
Bloodborne will disappoint Dark Souls fans

The Eccentric Gamer writes: "Bloodborne will most likely dissapoint hardcore fans of the Dark Souls franchise. Here is the main reason why."

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ShugaCane3402d ago

I am a Dark Souls fan and I don't care if this game is not as difficult. I am open minded. I like new experiences. And this games looks GORGEOUS so I don't care if it proposes a different kind of experience. You can be a Dark Souls fan and enjoy a non hardcore game as well.

DarkOcelet3402d ago

But Miyazaki stated it will be the most challenging game he ever made so dont worry about it.

CptEccentric3402d ago

From what i have played it definately is not sadly :( How does one attempt to reach a wider audience and at the same time make it even more difficult?

Hopefully they can pull it off but i dont think it is possible sadly :(

DarkOcelet3402d ago

Exhibition demo difficulty was nerfed down because its a demo, he wouldn't want people to die so much. All i am saying i am 100% sure the game's difficulty will be very hard, just wait and see.

XB1_PS43402d ago


Use a difficulty slider

GameDev13402d ago

Is there a difference between the hardcore difficulty of Dark Souls/Demon souls?

I would say Bloodborne seems more from Demon souls bloodline

Anyway using an exhibition demo to determine the difficulty of the game is not a good example, considering demos are slashed down and you havent even come across most of the enemies. This opinion piece reads like it is just trying to get attention rather than a proper analysis of its difficulty

Hopefully looking forward to a proper challenge in Bloodborne

Bansai3402d ago

I was in alpha, I have a platinum trophy in asian version of Demon's, finished both Dark Souls games and in my opinion BB alpha was tough, not super hard, not a walk in the park, but it was difficult, I'm also willing to bet that it was probably the early stages if the game which as we all know are usually easy in Souls games.

But the boss wiped the floor with my character, repeatedly.

ziggurcat3402d ago


historically speaking, the demos for the souls games have always been less "difficult" because they often supercharge the player character to at least give the user some kind of opportunity to enjoy their experience with the demo. all you need to do is look up any dark souls gameplay footage from E3/gamescom/etc, and you'll notice that the health bar/stamina/magic bar are halfway across the screen.

there's no sense in making it frustratingly hard for people who are just checking it out.

and as darkocelet has said, miyazaki has publicly stated that bloodborne is his most challenging game to date.

so i think your concerns of it being too easy (i'm assuming, since i won't click on your article) are unwarranted, given that there's a history of their demos being tweaked in favour of the player.

nX3402d ago

I'd be impressed if he can find me ONE Souls fan who is disappointed by Bloodborne... I mean seriously, what an unnecessary article.

metatronx3402d ago

@Cpt: You played the floor demo version? lol... Thats the easy version as Miyazaki pointed out himself

theshonen88993402d ago

A game that is not as hard as the Souls series is still much harder than most games.

XBLSkull3402d ago

Yeah it's called the difficulty selector, and most games still use it.

DragonKnight3402d ago

Any of you heard of PeevePeeverson, OroboroTheNinja, YukasLegion and the like?

They're all well known Souls game streamers and they all got into the alpha. They all loved it and Peeve said he spent 9 hours playing the alpha because he found it to be that good. The cleric beast is his favourite boss of any Souls series game (if you count Bloodborne, which I think you should considering you can count Dark Souls as well, which is very different from Demon's Souls)

So here we have many streamers, verteran fans of the series, frothing at the mouth for this game. I doubt it will disappoint.

tinynuggins3402d ago

You can't judge a games difficulty from a demo. Demo's are usually always tweaked to be a little easier.

freshslicepizza3402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )


"I'd be impressed if he can find me ONE Souls fan who is disappointed by Bloodborne... I mean seriously, what an unnecessary article."

how can anyone be disappointed in a game they have yet to play? you see it works both ways. if this article is true then yes, some may indeed end up being disappointed because many like the souls games for their forgiveness. many feel like they are part of an elite club if they can finish the games.

it's far too early to tell, we will know the truth when it ships but you can't say any souls fan can't be disappointed because they haven't played it. what is true is most fans are eagerly awaiting the game, that's two different things.

