
Galcon 2 – Strategizing Space Surrender Together | Applenapps Review

"Galcon first launched on iOS back in August of 2008, and delivered great sword based strategy that was really the first of its kind. Your goal is to direct ships between planets in an attempt to conquer a given galaxy, and beat your opponents to the same task. Since the original launched, we have seen Galcon Fusion, Labs, and Legends, and now we get an official sequel in the form of Galcon 2. Through these five games, one thing has remained consistent, and that’s the space strategy gameplay, which has withstood the test of time."

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Galcon 2 Achieves Kickstarter Goal

It’s always great to hear about a kickstarter that achieves its goal with flying colours, which is exactly what’s happened to the official Galcon sequel, Galcon 2: Galactic Conquest, running a six hour marathon of online videos and events to push the total past its goal of $25,000.

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'Galcon 2: Galactic Conquest' Lands On Kickstarter

"The sequel to the hit space-themed RTS Galcon is officially getting a sequel, but its first stop is on Kickstarter. Developer Phil Hassey just launched the campaign this weekend and there’s some significant changes in this sequel." - Charles Ferrendelli

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