
LBP 3 update 1.05 to fix crashes, missing DLC

LittleBigPlanet 3 launched with a few technical issues, but upcoming patch 1.05 should bring more stability to the game, a post on Facebook indicates.

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Abash3421d ago

I want some new levels as DLC for LBP3

ziggurcat3421d ago

hopefully they've also fixed the awful issue of all of the moons disappearing if you quit out of a level after you've received a refusal to join or timed out error message.

Eidolon3421d ago

The issues I've had is after exiting a level and go back to my pod, all textures are black.. and I have to play by sound to enter another level to fix it. Also I have never been able to join another player or a player join me.

lonelyplayer3421d ago

My new policy for buying games is:

Don't buy the game before the 5th patch.

It saves me a lot of money and issues.

chasegarcia3421d ago

this game has the worst loading times for a ps4 game.

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LittleBigPlanet 3 Servers Are Officially Shut Down 'Indefinitely,' Sony Confirms

Sony has confirmed that LittleBigPlanet 3 servers on PlayStation 4 will remain offline “indefinitely” following troubles with the service from earlier this year.

46d ago
rlow145d ago

Sad day, hopefully they’ll allow a third party server solution. Goes to show game preservation is an uphill battle.

blackblades45d ago

Sad day oh wait everyone that whining about it didn't play it or haven't played it in years and never was going back to it. Funny how people start to care when this happens but when it was actually up those same people didn't even pay attention to it.

rlow145d ago (Edited 45d ago )

First, you don’t know who has or hasn’t played it. So that’s your assumption. Secondly, even if people haven’t played it in awhile, it’s still nostalgia. Those memories of sharing your creation and having fun playing other peoples creations. Third, no game out there is really like this or as iconic. Today if they made this they would nickel and dime the whole way through and it would launch broken.

Cacabunga45d ago

Reason why i really dislike online games.. they become unplayable over time.. LBP story mode is actually only a tutorial

_Decadent_Descent45d ago

How would you know who's played it or not? What about those who get into games years after their release? They can't now. Besides, and more importantly, this sets a bad precedent across the industry when it comes to game preservation and people's ability to enjoy what they've paid for.

blackblades45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

People still play it but not a lot probably a fee people and I know you 2 guys haven't played it in a long time. If the server was doing so good it wouldnt be shut down. As I said the same people that whine and cry saying bad things on Sony etc are the same ones that havent or stopped playing a certain game in years. Let me ask you guys straight up and y'all tell the truth have you guys played it recently and when you did for how long did you play it.

SonyStyled45d ago

@blackblades “ Let me ask you guys straight up and y'all tell the truth have you guys played it recently and when you did for how long did you play it.”

Whatever “straight up” and “y’all” is, I can tell you the “truth” to answer your question.

I’ve been playing LBP2 for the past 5 years, I have 10 levels to Ace in a row and a coupe more hours in create mode for platinum. I played LBP2 earlier today in crate mode.

It sucked when LBP 1 and 2 servers were closed on PS3, but all those creations were still playable on PS4 LBP3.

Every level creation since LBP1 can’t be played now

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 45d ago
CDbiggen44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Just disappointing. I have such nostalgia for this game and the user levels from LBP 1&2 and I already was gutted when they were shut down but at least they were on LBP3, and now this means I can't ever revisit those creative worlds again. All because some trolls or whatever decided to exploit these games, of all games, for some reason.

45d ago Replies(3)
just_looken45d ago

What needs to be highlighted by this is that the series has had 4 main games then that go kart spin off yet sony let them all die.

There is 0 games like this on ps5 and to my knowledge 0 first party main kids games no tech demo crap

Sony purchased Media Molecule studio the ip then tossed it away letting it rot for over 7 years yet the community carried on until now were we have lost 16 years on all games of content along with no replacement.

Everyone goes on about ea killing studios but sony has killed way way more but its fine its sony they can do no wrong.

Before the sony blidboys track me down again go fire up your holy boxes all the dlc they tossed out all the trophies and all the user content needs a server side handshake that no longer works. Yes offline single player version 1.0 works but that is it.