@ tinynuggins,

"You can't judge a games difficulty from a demo. Demo's are usually always tweaked to be a little easier."

this is what I think. demo's are often used to showcase the game to newcomers and they can make it easy. what may conflict that is the director mentioning how he wants more people to enjoy the game so it could very well be toned down to make it more accessible.

lipton1013402d ago

I've never seen an article scream "CLICKBAIT" as loud as this.

SilentNegotiator3401d ago (Edited 3401d ago )

Yet another example of how low the bar is to be a game journalist.

It was an early demo, which are usually nerfed, and as has been pointed out, the Dark Souls ones were nerfed too. AND the developer said it would be among the most difficult in the (spiritual) series. Two minutes of research make this article COMPLETELY POINTLESS.

miyamoto3401d ago (Edited 3401d ago )

wow do you guys see a trend how these bloggers use negative press on PlayStation exclusives to rake in clicks?
I'd rather go to YouTube and see the gameplay my self than click on these cancerous sites.
All PS4 gamers make use of that SHARE button when The Order and Bloodborne get played and let free speech benefit mankind.

This is a Miyazaki Unleashed by Sony from Bandai Namco.
He has full creative control on this game. Prepare to be mindblown!

UltraNova3401d ago (Edited 3401d ago )

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Bloodborne a completely new IP? Because from where I'm standing you all behave like its a direct Demons/Dark Souls sequel and not a new game with, dare I say, a new direction...

Did From soft state anywhere that they would only make Dark souls games giving the right to some to demand any kind of resemblance? If yes please provide the link.

I'm tired of watching certain people on their relentless crusade, making up issues and trying to warn the gaming society of their imminent 'disappointment' on Sony exclusives and why they should stay away.

Frankly, its beyond pathetic.

bouzebbal3401d ago

the guy makes it sound like souls fans only played 3 games in their lives: demon's and the two dark souls.
what a load of s*** i'm hearing everyday. maybe it will disappoint them but bloodborne has to be judged as bloodborne.
mario kart doesnt disappoint me because i am a GT fan... or does it?

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3401d ago
CptEccentric3402d ago

Well definately agree with you one can be a Dark Souls fan and enjoy a less difficult game.

However, there are so few games out there that offer a huge challenge that fans of the Souls franchise might hunger for more, instead of less in terms of difficulty. I am one such fan.

Ozmoses3402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

Your basis for suggesting what "games" people like is pretty lackluster.

I play all types of games... Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Skyrim, Terraria, Minecrafts, Tomb Raiders, Fifas, Maddens, NBA2K's, Metal Gears, Uncharteds, God of Wars, Halos, Destiny, CoDs, BFs, Indies, AAA's, good graphics, shitty graphics, new gen, old gen, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, etc............

whatever it is if I think I'll like it I'll play it.. I don't care how corny or kiddy it looks.

just because people like one game or a certain type of game doesn't mean they won't be willing to play another game.. It may be hard to believe but people have wide ranges of tastes... same thing with movies, music... even food..... games work the same way...

some people like to try everything.. some games don't work for others... that's what years of gaming does. it refines your ability to choose games regardless of another person's opinion.

while reviews and pre-views and opinions are warranted and read.... I never allow another person's words choose if I'm going to buy a game or not...

I've been gaming long enough to know what I want to throw my money on and Bloodborne looks damn good! Collectors Edition paid off in full! Along with The Order 1886 big box for $149.99

Palitera3402d ago

Give up, Ozmoses.

Your thought is too complex for a mind like CptExcrement's.

thorstein3401d ago


Just ignore this guy. He wrote a clickbait article and now people are clicking on it. Hopefully his site doesn't garner any hits though.

Generic clickbait is generic.


OT: Bloodborne will be awesome as was Demon's Souls before it.

jc123402d ago

ha, and everyone laughed at me when i said this will probably be a one and done 20hr campaign...

Ron_Danger3402d ago

They probably laughed at you more since it also has procedurally generated co op dungeons making your "one and done" argument complete nonsense.

KwietStorm_BLM3402d ago

We're still laughing. What are you getting at?

guyman3402d ago

The only laughable thing here is that you think you are right.

jc123401d ago

oh boy, a couple of dungeons here or there that might have slightly different geometric designs than the original on the first play though; doubt thats going to add mind blowing replay value... but you guys believe whatever it is you want to believe.

