
Zoe Quinn #GamerGate Rape Fiction removed from Amazon

#GamerGate is a controversy that has spawned many things: memes, updated disclosure policies and much, much more. Now hardcore porn fiction can be added to that list.

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-Foxtrot3447d ago

Queue the blame on GamerGate as a whole.

matgrowcott3447d ago

Pretty much. It's interesting how easily people jump to conclusions. From my two minutes of research on the author, it appears she's a regular writer of short adult fiction - my guess is she thought the controversy would do her good.

But everything has to be a political statement I guess.

jeeves863447d ago

There's one piece of work on Amazon by that author. That doesn't exactly qualify as "regular." This piece is a very, very thinly veiled rape fantasy.

The name is probably an alias anyway.

JsonHenry3447d ago

The only people I know that read rape fiction are women. :/

fei-hung3447d ago

And yet women loved and supported 50 shades of grey, and these same people didn't bat an eyelid

Halo2ODST23447d ago (Edited 3447d ago )

That's ... They go on about how bad it is ... then read about it the night they go to sleep ...

Amuro3447d ago

why so many gamergate articles all of a sudden? What is going on?

NarooN3447d ago

Terrible "journalists" still trying to get site traffic via clickbait sensationalism, basically.

Blank3447d ago

Mainly cause the same people fighting to stop it keep trying to revive the interest and new battles kinda like Castlevania.

Blank3447d ago

FYI when I say "like Castlevania" I meant story wise like The constant revival of dracula whether its after a set amount of years or by force.

Spotie3447d ago

Best way to make sure GG never gets anything done is to make sure nobody sees it for what it is.

That means ensuring that it's always depicted as bullying and misogynistic.

And that means keeping the movement in the public eye, if only to slander it.

Ogygian3447d ago

Indeed. When SJWs know they have lost the argument, they simply attempt to demonise their opponents so that nobody will dare to argue against them. The best way to kill good arguments is to intimidate the people who would speak them through creating a climate of fear.

Anon19743447d ago (Edited 3447d ago )

I think it's how Gamergators keep in the news. Every time you think they can't go lower, they're back with some new nastiness in the name of #Gamergate. First it was baseless harassment of female devs. Then doxxing. Then they moved up to death threats. Then they harassed a dev about her recently deceased pet and sent photos of dead animals to her work. Then they stalked her and released pictures of her house for other stalkers.

Now it's rape fiction targeting developers, continued harassment, bomb threats, child porn sharing on 8chan, sharing racist caricatures of Anita Sarkeesian, photoshopping pictures of the same videogame critic badly beaten and sharing it with the #Gamergate tag, cheering on twitter that "The Interview" was censored, supporting ultra violent murder sims made by neo-Nazi's and trying to get them to put real people's likenesses in the game. On and on it goes. And this is just scratching the surface of all the awful that's going on in the name of GamerGate.

It's no wonder the group is now under investigation by the FBI. Thankfully they're taking these threats seriously. I hope they start making some arrests soon before Gamergate supports start making good on their real world threats against these people.

Edit @sugawalls below: Amuro asked. I answered. But thanks for your well thought out addition to the conversation. Keep it up! Judging by your posting history you appear to be on quite a roll.

matgrowcott3447d ago

While I'm not going to be dragged into a debate on the positives and negatives of GamerGate, I will specifically reiterate what I said in the article: there's absolutely no reason to think this short story was written for or by GamerGaters, and jumping to that conclusion is ridiculous.

The rest of that stuff, from a journalistic standpoint, definitely needs some citations.

003447d ago

gamergate is a hashtag that anyone can say they are apart of and why do people keep acting like its a political movement, and how does someone like you who keeps spreading lies have so many bubbles.

JohnathanACE3447d ago (Edited 3447d ago )

Your an idiot if you think the real Gamersgate supporters are a threat to anyone. Like many have said before anyone can claim to be part of Gamersgate. Have you seen any Gamergate supports on N4G threatening woman? Didn't think so.