Media Molecule was not cut i know but they only made LBP and dreams it was reported they just missed the chopping block

Do not forget the dreams game was tossed out 2020 but 3 years later support was pulled

All in all this is another failure at sony on a long long list in the past 10 years

Inverno45d ago

It's kind of hard to disagree when SONY has a history of abandoning many of their IPs. They killed Mod Nation and turnt it into LBP Karting because of brand recognition but left it to die too. They made their own Smash Bros only to rush the studio, and turn the game into an advert for recent release at the time and still let it die. They shut down PS Home for more or less the same reason, they left it to rott till it became too broken and exploited to bother fixing.

just_looken45d ago

This right here

Playstation home is what facebook is trying to make now but in vr that metaverse deal

Imagine if sony kept up ps home development

The death of playstation forums was also a huge loss

Demetrius45d ago

When they refused a days gone sequel and no acknowledgement of a infamous series remaster of those gems, I knew Sony slick abandons stuff, sure they still release good games but to an extent smh

u-bEttA-rUn45d ago

Their games were unable to attract the masses every game that came out the attachment grew smaller and smaller they advertise LBP for years the industry changed and then came fortnight... You want Sony to continue to support them which cost them money that they're not getting back from the studio.

DOMination-45d ago

Honestly, I think a well-designed LBP-style game would do better than ever in the current state of the industry.

People have short attention spans. Having something that is pick up, play a few levels and put down again is the experience the "masses" are after.

Keep it as a 2D platformer only with well-designed base levels, make it easy to build new levels and more importantly easy to access new content - personally I always found the way Forze Horizon 4&5 provide daily, weekly and monthly challenges via new content that they've built or handpicked from the community is a system that works great - and then stick it on mobile and PC with Steam Deck support.

Make it F2P with a one-off fee for the level editor (to stop people spamming crap onto the store) and have MTX for more characters, outfits etc. and there you have a live service game that Sony should be all over.

Do the same with a new Karting game and a 2D fighting/Smash Bros style engine and you have three bangers right there.

(I appreciate the N4G community will hate the idea of LBP being a live service game with MTX and I get that but I think if there's one game this model could work well for, it's this.. just imo)

anast45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

Astro's is similar.

Not enough people cared to play it, so they cut it.

Sony has never been a kid friendly console. This should be obvious. People go to Nintendo for this stuff.

DarkZane45d ago

All signs actually point to a new Astrobot game coming to PS5, so you'd be wrong.

anast45d ago

It's the game that came with the PS5

StoneTitan45d ago

Its on media molecule though. They did not want to continue LBP. Sony accepted that.
Sumo continued it. With a solala lbp3 and a great sackboy though.
Its not sonys fault. They dont want to force a studio to create a new LBP game.
But I would love a revival.

romulus2345d ago

For some people Sony can do no right either. You can play Sackboy A Big Adventure on PS5. So there is "a game like this" on PS5.

anast45d ago

They don't want to hear all that stuff.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 45d ago
Tacoboto45d ago

I feel bad for Media Molecule. For the ideas they have it seems they need a publisher that supports games like this and Dreams especially for as many players as possible.

DOMination-45d ago

Sony in the Andrew House era did support them massively though. They let them do their thing with LBP and spent millions marketing it. I remember one E3 they even used LBP to cover the boring parts of the presentation where they talk about sales figures etc.

And then they allowed MM to announce their game on the PS4 console announcement/showcase event and waited the entire generation for them to release it.

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Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

Isaac Clarke of Dead Space fame has appeared in many games, both as a playable character and an Easter Egg. Have you played them all?


American National Security Panel Investigating Sumo acquisition

CFIUS needs to greenlight Tencent's buying Sumo Digital due to concerns of national security, Sumo and Tencent agree to work together to ensure the deal comes through

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sourOG945d ago

The only thing I trust less than the American government is the Chinese government.

