
Japanese Rocker GACKT Finally Completes Mega Man 2 After 6 Months of Gaming

Nestlé (yes, the food and beverage company) have released another "Game Center" video, where Japanese singer GACKT is challenged to play a video game every day.

Well, it was a long and arduous journey. But after six grueling months and 37 frustration-filled videos, GACKT has FINALLY defeated the final boss of Mega Man 2. If there was a world record for how many times a person can fail at this game, GACKT would win it. So it's nice to see the guy succeed for a change. His next challenge will be Mega Man 3.

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DarkOcelet3435d ago

He is a cool guy with some really good songs. Like Akatsukizukuyu-Day Breakers. You should hear it. Its really awesome.

WiiUsauce3435d ago

Unrelated to the article, but you know what was a great game? Fighting Force. Used to play the cap or of that game on my ps1 when I was a kid.

WeAreLegion3435d ago (Edited 3435d ago )

I'm not sure. I don't.

PeaSFor3435d ago

click on the link. take time to poste a comment... say they dont care.....

ok then.

WeAreLegion3435d ago

Stories about GACKT are popping up on this site all the time now. It's weird. Even my Japanese friends don't know who GACKT is. That's why we post comments. Because this is a very odd thing to put on N4G.

And no, I didn't click on the link.

hkgamer3435d ago

how old are your japanese friends?

just a little strange they dont know who gackt is. weel he was very popular around the year 2000. moon child was a pretty decent film.

tbh. not much people care about him playing these games especially people in the west and i dont think we need to see him anymore on n4g.

same as other people on youtube.

ameliabaz3435d ago

Your Japanese friends must not be familiar with pop culture because Gackt is one of the most popular singers in Japan and has been around for almost 2 decades. He isnt just some run of the mill pop star who disappears after 2 or 3 years. He has been at the top of the charts for a very long time and is considered one of the most influential singers in Japan. A Japanese person saying they have never heard of Gackt is like an American person saying they have never heard of Madonna.

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NarooN3435d ago

I love it when people claim they don't care yet they waste time telling others about it.

thehobbyist3435d ago

Apparently a good number of people. The man seems to be famous after all.

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PoSTedUP3435d ago

i havent gotten into megaman (sad, i know). anyone care to recommend an epic journey for me? (ps1, psp classics)

FullmetalRoyale3435d ago (Edited 3435d ago )

Mega Man 9 and 10 are great, imo. They are digital downloads for PS3, if that is an option for you. It is exactly what the old Mega Man games are, but without nostalgia. Thus making them excellent choices to start with since the graphics are the same as the original.

If you want to start off with the originals for the sake of doing so, I would specifically recommend Mega Man 3. I just like all of the bosses.

The game(whichever one) is pure gameplay, and will kick your ass. It takes a while to master it. But the first time you make it to a boss feels great. Then the first time you beat just one boss, just feels so rewarding. Don't be discouraged by the difficulty. Always try and learn from your mistake, and eventually you will conquer it.

PoSTedUP3435d ago

wow, its that hard huh? i appreciate the advice, and as much as i wanted to go Megaman3, the whole internet pointed to #2. i usually go woth whatppl say on here but they werent messing around lol. ill let u know wha i think.

N4g_null3435d ago

Imagine that play time... all 6 months of it!

AceBlazer133435d ago

can try jumping into the x series. Maverick Hunter X would be a good place to start(a remake of megaman x for psp) it's available on the ps store i believe.

hkgamer3435d ago

just play as many games as possible. it cant be too expensive. best to play the from the time they were released. then you get to understand the new things they added.

think that should be the same rule for all series.

wonderfulmonkeyman3435d ago

I guess this just goes to show that hard work can make a casual into a skilled core.
Hope he gains a newfound appreciation for difficult games through this and expands his horizons.

hkgamer3435d ago

sadly its all about the viewership and sponsors. i dont think he cares too much about gaming. how much free time can he actually have to do this?

N4g_null3435d ago

Someone needs to welcome him to the fold. We where all casuals once!


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1180d ago Replies(1)
XxINFERNUSxX1180d ago

You can always find a torrent of this for Android. I never pay for mobile games or applications, LOL. Android is simple copy paste the APK some are already precracked others have a simple crack to install.

1180d ago

Which is the better 8-bit Mega Man game? - Mega Man 2 vs. Mega Man 3

"I've been playing Mega Man games for almost 3 decades so allow me to dissect 2 of my favourites in the entire series." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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VideoChums1855d ago

Vote for your favourite retro Mega Man game at the bottom of the article! 🎮😄

Hardiman1855d ago (Edited 1855d ago )

I enjoyed all the NES games, I think 1-5. 2 is probably my favorite with 3 coming in close behind. I also liked the one with Skull Man or whater his name was, maybe 4 or 5. I also love, love the music! Some of the best from that era!

I got both collections for my PS4 and play them often. I never played the X series so I'm going to be getting those collections as well.

crazyaejay1855d ago

Nice! I'm sure you'll love them. Skull Man is in 4, btw.

ZeekQuattro1854d ago

I always got my mom to rent MM 3 over MM 2. I like the music and the bosses in 3 the best.

meganick1854d ago

Mega Man 3 is the better game, but Mega Man 2 has better music.

DVAcme1854d ago

Mega Man 2, no contest. Don't get me wrong, 3 is great too, but it was HELLA LONG, and some stages were pretty bullshittily designed, like Needle Man 2. Mega Man 2 had better pacing, better designed stages, the BEST music in the series and the best videogame weapon ever

Concertoine1854d ago

I remember 3 having terrible slowdown too.

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