Dee_913447d ago (Edited 3447d ago )


You seem like a racist.I mean, you have the traits, closed minded, loves to generalize and stereotype a group.. tell me, what do you think of black people and the latino community in america?

Its just so annoying how people like you act so moral and noble, yet your mannerisms when you face someone you don't like is exactly what you pretend not to be.Like seriously look at how hatefilled your comment is... Its great to see you're no longer playing the "neutral" position anymore.

.. Are you going to quote part of a sentence I typed and take it out of context while ignoring everything else I typed like you always do? Or are you going to actually reply? Or not, doesn't make me none i'm just here to provide equilibrium...

CaptainObvious8783447d ago

And once again you prove completely devoid of logic and rational thought. You just jump to conclusions without any need of evidence.

Tell me, where's the proof that gamergate is full of harassers? There's isn't even any proof these trolls are part of gamergate, and even if they were, they're trolls. They're on the fringe of the movement. But you'll just keep on believing the established media like a baby being feed by it's mum.

Should I list all the bad things anti gamergaters have done?

Your constant lies and harassment of gamergate is toxic. You're a parasite of this vibrant community. Stop supporting harassment.

rainslacker3447d ago

I read the article about GG being under investigation, and nothing in that article confirmed that anything or anyone in GG was under investigation. The article didn't even bother to mention what kind of documents were requested to spur the FBI's response to it, for all we know, they requested information about the rape threats to Wu, Sarkeesian, or Quinn, which would be investigation on an individual. Further searched only netted me regurgitated reports based on this same one on that article.

How would the FBI investigate a decentralized, multi-national movement, consisting of tens of thousands of supporters of varying degrees? It's not some sort of group or individual, so what exactly are they investigating?

You just read some headline, maybe perused the article which labeled GG as a hate group, and decided it must be true.

Did you know that there are those in GG that are sending in information about the threats that those within GG receive? Did you know, just because they are associated with GG, that they are automatically part of the investigation even if they are the victim? Crazy I know that that could be the case right? Perhaps the investigation is actually focusing on anti-GG individuals.

Did you know any complaint of a digital nature of the threats automatically go to FBI under interstate wire laws. The FBI may not have any active investigation going at all, but may have a case open. Like all those times you hear when the police aren't doing anything about something. That's how it works. So long as the case is open, it will fall under the right to restrict it under the FOIA.

My point is, right now, we don't know what the FBI is investigating. Speculating now just makes you look like you want to vilify the movement and it's members.

Remember when we talked about critical thinking the other day? This would be a good time to apply it, unless you have some other source which confirms that GG is being investigated...in which case I might have to write a letter to my senators saying that the FBI isn't doing their job right.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3447d ago
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1nsomniac3447d ago (Edited 3447d ago )

I wish Zoe Quinn would drop off the face of the planet, never to be seen or heard of again...

JohnathanACE3447d ago

Unfortunately she's staved for attention so that seems unlikely to happen.

sugawalls3447d ago

Shes got a face like a welders bench. The idea of her being in a book with an erotic edge is worse than ebola.

RexDD3447d ago

Good. This isn't what gamergate is about anyway. Gamergate doesn't have anything to do with Zoe anymore, don't try to blame it on all of gamergate just because a retard wanted to start more controversy by posting that shitty e-book on amazon.

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Zoe Quinn's Allegations Against Alec Holowka Called Into Question by New Evidence of Inconsistencies

While many people familiar with Zoe Quinn’s history of duplicity were initially highly skeptical of the allegations, reporter Anna Slatz at The Post Millenial was the first to report on the inconsistencies in an article titled Zoe Quinn’s allegations are falling apart.

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yarbie10001720d ago

She has blood on her hands! So does ResetEra. People were making posts saying I hope he gets what he deserves right before he took his life. Evil parasites

Eonjay1720d ago

I'm new to this whole story. Why was everyone on ResetEra so upset with him?

kenpachi1720d ago Show
yarbie10001720d ago

Because they believe it's Guilty until Proven Innocent in all cases of #MeToo

Mr Pumblechook1719d ago (Edited 1719d ago )

The games media websites need to recognise the role they all played.
They all wrote about Zoe Quinn's claims without using proper journalistic standards of objectivity - instead, they wrote about the allegations as if they were proven facts. Why? It is okay for individuals on the internet to have an opinion and believe one side or the other but it's not okay for a professional 'journalism' website. This led to mounting pressure on a vulnerable guy who was being attacked by everyone on the internet, EVERY website, no individual spoke up for him.

