
Soul Sacrifice Headed to PS4?

On a Demon’s Souls live stream, the marketing manager for Bloodborne teased fans that more Bloodborne information is expected to hit next month but the stream also let something else out.

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Abash3427d ago

Hell yes, I love the Soul Sacrifice series. It has so much potential and I really think bringing the series to PS4 could push it to new heights

CocoWolfie3427d ago

dude ikr! i basically loved it on vita, i really liked reading the stories too, and a remake/redesign if it goes that far, would be neat :)

nucky643427d ago

I'm not interested......give me a remastered demon souls!!!

Game0N3427d ago

never happening. most likely a sequel to demon's souls is in the cards for sony than an outright remaster

gokuking3427d ago

Sony treats Vita owners so horribly. They like to talk about how they listen to gamers and are humble, but that's just talk as far as Vita is concerned. Instead they treat a fanbase largely consisting of their most diehard as though they don't exist - and worse off, as though they shouldn't exist.

LightDiego3427d ago

Why do you say that? Both devices belong to Sony, the cross-play feature offers tons of games for Vita too, including PSN games.
I would love to play Soul Sacrifice for PS4.

gokuking3427d ago

Most of Sony's Vita downports are horrible. I can't see anything in Resogun on Vita because the resolution isn't anywhere close to Vita's, and Jak & Daxter makes me sick with its frame rate.

I don't think it's fair that Sony routinely shits on Vita owners with poorly made PS4/PS3 downports, but gives PS4 owners the best version of Vita games. Nor do I think it's fair that Vita apparently isn't allowed exclusive games. You can talk about Cross-Play this and Cross-Buy that, but there are lot more PS4 games that aren't Cross-Anything with Vita than there are Vita games that aren't Cross-Anything.

paul-p19883426d ago

I think what he means is that Vita owners get loads of exclusive games that suddenly become un-exclusive and ported to PS4, therefore making the Vita even more redundant than it already it is in Sony's eyes.

I understand developers need to make money, but taking exclusives away from a struggling platform just annoys the loyal, largely ignored, fanbase even more.

admiralvic3427d ago

I sincerely hope not. As much as I would love for this genre to get bigger in NA and people to play Soul Sacrifice, I am getting sick of the PlayStation 4 being a port machine. I swear, do companies understand that I didn't buy a $400 machine just to play enhanced ports of games I've already played?!

Again, don't get me wrong, some of these announcements have been awesome (not buying Borderlands Pre-Sequel really paid off), but it feels like every other day something old is getting rereleased or ported to the PS4. I would just like something new and interesting, not safe and different if you didn't see it the first time. =\

lonz3583427d ago

Dont buy/play it..problem solved. I haven't played it so I'm happy.

BoNeSaW233427d ago

"I didn't buy a $400 machine just to play enhanced ports of games I've already played?!"

Why would you buy a game you already played!?
1. You loved the game.
2. You want to play it on big screen tv.
3. You want to use a Dualshock 4 controller.
4. Better online connections?
4. Online Multiplayer modes may have more players.
5. Want to play any extra content or additional features
There's a couple off the top of my head for you.

For me. I have not played it and do not own a Vita so this is awesome news for PS4 players. Also, if Sony wants to let developers support another Sony device to increase revenue and interest in their game. Why not!?

Game0N3427d ago

Your list just hyped me up. It was such a good Vita exclusive that'll play even better on a dualshock 4, it may even run at 60 frames.

admiralvic3427d ago

Sigh~ I get the feeling I will get a bunch of disagrees / comments from people who either didn't play the game or just want to defend Sony, so let me get this out of the way...

1) My comment wasn't directed at Soul Sacrifice specifically, but the trend in general. These being Saints Row IV, Dark Souls II, Borderlands collection, DmC and things of this nature.
2) Soul Sacrifice works on the PlayStation TV, so I can spend <$100 and accomplish number two and three on your list, with four being up for debate (PSTV supports ethernet and such) and everything after is just what ifs that aren't worth replying to.

BoNeSaW233427d ago

I don't want to argue but your logic and complaint is not making sense to me.

"I didn't buy a $400 machine just to play enhanced ports of games I've already played?!"

But you'll buy $1oo PSTV to play the original Vita games(which you've played) without the HD treatment and other extras? Riiiiiiight.

I would rather buy a HD enhanced remaster for probably $40-30 dollars and have a option to play it remotely on my Vita if I ever get one, and not have to buy PSTV and a copy of Soul Sacrifice.

SoapShoes3427d ago

You aren't the only person in the world, many don't have a Vita.

XabiDaChosenOne3427d ago

There is plenty of games to choose from that are not remastered, don't like don't buy what is the problem?

