
Review: Shadow Warrior Is Delightfully Dumb But Deft | EGMR

Shadow Warrior comes from the same era as Doom, Duke Nukem and Syndicate. The latter two have already had their severely disappointing reboots and id Software is working on a new Doom that promises to be something worthwhile. So what happened when someone took a game from 1997 about demons, incest and katana-wielding assassins? A pretty good game actually.


Shadow Warrior - The Reboot Hits 10th Anniversary

The Shadow Warrior reboot debuted on PC 10 years ago today. Thankfully, it's still compatible with modern PC, PlayStation and Xbox formats.


Shadow Warrior 1997 - An Era Defining Classic

Shadow Warrior debuted in 1997, an unlikely Duke Nukem 3D follow-up that later birthed a respected modern FPS series.


Best Comedic Video Games: Try these games for a good laugh

GF365: "Sometimes a funny and less stressful game is a welcome change. Here are the best comedic video games that will surely improve your mood."

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adaminoregon542d ago

South park stick of truth is the funniest game ever made.