Alec Howloka was a troubled guy who in his past interviews always came across a good natured. The poor guy was abused as a child, and the recent tweets reveal he was submissive in the relationship.

Polygon.com contacted the husband and wife team that ALEC had hired to help him make Night in the Woods and Polygon effectively asked them 'what are you going to do?' They then parted with Alec and he killed himself. Two days later his former friend and colleague wrote a long post condemning Alec. Disgusting human beings.

People came out of the woodwork to attack him and promote their brand and websites.

But the problem is that if and when allegations come out about somebody else, individuals and the games media will pile in without professionalism attacking the character of an individual. What happened to Alec must never happen again.

ginganinja1719d ago

So, Mr Pumblechook, a lot of the people who knew and worked with Alec agreed with and supported Zoe - including Alec's own sister.
But, you and the other internet Sherlocks who've never met anyone involved, know different..

Mr Pumblechook1719d ago

@ginganinja. You misunderstand the point of my post completely - this is not about you or I taking sides with the alleged abuser or the alleged victim. This is about the games media recognising that they should report on allegations - but must do so professionally. The reporters on these games websites were not witnesses to the relationship but by declaring one vulnerable person guilty he likely saw no path to clear his name. In actual newspapers in the UK, real newspapers would not be allowed to that as it is considered both ethically and likely legally wrong. If the games websites had reported this story with balance rather than writing as if he was guilty (as is right in real journalism) he might have felt brave enough to release a statement.

Orionsangel1719d ago Show
ginganinja1719d ago

@Mr P
Firstly, the sites I've seen (such as kotaku, IGN, PC gamer, etc. not blogs or bedroom youtubers) just covered the stories as is. Laid out who accused who of what and didn't pass judgement.
Secondly, have you ever read a UK tabloid ?
You'll struggle to buy a Sun in Liverpool because of all the BS it wrote about Hillsborough.
You can't use the Daily Fail as a source on Wikipedia because it's so unreliable and prone to sensationalist BS.

The Wood1719d ago

UK tabloids can be just as trashy as any other country's tabloids so I totally disagree with that. . Just look as recently as when Rahim sterling exposed their hypocrisy in regards to race. . . .

But in regards to this women she's clearly told a fib or twm. just because the guy wasn't perfect there's no need to pile on crap to justify the assumption of guilt. Some sites were just point scoring and tried to paint themselves as 'for the victims' . . . .bs. . .report fairly or don't report at all. An inspector calls springs to mind here

bumbleforce1719d ago

Because everyone on reset era is a bitch

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1719d ago
Welshy1719d ago (Edited 1719d ago )

There 100% needs to be legal ramifications for people who make false/misleading accusations that lead to ANY loss of the accused. Whether that's financial/reputational loss from being fired or all the way at the extreme that someone harms themselves or ends their life.

Any sane person obviously wants victims of abuse to have justice, but the scale has been tipped all the way to other side now, it doesn't even matter if there's evidence anymore. All it takes is an accusation and you're pre-judged as guilty by court of public opinion.

Enough is enough, we need reasonable middle ground. If you abuse someone, you go to jail. But also if you accuse someone falsely you should go to jail because it ruins and costs lives as much as abusing someone does, they need to be treated equally.

Edit: I normally keep things factual/logical, but this genuinely pisses me off so im allowing this one personal rant through. Look at the absolute STATE of her too. That "I'm invincible and can do what i want" look, you can tell from a 1,000 paces she loves to abuse double standards to further her own agenda on a daily basis. Stay away from f***ing cretins like this and show them no more attention. What a monster of a human being to contribute to a person death like this.

