
Apotheon Preview - PSXExtreme

"If you've ever seen ancient drawings from the Greek or Egyptian cultures, you know how the artists often attempted to depict movement and action. Now, with the benefit of 21st-century technology, we can finally bring those drawings to life...after a fashion. Alien Trap Games is prepared to deliver Apotheon to the PlayStation 4 in early 2015 and this side-scroller offers a unique style and presentation. Basically, just take those pictures you remember from school or the latest historical documentary and animate them in your mind's eye. Pretty cool, huh?"

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Rhezin3452d ago

One of my most anticipated next to N++, Hotline Miami 2, and Helldivers


Declare Your Independence from Digital Rights Management with Humble Bundle's DRM-Free Sale

Humble Bundle is running a DRM-Freedom Sale. Numerous games are available at low prices and can be downloaded straight from the Humble Bundle site.

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MattDavisGR2526d ago

Strike Suit Zero looks awesome :D


The Top 10 PS4 exclusive indie titles we'd love to see on Xbox One

Carlos writes "There are people out there that will scoff at the thought of playing anything that isn’t backed by a huge triple-A budget. There are however others who will set some time aside to play through the smaller indie games and we reckon most will have several games that spring to mind when thinking back on favourite gaming experiences.

So, with that in mind, here are our top 10 PS4 exclusive indie titles we’d love to see on Xbox One."

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2713d ago
Gamist2dot02713d ago

I like Dead nation and it's a good coop game. Journey is another good indie game.

PistolsAtDawn2713d ago

10? I have a PS4, so this isn't a concern of mine....but if I only had an X1 I'd only be concerned about Horizon, God of War and Days gone

neil3632713d ago

I very much like the look of that Absolute Drift. How good is the indie scene in PS4? It's a massive part of my XO life but could be tempted if there are many to choose from


Five Games You Need To Check Out In The Steam Sale

Pixegate.co.uk writes:

''Steam sales are always handy. Most people already know what they’re looking for. The biggest releases of the last few years are often the most popular games picked up on sale, but there’s much more to explore. Covering every smaller release would take far too long, but there are some games worth highlighting. Even with that said, be sure to browse the lesser known games on Steam before the sale ends.''

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DarkOcelet3040d ago

I have both Wasteland 2 and Satelite Reign. I didnt touch them till now, maybe its time to play them.

PixelGateUk3040d ago

Satellite Reign is perfect if you have a few hours free. The amount of options open to the player from the very start is really refreshing.

Plus the art style and music is soooooo damn sweet

DarkOcelet3040d ago


I think i am gonna start with Satellite Reign first then. I love games with awesome soundtrack so i will probably love this :)