
New Mini 3A Metal Gear Rex and Ray

If you are lucky enough you must have owned the original 3A Metal Gear Rex and Ray figures. The giant figures might not be fitted on your desktop. But no worries, recent Kojima tweet showed us the new Mini 3A Metal Gear Rex and Ray are coming at Wonder Festival.

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Metal Gear Solid Bosses Ranked From Worst to Best

Metal Gear Solid bosses are often weird, wacky, or just downright insane. But which are the best ones? Find out here.

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Orchard772d ago

This is a hard list to make… so many good bosses in the series.

I really enjoyed Psycho Mantis as a kid, I was blown away by the fact he could make my controller rumble and read my save games! And the tactics to beat him were crazy.

I’d put him in #1 with The End in 2nd.

Flawlessmic771d ago

Going through this list desperatly makes me want a remake of 1 and then a 4k remaster with other better effect touch for mgs 2-4.

Cmon konami give us the ultimate mgs collection charge what you want ill pay it.

Just give me upgraded versions of the games that i can play all on one console.

Knushwood Butt771d ago

Konami are too busy changing their name.

Z501771d ago (Edited 771d ago )

You want ANOTHER remake of 1? Twin Snakes not enough? There should be a limit on remakes imo. Reboots are fine tho.

"to soon" = "I didn't play at launch" = irrelevant

Flawlessmic771d ago

Nope not enough that remake came to soon as it was the gen after.

We are now 3 gens later so yea remake it again or give us a 4k version with other graphical updates aswell.

generic-user-name771d ago

Twin Snakes butchered MGS1, but even if it didn't, that game is still 20 years old and outdated. The original trilogy could all do with a ground up remake. Fortunately for people like you though, you'll not be forced at gunpoint to buy it if you don't want it.

generic-user-name771d ago

The Olga fight is a bit harsh, she pulled off some neat tricks like using the tarp to hide herself (while showing off the cloth physics) and blinding you with lights you had to shoot out (a new mechanic).

The Fear is really harsh. Yes with the thermal goggles he's easily defeated but it's easy enough to miss the thermal goggles before fighting him. The fact that you can take advantage of how he frequently gets hungry during the fight adds to the options too.

How is Fortune ranked higher than both the above?

Liquid Ocelot at 29? C'mon that fight was epic, you get a whole new control scheme just for that fight and it's got tons of well thought out fan service.

Revolver Ocelot MGS1 fight at 9? You just ran around in a circle.

Though I do agree with your #1. The Boss fight was peak MGS, right down to pressing square to shoot the final bullet.

Name Last Name771d ago

yeah, the list dropped the ball with Liquid Ocelot at 29.

DarXyde771d ago

I think most people would say The End or Mantis, partly for the whole meta experience. Definitely great battles and Mantis messed with EVERYONE. That was the moment that people realized Kojima is a legendary troll in the making.

For me, though, The Boss is #1, no question. That battle was arguably the most significant in the series and was just legendary. Dare I say, my favorite boss battle, period.

Z501771d ago

Not one boss from Peace Walker.
Who made this terrible list?

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The Game Awards 2021: Our Dream Announcements (Last of Us Factions, Metal Gear Solid remake)

From Metal Gear Solid remakes to The Last of Us Factions, The Game Awards could be full of surprises if these dream announcements appear.

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sourOG906d ago

I just want to see the new bioshock.

MIDGETonSTILTS17906d ago

I don’t. I’m apprehensive about milking that franchise.

-Foxtrot906d ago

How has it been milked? We’ve had 3 games since 2007

That’s 14 years and by the time it comes out it will have been at least 16

LordoftheCritics905d ago (Edited 905d ago )

Yea no Ken Levine is a bummer.

Though I would like to see his new game revealed.

sourOG905d ago (Edited 905d ago )

I’d have to agree with foxtrot on this one, I don’t think “milk” is the word you were looking for lol.

No Levine is a bummer but I heard 2k is producing his new game so I’m sure he’s advising where he can. I also choose to believe they wouldn’t bring it back unless they had good ideas. We’ll see.

If they ruin the series with modern garbage politics I will be more upset then anyone. As of now I think they are capable of putting out a competent bioshock.

MrNinosan906d ago

I just want alot of Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy.
The rumoured Chrono Cross would be nice aswell.

Darkborn906d ago

I think there's a real chance the last of us factions will show up. The show comes out in February and this is the game awards that every gamer can watch. It's good advertising for their show and for all gamers to see the crazy good gameplay. If it's just the last of us 2 gameplay in even just team death matches, I'm in. That combat was still the best I've ever seen or experienced and the random gameplay clips I've seen of other gamers is crazy too. So many things I didnt even think were part of it are also there.

906d ago Replies(1)
MIDGETonSTILTS17906d ago

LoU MP and a MGS remake would be a dream for me…. I’d get a stealth SP and MP game to look forward to 🤤

Gaming4Life1981906d ago

A metal gear solid remake would be amazing, I beat that game like 6 times back on ps1.

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This Super Mario and Metal Gear Solid Crossover Fanart is Absolute Gold

An artist on Twitter has created a piece of fanart that crosses over the princesses from Super Mario with Metal Gear Solid and the result is ridiculously awesome.

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