1719d ago
rainslacker1719d ago

Making false claims is a civil offense, and there are laws for it. In some cases, the damages may be more extreme than what can be recovered financially...like in cases where people lose their job or ability to maintain their way of life. But it's really rare for it to be a criminal offense, and requires more than what quinn did, and is usually prosecuted as part of a bigger criminal fraud case.

Victims of abuse can get justice, and while it isnt as easy to get justice as it should be...same as many crimes really...these kinds of accusations being about informing are spreading the idea that there is no way to get justice otherwise. The first step would be to call the police, or visit any number of free public or private services that help abuse victims for free.

Unfortunately, the legal system doesn't move as fast as the world does though. There have been an increasing number of cases in the past few years of false accusations leading to ruining a person's life, or potentially leading to deaths, so it may be something lawmakers start to try and look into. It becomes hard in the internet age though, because with everything being online, it almost requires a federal law since a lot of accusations are across state lines, and then of course there are international laws which would have to be accounted for.

There is no easy fix for the law itself I'm afraid. But while these things may take time to be remedied, any victim of abuse should seek aid. There are many sources which can refer you to who you need to speak to, and if one cant help, ask somewhere else. It isnt until everyone is saying they cant do something that people should seek other forms of recourse if they feel they've been wronged.

NarooN1719d ago

Well said. I forgot what she looked like since that GamerGate thing all those years ago, and wow, she just inherently looks like a stuck up piece of shit by default. What a terrible waste of oxygen. Every time her name pops up it's ALWAYS something negative attached, a controversy.

ilikestuff1719d ago ShowReplies(1)
rainslacker1719d ago

Kind of a shame that it took so long for someone in the press to point it out.

I dont know if the press is giving her as much attention as they did years ago, and she seems more like she living off Twitter fame, but the press is at a point where they have to probably distance themselves from her. I havent seen any ardent defense of her actions in a long time, and it usually is just some report about whatever claim she makes. But at the same time, i haven't seen the press also taking accountability for making her relevant(relatively speaking) as they made her in the first place. Doing so would only implicate then in their own failings as journalists in the whole gamergate thing, and we all know they arent going to do that.

In the end, many of the things she and those like her ushered in have left lasting effects on the game industry and press, and has changed the landscape about what is talked about when it comes to games. Many of us in the community see this, and dont like it. Worse, their actions have led to talented people being pushed out of the industry because they decided to create something they wanted to create. It's a shame that they were ever allowed to get so much influence, or that the gaming press has ever gotten so much influence over the industry or games that get made.

rainslacker1719d ago

Nope. I can see just fine, thanks.

PCgamer981719d ago Show
IamTylerDurden11719d ago (Edited 1719d ago )

I never believed her story, it always seemed inconsistent, nonsensical, and like attention seeking. I'm happy that there are actually some real journalists who are willing to do research rather than simply hang a guy based on a headline.

I implore every gaming journalist who has ever written a story about this to dig deep and do the research because you all contributed to a man dying. Every headline that judged Holowka before the facts were out and the story assessed contributed. Every person who immediately condemned the man and ran to Quinn's defense as if every word of her shaky story was granite fact. The fellow developers and former friends who immediately turned on him, trashed him, and quit his team. You all contributed. A man is dead. Her story is being proven as bullshit. You better hope for a smoking gun that miraculously proves her right because if this story is indeed bullshit and a man is dead because it, all of you cowards deserve to burn. Shameful.

Even IF her story is true, which i very much doubt, this is a tragic result regardless. Is this how we handle serious legal matters in 2019? Use Twitter to drive a man to suicide? This crazy bitch is wrong any way you slice it. Go to the police, seek justice through legal avenues and use facts and evidence to support your case. This whole situation is a travesty and it makes me sick.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1719d ago
Blu3_Berry1720d ago ShowReplies(2)
-Foxtrot1720d ago

"While Marvel and Vertigo author Zoe Quinn"

Marvel and Vertigo? She got that kind of job? Are these people serious? Jesus man.

