
Gamer Headlines Looks Back at 2014’s Most Disappointing Games

Gamer Headlines writes: "2014 is now coming to a close, and let’s face it, it wasn’t the best year for video games. The start of a new console generation is always a bit rough because we don’t get the complete sentiment that games are achieving their full “next-gen” potential, but the feeling of unsatisfaction was strongly present throughout this year, especially when the big budget AAA releases of the Fall/Holiday season finally hit the market. Don’t get me wrong; we’ve had some exceptional experiences this year with games like Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Dark Souls II, Bayonetta 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition and indies such as Shovel Knight, Transistor and Velocity 2X, but part of me feels very underwhelmed with the amount of disappointing major releases we’ve had this year. Let me preface that the following list does not compile the worst games of the year, instead it regroups games that failed to deliver on their promises, games that launched in unacceptable states and games that failed to live up to their hype. Obviously this list can be entirely subjective, based on your personal expectation vs. appreciation for each title, however some of them were universal letdowns, and received a lot of grief from gamers around the world. Additionally, I did not play every release this year, so I may be missing a few, but the ones listed below are all titles I have personally tried out and forged my opinion on them. Now, with that being said, let’s take a look back at some of the most disappointing video games we’ve had in 2014 and hope for the best for 2015."

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Hendrickson3446d ago

Nice list, I agree with your top 5.

ChickenOfTheCaveMan3445d ago

In a game that pops out every year, I'm baffled at how little the percentage is of head scanned players in NHL. 10-15%...how hard is it and at that they could at least hire some artists who can at least create a player that look like the actual one, the ones they have right now must be half blind.

How is it with other sport games like The Show and NBA 2K?


I Played Assassin’s Creed Unity Almost 10 Years Later. It’s (Kinda) Spectacular

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Skuletor85d ago

Do the NPCs still randomly levitate every now and then? Even years later I noticed they hadn't patched that out

andy8585d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Honestly I loved the PS4 ACs. I'd love next gen ports of Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate


The entire WatchDogs series is 87% off and it's not even Black Friday

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Si-Fly298d ago

Can I suggest BG3 as a 6th? It’s helping me pass the time quite well.

anast298d ago

I'm still trying to finish WotR.

DivineHand125298d ago

With the release date being just a little over a week away, it may not be a good idea to burn yourself out on mech games until then.

RavenWolfx298d ago

i want a Chromehounds sequel so bad...

raWfodog298d ago (Edited 298d ago )

Surprised that the article didn’t mention Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries if we’re talking about mech-related games.

ZeekQuattro297d ago

It was an odd article imo. Like why are games that feature a handful of mech themed levels in there. When I think of mech games I don't think Halo and Wolfenstein no matter how fun those levels were.

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