
New Kingdom Hearts 3 Keyblade Revealed

TheArabGamer writes: "While Kingdom Hearts 3's release date is still a mystery we at least have a close look at one of the unique "new" keyblades players will use. The creation comes from user Zephyr over at KHInsider who recreated the weapon Sora was using in the concealed trailer shown only to visitors at the KH 2.5 HD launch event in California. "

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-Foxtrot3439d ago


Pfffft typical Square Enix

I don't mind a character who uses guns as their main wepins but it seems out of ppafe for Keyblade weilders

DarkOcelet3439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

Kingom hearts 2 had that blue form called wisdom form where sora shoots from his keyblade while sliding, i thought it was cool.

Also that cannon transformation looks like Terra's badass keyblade cannon and i always wanted to use it so yes here it seems we can with another keyblade that looks like its from Cinderalla's world. I hope they bring back those badass drive forms especially final form, Master Eraqus keyblade and Ultima keyblade will kick some @$$

VeryNicePerson3439d ago

Hope the Drive system will still be present in KH3.

Seriously, who didn't like Master, Final or even Anti Forms ?

DarkOcelet3439d ago

Yes i know but i want to use the forms from the get go when i acquire them not like BBS where i had to use certain type of magic. While that was creative, you can still be lost on how to activate them sometimes. Either way, this game is gonna be a beast. I cant wait for a third battle with Sephiroth and Mysterious enemies :)

Griever3439d ago

Oblivion and Oathkeeper were my favorite in KH2. They perfectly augmented the dual wielding overdrives. I hope we can dual wield outside of overdrive now like Roxas. The overdrive period was just too short to enjoy the awesome power.

DarkOcelet3439d ago

Roxas was such a badass. They should have indeed let us two keyblades like him normally. Overdrive period was indeed powerful which is their timing is so short or else the game would have been a cakewalk. I just hope there is many bosses in the game just like Final mix 2

gantarat3439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

"one does not simply make -Foxtrot happy"

joke don't kill me

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3439d ago
ZHZ903439d ago

I really like idea of the keyblade transform into guns, I don't see it bad at all imo.

Afirmitive3439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

...did you play birth by sleep? Terra had a key blade that turned into a cannon. There are millions of keyblade all with a unique feature.

MegaRay3439d ago

You dont have to use them. Unless your main weapon is gunblade instead of keyblade now

Sevir3439d ago

Lol. FoxTrot you seem to complain about everything. You saw Sora do this in the Trailer released at TGS13 where he started off slashing with the keyboard then transforming it into two guns for some sort of final attack. And a firing mechanic was introduced in the Wisdom Drive Form in KH2 where Sora shot magic blast from his keyblade so shooting is hardly new to Sora or KH. Lol
I can't wait to see the game in action. Seems like Square is really looking to show plenty this year for KH3. I can't wait.

-Foxtrot3439d ago

"Lol. FoxTrot you seem to complain about everything"

Yeah sure...you people say this when you want to

That line is so boring and old now...

trenso13439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

Did you even play kh2? Or 2.5? Wisdom form turns his key blade into a gun, Lingering will turns his keyblade into a cannon and a bow that can lock your commands This wouldnt be the first time there was a gun in kingdom hearts. But it would be the first time the keyblade turned into something that really closely resembles a gun. And he used this gun in a trailer released last year this is not new news to us. Or do you just like complaining.

-Foxtrot3439d ago

Yeah I did

What you guys fail to understand is that I'm talking about the Square Enix we have now, the same company who said they were taking inspiration for FF13 from Call of Duty.

Yeah I've played past games (all of them) so don't question that.

Sure they had similar stuff in Kingdom Hearts 2 and that but you guys should be cautious of what the Square Enix of today might do.

So now don't jump of the bandwagon and say I'm complaining, it's called being cautious.

The company was very different back then

Magicite3439d ago

seems u havent played KH2, and I loved shooting keyblade, u want some ranged attacks too.

Sevir3439d ago

LOL. Man you're getting catching feeling feelings for no reason. You keep referencing FF13 and COD as if This is what changed them into the company they are today.