His blood is on her hands and she needs to pay the price, if this was a male developer he'd have his head on a spike by now.

Count_Bakula1719d ago

She/anyone who does this should face jail time or at least a massive fine. They must be punished if found they're lying and attempting to destroy someone's life.

Smokehouse1719d ago

That would explain the marvel high dive into the toilet bowl.

Welshy1719d ago

James Gunn made crude jokes on twitter more than 10 years ago and gets the boot.

But cretins like this who make false claims about sexual abuse and contribute to a person taking their own life get jobs in media because they are "brave" and "progressive". It almost makes me physically sick that industry's love this kind of person and are seemingly oblivious to double standards.

Batnut001719d ago ShowReplies(3)
KeenBean3451719d ago

What gets me is that this keeps happening. How many more suicides or ruined careers is it going to take for these people to realise that baseless accusations are a serious matter and can destroy someone.

Snakefist301718d ago

She working for DC Comics now her upcoming comic is Dona Troy turning into joker!

1718d ago
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Leeroyw1719d ago

I got to say I'm heartened by the biggest show in solidarity N4G has ever seen on this issue. Perhaps the tide is turning. I'm hopeful but not optimistic. Nice to see people agreeing on such an important issue.

rainslacker1719d ago

I doubt it. N4G is generally against people like her, outside some that want to antagonize people. But, the press will do whatever they want to keep making headlines, and they won't take any accountability for their part in their careless reporting. This will blow over like it always does, and about the best we can probably hope for is that the press won't give her any attention in the future. She fled from twitter after Holowka's suicide, but knowing her, she will not be able to stay away from the attention it gets her when she goes through one of her phases of needing to feel important.

She's obviously depressed and bipolar based on her attitudes and other reports from other people she's had relationships with, and people like that can't really stay away for very long.

Leeroyw1719d ago

Yeah agreed rainslacker. I meant maybe the tide turning in the media away from attention seeking nut jobs but point taken.
So good to see common sense prevail in this community but the video game media has been absolutely hijacked by people with social justice agendas lately and that comes at a huge cost.

Samus7071719d ago

100% upvotes. I'm so proud of this community.

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Night in the Woods Creator Alec Holowka Accused of Abuse by Zoe Quinn

Night in the Woods creator, Alec Holowka has been accused of abuse by fellow game developer, Zoe Quinn, creator of Depression Quest.

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Jimboms1735d ago

Yea just read about this, it's awful.

1735d ago
Mr Pumblechook1735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

This is an awful situation. It's not right if I or any other un-related person uses our personal feelings to determine innocence or guilt; public opinion and social media must not be used to determine the role of either party, the best thing is to involve the police and let this go to trial. People on the internet shouldn't attack or abuse her or him.

It's important to let the courts get involved because sometimes the internet can wrongly condemn a person.
YouTuber Andy Signore had an allegation of sexual misconduct made against him by a woman he was in a relationship with. He had many on the internet condemn him and he was fired from his job. Fortunately for him, proof was discovered that disproved the allegations and Defy Media settled a lawsuit he bought against them paying him an undisclosed amount of compensation.

Speaking generally, the law is not perfect but police and lawyers do everything they can to get justice for victims of sexual assault so it's important that victims get the police involved to start proceedings.

rainslacker1735d ago

While I agree that police should be involved, or at least some authority depending on the situation, when someone goes to social media as a first resort, or before retaining a lawyer, then it calls the whole accusation into question.

I understand the need to have support, but people need to realize that anonymous people on the internet are not a proper or sufficient support group.

That said, leaving all bias aside, when someone has been exposed as propagating false claims in the past, and has made extreme exaggerations about the treatment they received from a community to try and vilify that same community, anything brought to social media is going to bring even more unwanted attention.

My guess, having watched Quinn in the past, she will use that as yet another reason to vilify the community, thus devaluing the claim. Whether it's true or not is rather inconsequential when it comes to social media.