SullysCigar945d ago

They're practically the same thing these days.

kthxcrayon945d ago


Spoken like a person that has no real working understanding of the Chinese government or the oppression its citizens are subject to. As an expat living in the US I agree that this place is a far cry from perfect, but to suggest that US and Chinese authorities are alike shows a lack of understanding both for China's politics and for the benefits of America's ideals of freedom.

Before rebuking and backing up your claim in this thread, consider:

~in China, you can be arrested (and according to testimony, imprisioned, tortured, or killed) because of your religious views.
~in China, you can be arrested, imprisoned, tortured, or killed because you spoke ill of the government.
~in China, you can be denied a passport because you disagree with anything the government says, or have ever attended a protest.
~in China, you cannot jaywalk because you will be caught on camera and prosecuted due to the deep surveillance of the citizens in all dense public areas
~in China, the state owns the vast majority of major news a and journalistic publications and use them to print lies and propaganda for the state.
~in China, the government closely controls the internet and disallows access to most content.

I could go on.

sourOG945d ago

I’m america you are called a domestic terrorist and put on a fed list for speaking out at a school board meeting lol. We’re trending towards the social credit score with a quickness. Enjoy the American “ideals” or whatever is left of them while they last.

HOLDERofFOOD945d ago

Not even close. US government had a million problems but chinas is still incomparably more evil.

sourOG945d ago

Hence why it’s the only thing I trust less than the American government. But if you want to pretend that the American corporate press is any different than the CCP propagandists then you are an idealist and not a realist. We are better, for now…. And that’s not saying much.
It’s slipping quick though and it’s already too far gone.

rdgneoz3945d ago

@sourOG Only way you're put on a list for speaking at a school board meeting is when you're an idiot and start threatening people... https://www.npr.org/section...

"Confrontations over masks, vaccines and how race is taught in schools have many school board members across the U.S. worried for their safety.

Mobs are yelling obscenities and throwing objects. In one district, a protester brandished a flagpole against a school board official. Other cases have included a protester yelling a Nazi salute, arrests for aggravated battery and disorderly conduct, and numerous death threats against public officials.
In Ohio, a school board member reportedly received a piece of hate mail that said, "We are coming after you and all the members on the ... BoE [Board of Education]. ... You are forcing them to wear mask—for no reason in this world other than control. And for that you will pay dearly." Threats have prompted school board members, many of whom are volunteers, to resign.

Turning Point USA, a group closely aligned with former President Donald Trump, maintains a website called School Board Watchlist, which includes the names and photos of members of school boards around the country who have adopted mask mandates or anti-racist curricula. The group maintains a similar website targeting professors for liberal views that has been linked to several incidents of harassment."

So yes, you can be put on a watch list for speaking at a school board meeting. If you start threatening or assaulting people... Then again, the people doing that are the ones cheering on the domestic terrorists from Jan 6th...

sourOG945d ago (Edited 945d ago )

Parents angry about “masks, vaccines and how race is taught in schools have many school board members across the U.S. worried for their safety” doesn’t sound like violence to me. It sounds like useless, incompetent state losing its grip.

I don’t give a shit about trump. Get over it.

sourOG945d ago (Edited 945d ago )

Speaking of state funded propaganda, it’s funny you link to NPR lmao. You even use the same language and are still going on about trump.

This is a prime statist here, observe people. People like this are why the CCP is launching hypersonic rockets into the atmosphere and the US military are being trans activists and rooting out the “white supremacy” from their ranks. Jan 6th 😱😱

SullysCigar945d ago

^ @kthxcrayon, fwiw I was being facetious and I agree with all your points. Still, the fact is, the US spiralling the plughole right now - and China is waiting in the U-bend.

blacktiger945d ago

@rdgneoz3 you are way way behind,
I'm guessing cause you have nothing to lose,

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 945d ago
945d ago Replies(2)
HOLDERofFOOD945d ago

“The letter asked the U.S. Department of Justice to mobilize law enforcement agencies to respond to “threats and acts of violence against public schoolchildren, public school board members, and other public school district officials and educators.”“

From an article about the school board. Believe it or not violent threats are not protected speech as decided by the Supreme Court of the US.

sourOG945d ago

Depends on your definition of violence. A white kid sitting in a “POC” space is considered “violence” in modern America. That’s just one dumb example of the tired shit Americans put up with these days.