I still in no way shape or form think this game will take me 60 hours to complete like you're all saying - it won't. You Sony fanboys can believe whatever you want and get a boner over every little thing Sony, it doesn't matter. 90% of the community on this whole website is nothing more than an extension of the Sony advertisement division. Im actually surprised any of you have time to comment on this article, I figured you'd all be fawning over Driveclub still. haha

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3401d ago
3402d ago Replies(1)
Magicite3402d ago

I am not souls fan and Im waiting for BB.

joab7773402d ago

Maybe it ramps up difficulty, instead of starting out brutally difficult.

Maybe fighting 1 person now isn't so bad, but they throw different challenges at you for the new skill set.

I've always said, just have a normal difficulty and a souls difficulty and add special things for the latter.

Redempteur3401d ago (Edited 3401d ago )

Trust me , i've played the alpha ..it's was just as brutal as i remembered from my plays of demon or dark .
The only difference was that the game was faster , require less time to think so it was in most times harder .

Oh and i've played this game 5 hours and died 37 times.. so i've no complains about what the game is about. Bloodborne is a soul game no doubt.

"Damn you fake dead crows , damn you enraged wolves , damn you all of you ennemies !!!"

stuna13402d ago

Sounds more like nit pickers playing pitter-patter! Nit pick the Order to death, then jump over to BloodBorn! What's the next game on the roster!?

DarkOcelet3402d ago

Until Dawn then Uncharted 4. You will see hundreds of articles about them.

UKmilitia3402d ago

im sure it will have more than 1 dif lvl?
normal and legion mode would be good

callahan093402d ago

The alpha of Bloodborne was far more difficult than any of the Souls games for me. I'm used to playing souls games with a turtle style, shield out, long-range attacks or magic. Not at all viable in the Bloodborne alpha, and most likely not in the full game. There is no shield for god's sake! It completely changes how you play the game. My play style is no longer supported, so the adaptation for me is very difficult and I'm not sure I'll even be able to complete the game, but I'll try! It seemed good... but just very difficult for my play style.

callahan093401d ago

I'm honestly curious why my comment gets mostly disagrees. Can't somebody reply and tell me what's so disagreeable about what I said? In my personal experience, with my play style & the way that I'm personally skilled at playing the Souls games, that play style approach is not viable in Bloodborne, and therefore I had a difficult time adjusting to the gameplay. If there is anything that isn't factually accurate about that statement, please educate me.

_-EDMIX-_3402d ago

First thing wrong with this dudes whole article is actually that he states it was "decreased difficulty"....yes the DEMO WAS, as it was confirmed by the director to be done so in order for folks to actually be able to play it.....

Soooooo he wrote this article blind? A quick google would have helped if he questioned why it was easy.

Demos are not JUST for the hardcore of the series to try you know...

Sad...one damn link shuts this stupid article down because the author has no clue about what he is talking about...


LonDonE3402d ago

Agreed, WTF is it with these so called fake journalists? they are constantly trying to downplay the PS4 and its success and are always bashing the PS4 exclusives and criticising them for things which they praise in xbox exclusives!!! seriously this biased industry is so corrupt.

They love those marketing dollars ms pays them way to much and dont care for gamers or the industry as a whole.

All i can say is, WE SEE THROUGH YOUR B.S!!

Highatus3402d ago

I completely agree with Bansai, I as well was in the alpha. I loved every minute of it. Like he said there was a good balance and the boss could easily maul you with a slight lapse in judgement.
I have platinumed and over played all 3 souls games and was in no way disappointed in what the alpha offered.

bennissimo3402d ago

Nothing makes gamers happy. Whiniest bunch of babies in all of media consumption.

Veneno3401d ago

there's alot of bull$HIt in this industry to complain about.

d0x3603402d ago

I really don't care if it's "easier" than the DS series to be honest. There is ds3 for that. I want something a little different from this game.

Back-to-Back3401d ago

I remember these exact type articles coming out prior to Dark Souls 2 release. Everyone keep thinking that Dark Souls 2 would be less difficult than previous Soul games. Low and behold Dark Souls 2 still kicked the shit out of many of us.