That said, you talk about the law, but my wife is a lawyer who has seen more cases fall apart because people take these things to social media prematurely, or at all. First thing she would tell any of her clients is to not talk in public forums about it.

ginganinja1735d ago

'leaving all bias aside' - proceeds to be biased as fu..
If you read through the replies to her tweets there's several other people making similar accusations against the same person.

It's strange how everybody here is 'doubtful' of her story, yet believed everything her ex said without question all those years ago (even still, when large parts of it have proven to be bs).

rainslacker1735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

I'm not saying I'm leaving bias aside, just that the following sentiment is based on the practical nature of how people react to others. My personal feelings about it are that no one deserves to be abused, but I don't really just take quinn at her word, because she is the very definition of a drama queen, and has purposefully made statements to discredit others, and get attention for herself. Her history is against her, but if she has valid proof, and wants more than just to cause public outrage towards this person for whatever reason like she's done in the past, then there are much better outlets of recourse than going to twitter to defame someone.

I'm personally not taking a side with either of them about who did what. I don't know this holowka guy, and never heard of him before. I also wouldn't really listen to any twitter reply support either. It's not conclusive of anything.

All I can say is that taking it to twitter doesn't do anything but spread trouble. There's a pervasive idea that nothing can be done about this, so some people don't seek real justice. All I know is that people who run to twitter to accuse and try someone in the court of public opinion often ruin any chance they ever had at getting justice. A public trial proving this would mean something. A bunch of he said/she said, means nothing, regardless of supposed witnesses who have not been verified in the least.

In any case, I question if this is even gaming news. This was a personal relationship between a game developer and a self proclaimed game developer. It's one thing if this is happening within a studio, and that may have some effect on a game, but in this case, that's not the case.

ginganinja1734d ago

Have you ever considered that all your beliefs about her are founded on nothing but bs. What if their was a wolf every time and you were just too blinded by the internet rabble to see?
You take every allegation against her as gospel despite any proof, yet are unwilling to believe in this case despite corroborating stories from colleagues and others in the business.

TK-661734d ago (Edited 1734d ago )


"It's strange how everybody here is 'doubtful' of her story, yet believed everything her ex said without question all those years ago"

Let's just address the elephant in the room which is CON. Her organisation which only cares about you if you're a big name public figure and was shown to actually be guilty of doing the sort harrassment they claim to be fighting against. Also well known for telling people to not go to the police which is the dumbest advice you can possibility give.

The story she's tweeting about could be 100% true. But If you're trying to say she's not equivalent to a Gloria Allred in regard to her desperate levels of attention seeking, by injecting herself whenever possible into a story then you need to rethink your position.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1734d ago
IamTylerDurden11734d ago (Edited 1734d ago )

What exactly does she claim? She says the two dated and she was staying with him and then goes on to lambaste him for being a controlling jerk with mental issues. She vaguely mentions sexual assault and claims someone saw it and he threatened her Visa or wouldn't pay for her plane ticket home? Am i missing something? I dug a little, but am i missing the smoking gun? They were dating, he was manic, and she vaguely refers to some sexual assault or..? Idk..

Were they dating while she claims he assaulted her or was it at the office? Were they broken up? She says she flew home and emailed him a breakup letter. Wtf? This makes no sense. She was assaulted but didn't breakup until after she flew home and she was assaulted while she was living with him? So he assaulted his girlfriend?

Why is she going on Twitter as opposed to the authorities? This woman seems off in the way she describes things, almost petty in some cases. She denigrates him for berating her for the tone in her voice once. You accuse the man of sexual assault and you drone on in the same paragraph about how he reprimanded you about your bitchy tone? That seems petty, why bring it up?

I have no idea what happened, but Quinn has a tainted past and this series of tweets appears strange.

1735d ago Replies(1)
Smokehouse1735d ago

Since when did twitter become the place to air out your dirty laundry? If your boyfriend is abusive you need to call the law. Posting the shit on twitter just screams shady attention whore. Trying to make some indie developer look like Harvey Weinstein lol.

1735d ago Replies(4)
1735d ago Replies(3)
IamTylerDurden11734d ago ShowReplies(1)
Rachel_Alucard1735d ago

The best part is how she says he stuck his fingers in her then walked around her around the house as if this was a consensual thing.