HOLDERofFOOD944d ago

Lol what. Please cite that article. Never heard of that being considered violence.

sourOG944d ago

Cite what article? It was some dumb video that it reminded me of lol. I’ll find it, it was all over the news. They all talk the same. Like general milley and his white rage obsession. He was so concerned about that shit he left a bunch of Americans in Afghanistan. And then they did a drone strike on terrorist leadership to look like they were being tough. It ended up being an Afghan family getting water. These people are a f****ng joke. I don’t wonder why the world hates us anymore lol.

This was some big story about a couple of kids getting harassed by some idiot. Listen about 35-45 seconds and and she describes them sitting there as violence. “This is the kind of violence the ACLU protects” or some such nonsense.

A large chunk of Americans are morons that believe that anything opposing their view is “violence”. That’s why it depends on the definition. Another example is Dave Chappelle. His latest show the closer was considered violence against lgbtq. It’s just rhetoric they use to moralize their shitty behavior and canceling people. It’s common and it’s bullshit but it works ike a charm. Americans (especially corporations) are largely non confrontational and fold quicker than a chair in a wresting match. I don’t care when these idiots use the term. But when an attorney general uses it as a vague term? Homie don’t play dat *smack* lmao

See the US government doesn’t torture you and kill you. If you think the CIA, FBI and the rest aren’t running domestic operations with corporations then you are a fool but that’s not the main arm. The culture just black balls you wipes you from digital services. Suddenly no big publications would be anywhere near Chappelle and canceled his documentary. It’s the price you pay for thinking jokes aren’t violence. Did the “culture” want Dave Chappelle canceled? I don’t believe so. The corporations did though. Because they are morons too.

How about actual violence? You’re on the wrong political side? Well you can’t have a pay pal or a gofundme. Like that rittenhouse kid that just had his first day of trial for killing those rioters in Wisconsin. People were trying to donate to his legal funds and gofundme and a bunch of other services dropped him off of the service. But kamels Harris can get funds to get rioters out of prison. Like I said, it’s all how you define it. When your actual violence is considered justice by the state but my words are considered violence by the state? We’re in China, my dude.

HOLDERofFOOD943d ago (Edited 943d ago )

Hahaha damn that video of the girls complaining about the sticker is pathetic. But bare in mind man like yes there are a lot of dumb morons saying shit like that, but they’re still just the loud minority, I don’t believe that behavior is really part of law or supported by our representatives (except for the dumbest of them). Agreed Chapelle’s special wasn’t bad at all, but once again it’s a minority complaining about it, not the majority of people or a reflection of an entire party. I think if people are threatening violence, as in literal violence “I’m going to hurt you,” not a sticker of political views there needs to be some law to deter that (as there already is).

sourOG943d ago (Edited 943d ago )

The silent majority doesn’t complain though and are largely oblivious. The loud minority control the narrative, control the corporations, control public discourse.

Unless you mess with the silent majorities kids, then they go apeshit lol. The worst example from the guy up there could come up with for a violent message to the school board is “I’m coming for you”. That doesn’t have to mean physical violence, it could mean they are going after their job on the school board. Virginia just flipped a bunch of seats on Nov2 on this one issue. A deep blue state turned red because they were going after their kids. Labeling parents domestic terrorists because they are pissed that the state is claiming ownership of their kids is laughable. And the jerks that justify it like the guy up there are bootlickers.

Our representatives and unelected bureaucrats are just as stupid. They are the ones pushing the shit lol. There’s maybe a handful of representatives that are worth a shit. The rest are useless.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 943d ago
BlackIceJoe944d ago

I really hope the American security panel puts a stop to this game company being sold to Tencent.

Tencent in my opinion has too many ties to the Chinese Communist Party and giving them control of Sumo Digital makes no sense to me.