Jaqen_Hghar3401d ago

Also it's called difficulty settings. Why Souls fans are so opposed to this a man will never know. Let more people play the game and you can play on super hard mode with no checkpoints (which doesn't make it any harder it just makes you go through the easy parts again and again just to make the game seem longer than it actually is).

wsoutlaw873401d ago

Dark souls has tons of check points. Dark souls wasnt so challenging that anyone just couldn't do it. You just had to take time and learn the game. Thats how they designed it. Why should they change their design for people that aren't interested in that type of game. The only person i know that quit on ds was because he was trying the wrong area first. Also difficulty settings wouldn't work with the seamless multiplayer

Gamer19823401d ago

It will disappoint some dark souls fans because its not on Xbone


I feel Xbox One owners are looking at holes to pick in this game as its not coming to their beloved console.

assdan3401d ago

But I don't get why people keep saying this game is going to be easier. We have no evidence suggesting if this is true or not at this point in time.

wsoutlaw873401d ago

It would be stupid to think ds fans only enjoy hard games. Yes i like a challenge but what do they think, i only buy one game every 2 years. Theres so many more reasons to like dark souls or be in to bloodborne, than difficulty.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3401d ago
Sillicur3402d ago

Damn I so long for another game that is as difficult as Dark Souls

CptEccentric3402d ago

Indeed, maybe, just maybe they will not dissapoint, yet after playing the game a bit i fear for the worst.

DafunkyRebel3401d ago

where did you play the game, in your head?

hagla3402d ago

I've finished Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 multiple times and it seems that it's widely accepted that Dark Souls was the most difficult. Only thing is, I feel as though Dark Souls was the easiest of the lot. Maybe my memory is just failing me.

wsoutlaw873401d ago

The way that demons and ds2 punished death made them the hardest in the early game than ds1, definitely.

LegoIsAwesome3402d ago

First driveclub then the order. And now bloodborne. Really??

Blackleg-sanji3402d ago

Lol it wont stop any ps exclusives are you under fire even a well established franchise like uncharted 4 was getting downgrade articles

CptEccentric3402d ago

I think The Order will do well when it is released. The reason people might find it boring via videos and gameplay demos might be because the developer does not want to spoil the story.

Im not saying Bloodborne wont be good, im saying for avid Dark Souls fans it will be a dissapointment.

nX3402d ago

You're a troll dude. Journalism ain't right for you, maybe start as a comedian.

3402d ago
wsoutlaw873401d ago (Edited 3401d ago )

Do you think dark souls fans have only played dark souls and hated every other game? No one is calling this ds3. People also wrote endless articles about how ds2 was supposed to be easier and it really wasn't. They make the souls demos easier so people can see some stuff in the short amount of time.

GameDev13402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

I dont know what this statement means but people are allowed to give their own opinion on games and praise or criticize them you know?

But like recent gaming journalism, the piece is just a terribly poor attempt to get attention and clicks considering past views on the difficulty Blood Borne, then even worse no proper depth of explanation and using a demo where he didnt even fight a boss a bar, then goes further on to describe someone else's video assuming it was easy for that person cause he didnt lose much lives

Terrible article overall

lipton1013402d ago

I really don't understand the point of your comment. What are you "really" -ing?

Killzoner993401d ago

It's no secret the gaming media is biased against Sony and it's exclusives. It's actually kind of funny at this point because Sony has been proving them wrong left and right and making them all look like fools.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3401d ago
SuperBlunt3402d ago

I got in on the alpha, I have over 1000 hours in on the souls series and speed ran demons souls in 7 hours without dying until a dumb fall death in the valley. Bloodborne is brutally difficult in comparison and plays vastly superior. This game is going to be the best exclusive on consoles for a very long time. Its a shame xbox players wont get in on this title. But thats the crappy state of the exclusive business for you

SuperBlunt3402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

Disagreement will not change the unbiased facts I stated (aside from the best exclusive comment lol)

Mega243402d ago

People still don't get the message from Miyasaki himself saying the game was dumb down at consumer conventions so people wouldn't rage in public. Still, dumb down, some people couldn't beat it.

