
Best games coming to the PS Vita in 2015

GameZone: "It’s hard to figure out where the PS Vita fits in among other gaming devices. As of now, there’s a huge lack of big titles coming to Sony’s handheld in 2015, with zero AAA announced. It’s mostly ports and indie games. If that’s what the PS Vita is going to be, that’s fine and I actually welcome that. Sony just needs to come out and say that, admitting that they couldn’t live up to the hype of the Vita. Without a lot of exciting exclusives coming to the Vita, we couldn’t exactly make a list of those games. So here are some other games and ports coming to the Vita that are notable and worth hanging onto your Vita for."

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dark-kyon3421d ago

1.axiom verge
2.sword art online lost song
3.oreshika tainted blood
4.jstar victory versus
5.legend of heroes trails of sky second chapter
6.corpse party blood drive
7.stein gate
8.shovel knight

TwilightSparkle3421d ago

We might also be getting those 3d ledgend of hereos sen no keski something idk. Also corpse party blood drive and lots of good indies :D

dark-kyon3421d ago

Legend of heroes sen no kiseki,the first full 3d game of this franchise is a possible annoucement from xseed for this year,also gravity rush 2 can see the light this year if sony at least have some sense and maybe namco banday bring digimon cyber sleuth,the game is getting good fan interest.

PSVitaPS4owner3421d ago

From your list, only Axiom Verge and Shovel Knight look interesting and those are Indies. Yikes, I hope we get better games than that.

Spotie3421d ago

Just because they're not to your liking doesn't mean they aren't good.

Hate this "If I don't like it, it sucks" mentality. It's tired and heavily played out.

Inception3421d ago

Don't forget

- Ys 8
- new Saga (if it got localized by SE)
- Brandish: The Dark Revenant (from Falcom)
- God Eater 2: Rage Burst
- Hotaru no Nikki (from NIS)
- Hotline Miami 2
- One Piece Warrior 3
- Atelier Ayesha Plus

Apocalypze3421d ago

God eater 2 rage burst !! Has it been confirmed to be localized?

Inception3421d ago

After the game released in japan than we will hear if it will get localize or not. But the 1st God Eater got localized, PS4 had a big success around the world, and Bamco are on localization spree. My hunch said it will get localize.

3421d ago Replies(1)
GokuSolosAll3421d ago

Sony needs to take the responsibility of selling the Vita into their own hands and rekease AAA 1st Party games. We need to demand this, get vocal, organized, raid Sony blogs.

dark-kyon3421d ago

selling to who,the market for AAA games in the go don't exit,sony can not sell something what barely nobody want,the people who want AAA games like to play them in a big tv with the better performance.

PSVitaPS4owner3421d ago (Edited 3421d ago )

Oh, is that why AAA games sell like crazy on the 3DS like Luigi's Mansion, Super Smash, Monster Hunter, Zelda and many others. Can you explain why those AAA games sell like crazy? Your theory about AAA games not selling on the handeld is not true; its Sony's poor excuse and you bought it hook and sinker. The truth is Vita has not really tried enough with the AAA games. First and second years were full of them, but Sony struggled those first two years with the Vita. Releasing one or two AAA games once a year was not the answer. I bet that if Rockstar released an original exclusive GTA game, and several other publishers released good exclusives (not 2 or 3 for the year, but several), they would sell.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3420d ago

better performance lol
they triple A games barely runs on those system

martinezjesus19933421d ago

Idk, I like my JRPgs, keep em coming Sony

slappy5083421d ago

Also not on this list that I'm looking forward to is Bastion

Apocalypze3421d ago

Sword art online song is an actual vita game , not a port , boy am i glad! And the gameplay looks decent.

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I'd like to raid mode make a return in the future. When Capcom was hacked there was a as of yet announced RE game in there that I was hoping might turn into Revelations 3. There were also reports that whatever that RE game was scrapped and cancelled.


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