
Wii U to New 3DS Streaming: Far Fetched But Fun to Think About

Recent speculation online about Wii U streaming to 3DS led Zack at Gamer Thoughts to share his own musings. He knows speculation can be far from the truth, especially when applying new functions to existing hardware.

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marloc_x3420d ago (Edited 3420d ago )

Did not really describe why it is a far fetched concept.

We already knew it's only speculation :)

zdkapl3420d ago (Edited 3420d ago )

Mainly because there is no indication beyond the speculation that Nintendo's hardware could do this. PS4's remote play and NVIDIA'S graphics cards that support gamestream have that built in to support. So basically its far fetched because its not as simple as it sounds to do something like this with existing hardware. Hopefully that makes a bit more sense,maybe something will come of this speculation, too early to say what we might hear at e3!

marloc_x3420d ago (Edited 3420d ago )

We can only speculate on New 3DS hardware either way then? ;)

E3 could be full of surprises :)

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3420d ago (Edited 3420d ago )

it wont stream
it does it would had been announced in Japan before hand

wonderfulmonkeyman3420d ago

I think it would be more likely to work better in reverse, with 3DS games popping up on Wii U.
To those that say they'd look terrible like that?
It doesn't make my digital copies of GBA games look bad on the big screen, so why would it be any different with 3DS games, which are even higher fidelity?

eyeofcore3420d ago


It is as simple as it sounds. N3DS decoder supports same video format that is being used in Wii U to stream to gamepad which is h264. Nintendo only needs to create an app or update the OS of N3DS to receive video stream from Wii U.

Dragon Quest X Online on 3DS is using an application to stream Dragon Quest X to original 3DS that has a slow CPU which was a bottleneck to download and upload speed of the wi-fi chip it had.

New Nintendo 3DS has a faster CPU and can process downloads and uploads three times faster than original 3DS and it has a video decoder which partially offsets some load from CPU. N3DS is capable enough to render video stream for upper screen 3D and stream for lower screen.


How do you know it won't stream? You need to think, Nintendo would rather save it for a big event such as E3 to drop the bomb and have most effect on sales. Do it right and you rip the benefits.


GBA games on Wii U are recoded(perfectly emulated?) for Wii U's hardware which includes features not available in original like filtering and upscale(maybe its also rendered at higher resolutions?)...

3DS and N3DS can decode videos, but recording compressing and sending video in real time is processing intensive and even Vita can't pull that off otherwise if it could then(lets be realistic) PSVTV would not exist in the first place.


NEW 3DS Majora's Mask Unboxing *Rare*

Start Replay writes, "Nintendo’s NEW 3DS is out on February 13th, though Josh managed to get his hands on the Majora’s Mask edition a little early."

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PeaSFor3405d ago (Edited 3405d ago )

wtf, N4G allow peoples to shamelessly plug their youtube videos/channels now?

whats next, pewdiepie "let's play" too?

3405d ago
xwilldemise3404d ago

I want that Majoras 3DS so damn bad, ugh :'((((
I never wanted a system as bad as this, not even the PS4( well maybe because that was ACTUALLY available to consumers, thank you SONY, FU Nintendo)

I dont think its normal to be down for not being able to get a stupid gaming system =// lol


The New Nintendo 3DS Is Completely Sold Out At GameStop

Wanted to get a New Nintendo 3DS from GameStop and have it delivered on Friday, but didn’t pre-order? Well sadly you’re out of luck. All four New Nintendo 3DS bundles are sold out on the GameStop website. That doesn’t mean you can’t get the console from other retailer, but if you were hoping to get one from GameStop you’ll be disappointed. However it could be well worth your time popping to your local store on Friday to see if they have any in stock.

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New 3DS XL TV Ad from Nintendo Fails Hard At Marketing New Device to Anybody

Mitch of RGN writes, "Some of us more so than others are looking forward to the release of the Nintendo New 3DS XL. But this latest advertisement had us scratching our heads for a second. What you’re looking at above is a freeze frame shown on-screen for literally microseconds after a visual of the new console is shown paired with a great nostalgic arrangement of sounds.

We got nothing new here, and the actual information you see in the screen was pretty much impossible to clearly notice if you’re just a passing consumer."

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Neonridr3406d ago (Edited 3406d ago )

Actually minus the performance of the actual handheld, this clearly identifies what is different between a 3DS and a "new" 3DS.

Sure if you are a complete stranger to the handheld scene this video doesn't help, but anyone who owns a 3DS can clearly see what is new with this hardware (added camera stick, extra shoulder buttons, relocation of other buttons, etc).

The fact that it even starts with the words "NEW" Nintendo 3DS usually gives a sort of indication that something is different.

Hitman07693406d ago (Edited 3406d ago )

Who would buy this that didn't already want one before the video existed though? The people who only need something small like this, already know about it am I wrong?

PS . I'm buying and I think the Author said they might be interested I don't recall exactly.

Edit @Neonridr that sounds fair enough alright. The author doesn't seem to agree though in his opinion piece but I see your point as well I respect both sides.

Neonridr3406d ago

Oh I totally agree with you there, I can't say that this is going to sway any customers who were on the fence or anything. But it could also be a short video just to remind people that this thing launches this Friday. People forget that it is coming so soon...

bouzebbal3406d ago

to me the name "new" is terrible. The first 3DS XL was also called "new" 3DS by people.
the point is, there is a performance gain with this "new" model and feels more like a 3DS with muscles.
They should have called it "Super 3DS" to really make people think it has something special other than a simple redesign of the shape.

Jdoki3406d ago (Edited 3406d ago )


Nintendo's naming conventions have been a little off in the last few years... Wii -> WiiU

Super 3DS would have been a much better name.

I can imagine that there will be some confusion when the average gaming consumer buys a New 3DS only game and tries to run it on their regular 3DS.

It is a nice upgrade though. I've had the Ambassador Edition for a few weeks, and the speed games load is faster, and I am looking forward to Xenoblade.

3-4-53405d ago

* Can't wait to get the New 3DS XL.

It's not difficult to distinguish between only two things in life.

* You see, one has the word NEW in front of it, and the other does not.

Very simple, if you actually pay attention to anything in life.

* Seriously, if 3DS & New 3DS confuses you, well you've got some other possible issues as well.

AKR3406d ago

Some voice commentary would've been nice, but that's about the only thing missing. Otherwise, not bad.

TheJacksonRGN3406d ago

Well based on Nintendo's comment about the exclusion of the charger. They are really only targeting those who already own a 3DS.

So I'm not surprised by the way they are marketing this.

desolationstorm3406d ago

Exactly it seems to be that NOA given the release date is really marketing towards current owners.

Nothing wrong with the commercial its trying to sell the something new. Besides going on 4 years old the majority of people who are going to drop $200 on a handheld have been reached.

There are more players who do not own a system that might jump on board but they have lots of cheaper choices.

wonderfulmonkeyman3405d ago

The next best choice, the 3DS XL, is roughly the same price.
If you're going to go for one XL, why not the New?

Raziology3406d ago

Who would release anything on Friday the 13th? It's bad omen!

Jokes aside, and although I already have the 3DS XL, I'll get this one mainly to get to play Xenoblade, and of course, to get the better 3D image of the new screen.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3405d ago

nah it is a bad omen. Gamestop near me sold out.

3406d ago
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