing a disc version? It'll be cheaper and quicker (delivery times) to download the chapters on PSN, the prices are like £19.99 on the PSN versus £26.57 via YeaAsia, plus you won't get the disc until a week after the release date.

I suppose the disc has an advantage if you're concerned with how much space you have on your internal HDD

sonarus5809d ago

WOW. I didn't expect this game to be good. I expected it to go the way of alone in the dark. WHOOP more great games for the summer. I thought it was just MGS i had to go on:D. Not that i'm complaining:D

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clintos595809d ago

I mean are u kidding me. So this is a 9 and MGS4 is an 8? Dont get me wrong I think this is going to be a pretty cool game but compared to MGS4 which im still playing the hell out of it, I dont care how high these guys score any game, they are still the worse reviewers on the net.

RocketRaiders5809d ago

but since a SONY hater gave it a good score i expect many websites to give it a perfect score

The Wood5809d ago

im glad we can still have doubts about them even though this score is good for ps3 owners.

BYE5809d ago

How can you say it is not better than MGS4 when you haven't even played it yet? Don't get me wrong, I love MGS4, being the best PS3 game so far it think it deserves a much higher score than 8, but you can't judge a game until you play it.

meepmoopmeep5809d ago

i've played the demo, it's great for its genre, as MGS4 is great for its genre as well.

thewhoopimen5809d ago (Edited 5809d ago )

I've played the demo and while the game is really great it isn't a step up from MGS4. Rather, at best you could say about Siren is almost on par, but I'm not a huge fan of its controls. They purposely make your field-of-view very narrow in order to discomfort you and I think it detracts rather than accentuates the gameplay.

Dir_en_grey5809d ago

Siren 1, even with people complaining about the controls and how hard it was, was my favorite game for PS2 tied with MGS3 at the #1 spot.
Giving that I didn't have to suffer through the horrible voice over since I played the Japanese version, it was perfect and I didn't even think the controls were bad at all when you compared it to other games at the time.

I bought PS3 the day I found out Siren team was working on this, while everybody probably got PS3s for MGS4 or Gran Turismo, Siren was my main because the experience of playing through part 1 was so great.

Team Siren are not just nobodies, they made Silent Hill 1 and set the foundation for Silent Hill 2 before the director and writer left to form Team Siren.

Even if you don't like horrors, do not sleep on this one, because if it's anywhere close to Siren 1, you are gonna love it if you like a good story and play a game made by people with talent.

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Bazookajoe_835809d ago

Probably some of the most realistic i ever seen, but the rest doesnt look anywhere close. Im hoping for a closer look at E3..

wolfehound225809d ago (Edited 5809d ago )

Wow nice score. Especially coming from Eurogamer who seem to be a little harder on PS3 exclusives. May check this one out although I'm not really a huge fan of horror games.

Pornlord5809d ago

Yeah, there is something about being eaten alive that makes me want to play a game :) Looks good, can't wait for it myself, and I think 5 Euro is like.. 8 dollars or so, so it won't be too bad.

RocketRaiders5809d ago

Even eurogamer mentioned that in their reviews. Cant wait for this one

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SimpleSlave443d ago

If Castlevania is there as an Horror Game then Demon's Souls should be there as well.

Also, you might want to add Shadow of the Colossus there too. Where you play as a mass murdering genocidal maniac on a warpath.


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