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Malice-Flare3427d ago

yes, as long as it is not just a port of Delta...

Game0N3427d ago

pretty sure it'll get the Toukiden Kiwami treatment, so beefed up MP features, visual upgrade, all dlc, maybe even import saves

TGF_Zero3427d ago

please be true, loved SS on vita. Feel sorry for the vita faithful, could mean gravity rush may be coming too

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PS Vita Exclusives Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice to Have Servers Shuttered

Sammy: "Two high-profile PS Vita exclusives, Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice, will have their servers deactivated on 24th December, 2021. Both titles, published by Sony in response to its loss of Monster Hunter exclusivity, were built around co-operative play, and maintained relatively dedicated communities to this day."

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Rangerman1208924d ago (Edited 924d ago )

Oreshika is also getting it servers shut down too. Big shame for these games. Honestly some of Vita's gems.

Snookies12924d ago

I'm surprised these were even still up! Loved the Vita though, had some great times with that handheld.

XxSPIDEYxX924d ago

These games deserve sequels or remakes. It was Soul Sacrifice that even got me into Monster Hunter.

Rangerman1208924d ago (Edited 924d ago )

Honestly surprised they never got ported to the ps4 or even PC. Since Sony won't give the vita another shot, wht not make a Vita collection? Could have Soul Sacrifice, Freedom Wars, KZ Mercs, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Murasaki Baby, etc. As a way to conmemorate the Vita.

CDbiggen923d ago

Freedom wars servers are still up? Holy shit.

jimbo6597923d ago

This why you never should have achievements/trophies locked to online only features.

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How Developers Adapted to the End of Sony's Handheld Line

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "When Sony entered the world of handheld gaming in 2004, it provided a new opportunity for developers to chase a different market than had existed before. Over the next decade we saw multiple companies, from both western and eastern shores, shift their pipelines to focus on providing software for both the PlayStation Portable and its successor the PlayStation Vita. Despite the latter’s relatively weak hardware sales, there were still successes to be found on the console, which meant that it was easy to plan a future around being a Vita developer.

By 2014, though, it had become clear that Sony was no longer interested in pursuing the handheld market and this left a number of companies in difficulty – they’d either need to adapt to the shifting times, or face dying out altogether. In this article, I’m aiming to look at what happened to developers who made both the PSP and Vita their main focus, how they adapted to the demise of Sony handhelds, what future plans they made, and how well they’re doing in the current gaming market."

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Segata1770d ago

The moved to the Switch from Vita. Some of the exact same games or similar games from those developers. Loved the Vita and glad to see those devs still have a platform to release lesser budget fun games.


Sony might have killed the PlayStation Vita, but these games showed off its peak potential

Kevin Webb: "While one of Sony's main goals with the Vita was to produce experiences that felt like playing on a home console, the Vita produced a number of unique games that were later brought over to more powerful hardware. And as the Vita got older, independent developers began to take advantage of the console's strong hardware and dedicated player base. For example, PC games like "Stardew Valley" or "Minecraft" that had earned an indie following could be moved to the Vita at low cost, letting players take their favorite games on the go.

The PlayStation Vita may not have been a smash hit, but there were plenty of gems to be found on the handheld if you spent enough time looking."

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ArchangelMike1915d ago

Frobisher Says was one of the best games on the Vita. There was just nothing like it. It's such a shame that Sony didn't see fit to invest in the Vita long term.

REDGUM1914d ago

Agreed. Admittedly I brought the console only to travel with (a 41yo gamer here) finished killzone liberation and just started Uncharted odesey and Resistance games. I really only got it to play the games that just never came to ps3/4and surf the net. Its a handy console and it's a shame if has come to an end especially with no replacement in sight just yet!

ArchangelMike1914d ago

Yeah, I loved the Killzone Liberation. Although I have to say that since Sony have dedicated their focus only on the PS4 it has gone from strength to strength. I hope they keep supporting VR though - that might be a game changer for them next gen if they do.

monkey6021914d ago

Some excellent choices there. I spent so many hours on Soul Sacrifice and Persona 4

As much as I love the Uncharted series I couldn't come to terms with Golden Abyss. It felt like a few steps back in the series

King_Noctis1914d ago

Danganronpa, Stien Gate, and especially Persona 4 are some of the best titles that available on the Vita.

I will miss this console.

Chevalier1914d ago

So many great Visual Novels on the Vita

VariantAEC1911d ago

No Freedom Wars or Killzone Mercenary?
Both deserve remakes. Mercenary is cannon and Freedom Wars is just one of those ultra rare JRPG games I found fun and think could appeal to a wider audience.