GUNS have always been apart of the final fantasy franchise. it isn't anything new and characters in their games have had gun for decades. The comment was made not b Wada but by Final Fantasy 13 producer Kitase in reference to COD's rapid Development cycle and larger than life set pieces. FF13 wa sunveiled in 2006 and its first trailer showcased its enemies using guns including lightning They werent taking creative inspiration from COD then because it hadn't become the phenomenon it would be for a few years after. By the time FF13 released They had surveyed the development landscape and realized that creating the FF games took too long and reference that they'll start developing games in the franchise in shorter time like the COD franchise and that they'll look to both Uncharted and COD for inspiration in terms of their presentation of set pieces, and they did. each game in the FF13 Trilogy became larger in scope and had significantly short dev time than the original one that was Linear, and suffered from a 5 year development cycle.

We all know the company has changed and they've changed because of the leadership that was Wada. COD has nothing to do with their usage of guns in their games past and present since characters have been using guns through out the francise's earlier iterations...

you say you've played all the KH games, maye you've forgot that some of the Keyblade weilder's transformed their keyblades to used ranged attacks, its ok if that escaped your mind as the games are pretty old by now. But the Director in question here is not the president of Square enix, but Tetsuya Nomura himself, He's had an affinity guns since forever.

Its ok to complain but know what it is you're complaining about and if you reference something, understand the context of what it is you're referencing.

-Foxtrot3438d ago


Keep going off topic...nobody cares

trenso13439d ago

Lol im never on a bandwgon.

I only say that because a lot of the games i follow i often see your comments in. While a lot of the time i can agree with your opinion I also respectfully disagree with a few and(because you're one of the few people who actually explain them selves and not make bland statements.) So a lot of the time comments that seem like "complaining" are justified, but some cases(such as this one) your negative comments just seem like complaining. Since as already stated we have seen a gun in kh already. But i can see your point with SE track record with certain games.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3438d ago
ZHZ903439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

That keyblade design looks awesome, I really can't wait to use that keyblade just give me a release date for this and for FFXV.

DarkOcelet3439d ago

My guess for FFXV is Q4 2015 or Q1 early 2016, Kingdom Hearts is Q4 2016 i think.

Afirmitive3439d ago

Believe me when I say this game will go full throttle. Especially since it's the end to the saga. I love the idea of having keyblade type guns. Imagine the combo possibilities and crowd control...mind blasting.

Ikki_Phoenix3439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

its the end of "xehanort saga "
there will be more after this

Zizi3439d ago

Is it planned as a trilogy?

Sevir3439d ago (Edited 3439d ago )

Kingdom Hearts 3 wraps up the Xehanort Saga... But the chronology follows as Birth By Sleep, Kingdom Hearts 1, Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts 2, Re:coded, Dream Drop Distance and Kingdom Hearts 3. With the events of 365/2 Days running congruent to the events of The end of KH1 all the way to the start of Kingdom Hearts 2.

If you'd like a complete and detail understanding of all seven games, you should watch Gametrailers.com's KH Timeline feature on YouTube. It's One hour and it completely illuminates all the questions thus far for the franchise.

Zizi3439d ago

Well, thanks.

I'm not a fan of Kingdom Hearts, but I look forward to anticipating this one.

skulz73439d ago

Will be cool if we get to use Mickey's golden keyblade :)

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Final Fantasy's Strongest Canonical Magic User Is... Donald Duck?

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gold_drake398d ago

that was pretty amazing, not gonna lie, i might have shed a tear or too, just cause of pure awesomeness.

he was already my favourite disney character and one of my favs from KH and then to see that amazing spell too. aah so good xD


Final Fantasy's strongest magic user is Donald Duck, who never appears in a final fantasy game.


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-Gespenst-410d ago

"Yozora is much more than a grueling secret encounter; he is a reflection of what Kingdom Hearts' bosses should be"

No thank you. If every boss in Kingdom Hearts was like Yozora, the series would be unplayable. That's not to say that they shouldn't include such challenges, but making them fundamental to the game would be too much. And don't say that this is what the From Software games are, because Yozora is absolutely harder than most of the bosses in those games. He is waaay faster, has a ludicrous number of abilities (and does them in random order AND can chain most of them together), and punishes you severely if you make a mistake. On top of that, you have to survive this onslaught for a really long time because of how much health he has. It's borderline too much - for me at least. Still, it's a stunning battle.

OMNlPOTENT409d ago

I agree, while I do really enjoy the Yozora fight, I think it's far too difficult to be anything more than an optional boss. However, I do believe that there should be more bosses that are in the same weight and size class as Sora, as the majority of those in KH3 were the best fights. The giant heartless bosses just aren't as enjoyable.