PaleMoonDeath3402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

The shift from turtle defence to all out chance offence will tear any Dark/Demon soul fan from their comfortable style, it'll be fresh, and by that reverse element of gameplay some would argue, more difficult.

We'll see, I doubt very much people will be disapointed, especially when they're to busy trying to dodge enemy swings and bullets.

Maxor3402d ago

The balance of turtling and offense is what defined Dark Souls. From what I've seen so far, this game is almost entirely about avoidance.

Redempteur3401d ago (Edited 3401d ago )

Well the game has parts where you can't avoid things. Often you have to risk it for a well placed 2 or 3 hits , or a HUGE AOE 1 hit , in order to get the tiny window of opportuunity to change the pacing of the battle in your favor.

And that's why it's brillant .Bloodborne is about that tiny moment when you know "this is it" and make for a much more agressive game than any soul game so far.

LAWSON723402d ago (Edited 3402d ago )

What do you mean any? Most hardcore fans evade not go full on defense

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The 7 Best Souls-Like Games - Mastering the Challenge

The Souls-like genre remains popular, along with FromSoftware's classics there are many contenders. But which are the best Souls-like games?

toxic-inferno42d ago

Hmm... In my opinion, the 7 best are the 6 made by FromSoftware (DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB and ER), then Lies of P. But each to their own.

kevco3342d ago

Still DS1? You don't feel it's been surpassed yet?

Demon's Souls has the remake of course, but DS1 has surely been outdated?

Smellsforfree41d ago

I think that the DS1 remake is better looking than DS2. The interior lighting matched with the low resolution textures in DS2 is very garish, IMO.

Besides graphics, what do you mean by DS1 being "outdated"? I'm someone who played through Elden Ring and just recently played through the DS series, and as far as gameplay went, there were all very similar.

Cacabunga41d ago

I haven’t played many but Bloodborne and NIOH1 are on top of my list.. had a blast with these 2

toxic-inferno41d ago

For world design and interconnectedness (that's a word, right?) DS1 is yet to be beaten.

anast9d ago

All great games beside DS2.

toxic-inferno9d ago

I would agree, but there are some things in DS2 that are great and incredibly memorable. It tries to do things differently, and there are some amazingly cinematic moments.

Of course, there's also poor level design (particularly the interconnectivity of the world), questionable combat choices and some of the worst boss runs since the early days of video games...

anast9d ago

True. I can't disagree the game has some moments.


9 Years Later, Does Bloodborne Deserve All The Praise It Gets?

Saad from eXputer: "Almost a decade later, it's time to take the nostalgia goggles off and accept that Bloodborne has long been surpassed by its successors."

jznrpg43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

Yes, yes it does. It’s still a great game. Elden Ring isn’t better just different and a bit easier . I like that you have to be aggressive but smart in Bloodborne

thorstein43d ago

I literally replayed it recently and it's better than I remember. I think it's like going back to a beloved book and noticing things I hadn't before.

raWfodog43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

Yo! I was getting ready to reply with the exact same four words you started with lol. Yes, I think Bloodborne has withstood the test of time and remains a great game. That’s why all the fans are hoping for a sequel someday. Hoping that we can catch that magic again with a new storyline.

Leeroyw43d ago

Yes. Just replayed it a few days ago. My first Platinum. And yes. I rage quitted so many times and called it BS too when I started. It's tight. The combat is amazing and the lore is rich.

GamingSinceForever43d ago

Elden Ring was easier? I don’t know about that at all. I remember leveling up in Bloodborne and breezing through it. In Elden Ring no matter how powerful I got I was still catching a beat down from every boss.

thorstein43d ago

That's due to scaling enemies. I remember not doing Haligtree untill near the end and having enemies withstand almost a full blast from Azur's Glintstone Staff Comet Azure. My level was quite high.

Melee characters are not fun in that game, especially for the Elden Beast.

MeteorPanda43d ago

Considering l did a run 2 months ago? Yes.

