
Review: 'The Crew' - Fast, not so furious | Play Enlightened

The Crew is a game for those that like racers, and need something to occupy that slot between a simulation and arcade title. The Crew never fully delivers on the promise of an online racer with a huge, populated world. It does, however, deliver a competent racing game that is sure to please fans of the makes and models featured, and fans of movies in the vein of Gone in 60 Seconds.

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crazychris41243466d ago

They need to work on fixing these issues:

1.Stabilize the servers. Have had my connection drop 2 or 3 times during missions so I lose my progress.

2. Rubberbanding especially in chases is just insane. You could ram the cops into buildings and they will drive at light speed to catch up to you or they will spawn directly in front of you.

3. Car handling is still off. I use sport setup and I have full upgraded handling but when Im landing my car off a jump the car will sometimes randomly spin out.

4. Multiplayer matchmaking needs to match people with cars of a similar car level. Its not fun when you are a level 350 and the other guy is 1050. Should match people within 100-200 car levels.

5. Characters during missions talk way too much. Way too annoying during missions when you have somebody repeat the same thing over and over and over again. I know I have to win the race stop telling me that.

uth113466d ago

yeah an option to silence the dialog if you played a mission more than once would be nice.

JoeMcCallister3466d ago

Totally agree with all these points. Well put.

Masterchief_thegoat3466d ago

this game is a legend in the making /s


The Crew is Being Removed from Your Ubisoft Connect Account Right Now

The Outerhaven writes: With the closure of The Crew's online servers, Ubisoft has started removing access to the game from anyone who owns it on Ubisoft Connect.

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shadowhaxor53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Wait. I don't get it. I reported on something that I recently noticed. I did mention in my article that I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't gone to play The Division 2. That said, if this was nearly a week ago, I wouldn't know, as NO ONE REPORTED ON IT! Not IGN. Not Gamespot. Not Kotaku. No one.

You got people here complaining that there are any real gaming journalists and game journalism sucks, but when someone is acting, doing something to make something known to the public about what a company is doing. What do you do? You poke fun at it. What is it that people want? Do you want to complain for the sake of it? Or do you actually want people to do something to make those who aren't in the know aware of the shady stuff that's happening and to sound the alarm?

ravens5252d ago

It's the "oh well" setting in on digital users. They don't care they don't own their stuff for some odd reason. 🤷🏽.

FullmetalRoyale52d ago

Good for you! People sometimes just feel the need to show how little they actually have to say. Very respectful dressing down, btw, which is another thing we need more of.

fan_of_gaming52d ago

I appreciate your article,
- "If this isn’t considered both a “WTF” moment and setting a dangerous precedent, I don’t know what else it would be"
- "it could also signal other publishers that removing games from our accounts would be okay"
- "Maybe those firmly against this digital future have a point after all"
- "This. Is. Fucked. Up."

As someone against an only-digital/streaming future for entertainment content (movies/TV shows/games/books), it feels like talking into a void about the points above on this website, or on Twitter, or with my friends, etc. People don't get it. I'm strongly contemplating whether this will be my last generation of PlayStation & Xbox consoles (I'm confident enough that Nintendo's next system will still support physical media and that their 1st-party games won't have online-required installation or usage restrictions).

Chocoburger52d ago

He is one of the long running trolls of this site, he never says anything positive. Every single one of his posts are either incorrect or flat out stupid. Pay him no mind.

OtterX52d ago

Thank you @shadowhaxor, we appreciate you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 52d ago
KyRo52d ago

Yet people will sit here and still say that digital is better 🙃

TheSenorCheese52d ago

Welcome to the era where you no longer own your games.

gvrd001952d ago (Edited 52d ago )

I'm so done with Ubisoft, removing games one paid for is a new low...
Bye Ubisoft,
You've done f#c*ed it up !

Chocoburger52d ago

This was me 9 years ago, when I realized all they wanted to make were filler boring games that are packed with micro-trash-actions.

Snooze! Moving on from Ubi-junk!

vTuro2452d ago

I see they're trying their best to surpass Activision Blizzard for being the most hated gaming company. Keep at it, Ubisoft, I believe!

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The Crew Franchise Accumulates 40 Million Players In Total

The series' next iteration is coming this year.


NVIDIA Announces 'Join the Crew' Bundle; GeForce Gamers are Game Ready for Vampyr

Now that we have great availability for GeForce GTX GPUs across retailers and at prices gamers can afford, there’s never been a better time to become a GeForce Gamer and ‘Join the Crew’.

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