
5 Things I Hate About... Assassin's Creed

Be-Mpowered.com: "I really don’t like Assassin’s Creed. From the moment I reviewed it back in 2007 to this day, every entry just feels like a step further away from what was originally promised. Yes, Ubisoft made good with the sequel and polished that off with Brotherhood, but considering we have 19 games in the franchise… well… they’re not the best statistics."

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Matt6663466d ago (Edited 3466d ago )

Quote " but considering we have 19 games in the franchise… well… they’re not the best statistics."

Well the COD franchise has 35 games

Just saying, people complain how the AC series is being milked every year etc yet I bet a lot of them still buy COD after all these years.

decrypt3466d ago

Havent bought COD since MW2. The only AC i bought are AC 1, AC 2 (stopped after that because it was just the same boring game play with same old graphics).

Purchased Unity recently, since its a new gen and the game really pushes the graphics amazing to play on a high end PC. Wont purchase more since they will be reskinned from here on.

bixxel3465d ago

Have you noticed something?
In AC3 trailer,at the end they said "Rise"
In AC4 trailer,they said "Defy"
In AC Unity they said "Unite"
AC Victory says "Victory"

Think about it.When the oppressed RISE,then DEFY their oppressors and then UNITE against them,they achieve VICTORY.Maybe it's nothing.But it can't be a coincidence...

wiggles3466d ago

I really wish that they would get back on with the story. The story of 1 & 2 are what really drew me in, I used to buy it until revelations, where I really saw a decline in the story value. I still haven't played black flag, buy judging from reviews, it doesn't do anything to really bring back the mystery that was originally created from the cliff hanger in 1 and 2.

It's a shame, it really seemed like it could be a promising franchise.

Nerdmaster3466d ago

Revelations is the last game I played but didn't even finish it, because since Brotherhood the story wasn't interesting anymore.

wiggles3466d ago

You didn't miss anything, and sounds like you had the perfect stopping point, right before everything went bad.

A3 didn't add anything of significance to the story, and if it did, I have already forgotten it.

3466d ago
SuperBlur3466d ago

There's a good reason why the quality started dwindling down after Brotherhood. Patrice Désilets was the Creative Lead up until midway through AC:BH development, I believe he left because Ubisoft had just ordered like 3 more AC game from him and he just couldn't take it anymore , he wanted to widen his portfolio.

He joined THQ later and started working on project, 1666, when thq went bankrupt , Ubisoft bought and suspended the project , firing Patrice to possibly troll him.

wiggles3466d ago

Interesting, thanks for the back story!

bixxel3465d ago

Apparently they spoiled the mysteries in AC1 and 2.Which is why the rest have a more boring story.

LeCreuset3466d ago (Edited 3466d ago )

Five things I hate about Assassin's Creed:

1. U
2. N
3. I
4. T
5. Y

Spikeantestor3466d ago (Edited 3466d ago )

I've always WANTED to like these games. I love the idea of a historical setting and the world, at least from the trailers, has always looked really immersive, at least thematically.

I just can't though. Open world should mean that the game (the story, the progression, etc.) itself is tied to the openness of that world. Like skyrim. But these games always seemed to offer a big sandbox with nothing to do but obey the linear story.

At the risk of starting more than I already have, I think the GTA games have the same boring problem; you do the linear story or you fart around doing nothing that the game recognizes as important.

This bores me. This is also why what Bethesda does is so interesting to me. They make games in which everything is connected.

Assassin's Creed's world is like a Christmas ornament. It's pretty to look at, maybe even worth exploring the contours of, just don't expect to actually DO anything with it.

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I Played Assassin’s Creed Unity Almost 10 Years Later. It’s (Kinda) Spectacular

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Skuletor84d ago

Do the NPCs still randomly levitate every now and then? Even years later I noticed they hadn't patched that out

andy8584d ago (Edited 84d ago )

Honestly I loved the PS4 ACs. I'd love next gen ports of Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate


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Can We Finally Admit Assassin's Creed 3 Deserves an Apology?

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isarai238d ago

Nope, I hated 3, connar was bland, literally the most flat character in the entire game. Not to mention to myriad of bugs, camera issues, and that annoying thing where he automatically ditches his weapon you payed for for the sake of a cool finishing move forcing you to trek back to your base after almost every encounter just to re-equip your own weapon. It just didn't work as fluidly as the others like 2 and 4

Samonuske238d ago

The series peaked at AC3 for me. It’s been my favourite in the series. Connor will always be one of my favourite video game protagonists.

Becuzisaid238d ago

No. Game was BORING. Connor was really dull. Environments, while impressive, because of the geographic location and time period were not really exciting to be in. I would love some kind of game set in there colonial American time period, but a game like AC that back then centered around parkour and vertical traversal really didn't fit those environments.

-Foxtrot238d ago


There was a lot of issues but mine is how they handled the war

They told us Connor was not going to get involved, that the war was more of a background setting for the real story and it wasn’t going to be one sided

They lied, even the cinematic E3 trailer showed Connor emerge from the Colonist side and slaughter the red coats to get to his target, inspiring the Colonists to fight back

I just thought it would have made more sense lore wise that the red coats were mostly compiled of Assassins fighting the Colonist templars who wanted to take the new world for themselves.

Since the Red coats lost the war, it would then explain how the Templars started to gain the upper hand and how on the future the assassins were mostly killed off and the Templar’s had pretty much taken over everything.

Instead it just felt like they didn’t want to p*** off the American audience

Even Haytham was cool, he should have been an Assassin through and through and should have been the main lead.

toxic-inferno238d ago

The game even seems to lack the humour of the other games. It almost seems as though the idea of even slightly making fun of American history wouldn't be acceptable.

-Foxtrot237d ago


It just felt super safe

“Better not make the colonists look super bad incase people boycott our game”

jeromeface237d ago

someone missed the whole point

-Foxtrot237d ago

There was literally no point

What I've just said above would at least make sense lore wise and why the Assassins start to loose their war, die off and how the Templars are in control in the future of almost everything....what they did was just, pointless

CrimsonWing69238d ago

I’m one one of those weird people that liked Ass Creed 3, but to be fair I never got around to finishing it.

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