
Where’s Wollay and What Did He Do With Cube World?

(CriticalIndieGamer) Back before it was the all-encompassing beast that it is today, Minecraft, as fun as it was, lacked a lot of features. Players longing for quests, loot, RPG elements and deep combat were left wanting. Little did they know that a lone German developer was working on the answer to all of their prayers; a game that borrowed the best aspects from Minecraft – the procedural generation and adventuring – but imbued them with a bright, cheery aesthetic, a loot system and difficult Diablo-style battles. Cube World had silently been in production since 2011, but it instantly captured the hearts and minds of many gamers. It appeared to have a deeper focus on combat and adventuring, with building merely an aside to the game proper, further igniting the interests of the “creatively challenged”. Within hours of posting the game’s debut screenshots, Wollay was inundated with queries from eager new fans, itching to get their hands on it. Against his better judgement the developer eventually caved-in to demands for a release, and on July 2nd 2013 he launched Cube World Alpha.

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Cube World Wasn't Worth The Wait

Kotaku writes: "I thought Cube World’s tighter focus and RPG elements would take the stuff I did like about Minecraft—its procedurally-generated worlds and a feeling of real boundlessness—and reign them into something more structured."


Cube World is Finally Releasing After Seven Years in Development

Cube World actually has a release date. After seven long years in development, the voxel-based RPG is finally launching later this month in full, a new trailer announces.

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Neonridr1722d ago

nice to see that us early purchasers will be getting Steam keys.

mixelon1721d ago

Downloaded and waiting for the beta.

This and NMS really restore your faith in devs supporting things for the long haul. I’ve had various projects I’ve backed on KS completely evaporate during the dev process so seeing studios rough it out over prologued periods is great.

AK911721d ago

I swear I read something similar about this a couple months ago.


After Six Years of Waiting, CubeWorld Is Finally Going to Be Released

CubeWorld, the voxel-based action RPG created by wife and husband indie developers Wolfram and Sarah Von Funck, will finally be releasing on Steam.

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ElementX1735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

I bought this game back in the day and completely forgot about it! It would've been nice if the developers sent out an email, not everybody uses Twitter or follows every game, especially after years of no updates. I like the game page on FB but the last post was from 2014. Developers relying on Twitter to keep fans updated are leaving a lot of people in the dark.

Neonridr1735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

would be nice if us Alpha buyers get the game for free.

EDIT - apparently the dev confirmed that alpha purchases will get a Steam key. How nice.