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Bloodborne's Potential Remaster Continues To Be Sony's Biggest Missed Opportunity

"Sony is missing out on a hugely profitable opportunity by ignoring fan demands for a Bloodborne remaster and PC port," says Ahmed from eXputer.

thorstein72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

Bloodborne came out on the PS4. It is owned by From Software. What missed opportunity? I am sure the people at From Software know what they are doing. Especially since they are hiring devs instead of laying them off.

Maybe do an article about that instead of writing a hit piece on them acting like they don't know how to run their business.

72d ago
-Foxtrot71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

To be fair Hidetaka Miyazaki said in an interview

“Unfortunately, and I’ve said this in other interviews, it’s not in my place to talk about Bloodborne specifically. We simply don’t own the IP at FromSoftware.”

So the ball kind of is in Sonys court, it feels like a missed opportunity because it’s something people really want and Sony just hasn’t really been bothered to get it off the ground. There was rumours it was at one point but it all went silent.

Cacabunga70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

Sony has been missing nothing but opportunities for a few years now.. since GOW release, it’s worrying silence we’ve been getting..

As for Bloodborne, imo it would be too soon to release it because PS4 game still looks phenomenal..

Bloodborne REMAKE I think will be PS6 launch title by Bluepoint. I truly hope so! 2 gens later we can get the same wow effect as Demons Souls.

Eonjay70d ago

He is right because it is Sonys IP but a little further back he also explained that they only work on one game at a time. This means that From must also be available. In other words it could already be in the pipeline. Ecen if that is the case, it's still up to Sony to reveal it when they are ready. As ever, I prefer not to hear about it until it's about 3 to 6 months from releasing.

CrashMania71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

'Bloodborne came out on the PS4. It is owned by From Software'

Actually Sony owns the IP, same with Demon's Souls. I think they'd prefer if From did the work on any future of both of those though, but if Sony wanted to they could have those off to anyone else to work on them, like the DS remake.

thorstein71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

Yeah. Thanks for the info.

But I still think that remasters should wait a generation. And Blue Point did Demon's Souls which was superb.

It can be a huge risk. And I think Hidetaka Miyazaki hinted that it would be a PS6 title. I don't he has no say in what happens, it's a partnership.

--Onilink--70d ago

To be honest, if there is a remake/remaster (not that it needs one) I would prefer someone else to handle it, like they did with Demon Souls

From many perspectives From Soft is an amazing developer, BUT, on a technical level they are far from impressive, both in terms of dated visuals (again, on a technical level, not art/design) and usually poor performance.

And what is the point of a remake/remaster if not to provide a visual and performance enhancement to a game that already nailed the rest?

Michiel198970d ago

@thorstein what huge risk? Part of one of the most well known ip's in gaming nowadays, there's not much risk there when it comes to a remake.

thorstein70d ago


I meant remasters in general are a huge risk, not Bloodborne.

Bloodborne isn't, but I think it's going to be on PS6, like how Demon's Souls went from PS3 to PS5.

Sorry for the confusion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 70d ago
thesoftware73070d ago (Edited 70d ago )


Wow, your post seems angry..relax it's an opinion.

And btw, it is on Sony, they have the exclusive right to the game, on top of that, they could have easily, at bare minimum, offered an official 60fps patch, with a few extras and charged people $10 to upgrade or $30-40 for new buyers.

I believe I saw an interview where , FromSoft said it was all up to Sony on a sequel and other dealing with the game.

A "hit peice", that serious huh?..relax lol.

thorstein70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

Wow you seem angry. I responded to crash 2 days ago about the remaster and who did it.

Why do you care what other people think in a moment about some journalism. Calm down, buddy, it's just my opinion. From 3 days ago.

Edit: I just went back through my comments and found 2 where I call out the author in the past month. Wow, I'm a rageaholic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 70d ago
potatoseal71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

It will be a launch title on PS6 just like the remake of Demon's Souls for PS5 launch

OhReginald70d ago

Sony realizes people will flock to buy ps6s for a bloodborne remake. Easy money.

jznrpg70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

Rumored it’s slated for PS6 launch. Some say PS5 Pro. Who knows ?

P_Bomb70d ago

Highly requested, unfortunately neglected.

jznrpg43d ago

Some say we didn’t need TLOU2 remake but that was a PS4 game and now we need a BB remake but that was a PS4 game. We send mixed signals

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