1735d ago
Xaevi1735d ago

I can't take accusations like these seriously. Report it to the authorities, not on a Tumblr/Twitter post. All this does is send an angry mob of idiots to attack who you're accusing, it's happened before. This isn't how things of this matter should be dealt with, it isn't brave, it's reckless.

mixelon1735d ago

That’s not how it works. You can’t prove this sort of thing legally and she’s not interested in him being criminally liable. People want to move on, but people also want to protect others from the same happening. It’s very good to speak up about stuff like this to shine a light on behaviours that keep happening.

You seriously think people are supposed to report things like this at the time when the whole account relies on one person controlling the other and breaking them down?

SuperRaccoon1735d ago

That's exactly how it works, because that's how the legal system works. Unfortunately for the victims, something like this is closer to libel than anything else. No one said it was easy, but if you can't gather the courage to speak up in a timely manner then no one can help you.

Innocent until proven guilty is the way we operate. If a court of law can't pass a verdict, then he is innocent, unfortunately. Thus, this is libel seeking to incite mob justice. A better way to protect others is to talk about how you should ask for help when it happens, so people actually have a chance to find justice.

Imalwaysright1735d ago


" If a court of law can't pass a verdict, then he is innocent, unfortunately" You lost me with the word "unfortunately". It's not "unfortunately", it's fortunately otherwise it would be anarchy and chaos.

BlackTar1871735d ago

@mix you're a demented person. Wake up or someday your assumption of guilt will bite back.

rainslacker1735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

Bullshit. Stop spreading this ignorance. Going to the authorities will give you an infinitely higher chance of getting justice than just saying something on Twitter. If she doesn't even try, then that's wrong. The police, and her lawyer if she retains one, and any prosecutor, would tell her to not go around telling everyone her story. That only hinders any investigation.

There are ways to prove abuse through systematic investigation, and outside some really rare cases, there is always some evidence, or witness, even if after the fact. Even if it seems that the evidence is thin, it can lead to much more if the person actually did abuse someone because abusive people typically aren't abusive only to one person in their life.

I wouldn't think this is Quinn trying to protect others, because her history doesn't support anything more than her being a self-serving drama queen. All she wants is attention, and even if this is something that's true, her own actions in the past, on Twitter no less, make any accusation she makes instantly questionable. If she wants to protect others, then try to do it right and get his ass thrown in jail, or at least have an official public record of it. Even if she doesn't get justice, at least if he does it again, which abusive people usually do, there will be an official record of it to give the potential the next person can get justice. Sex offenders, which some of this abuse would be classified as, are never going to be free of people knowing what they did. With Twitter, what he did will be a distant memory in the near future.

But, what it comes down to is that she has tons of resources that don't involve going on Twitter and publicly shaming someone. She is trying to try this man in the court of public opinion, and the public is irrational and never bothers to know the facts. I'd take attempted and failed justice over public shaming which will achieve nothing but making her feel better about herself, and find support from random anonymous people on the internet.

Servbot411735d ago

You basically just said "guilty until proven innocent" in a roundabout way. This woman is a notorious liar and is known to do things like this to get attention. Sorry, but you can only cry wolf so many times until people stop ever believing you.

IamTylerDurden11734d ago

She claimed there was a witness, why not go to the police?

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Zoe Quinn Returns with Kickstarted in the Butt. A Game About... Butts?

Serena Nelson writes:"Apparently, Kickstarted in the Butt, or "Project Tingler", is an FMV adventure game inspired by the works of a Chuck Tingler. I really don't know who this guy is, but from what I've seen here I'm kinda afraid to even look him up."

garyanderson2769d ago

What an amazing waste of time and money this appears to be.

TC7312769d ago

Chuck Tingle's hilarious.

FullmetalRoyale2769d ago

It's actually based off a fantasy of Tina Belcher's. At least it sounds like it.

Cy2769d ago

Zoe Quinn leeching off someone who's actually creative to get money? Color me surprised.