
eBay Expects 'Significant Interest' For 20th Anniversary PS4 Consoles

Announced just days before it is slated to become available, the Limited Edition 20th Anniversary Edition PlayStation 4 is causing quite the brouhaha.

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ValKilmer3469d ago

Wow, this is horrible news. I was hoping the interest was just hype, but now it looks like we're going to have to play thousands of dollars for these things.

-Foxtrot3469d ago

I want this...but only to keep as a collectible

Wish I had the money :|

-Foxtrot3469d ago

I don't know to be honest

On one hand I would like to see it, I mean I've obviously bought it HOWEVER the thought that I have it would be enough. I mean god knows how much it would go for in the future.

I know this is silly but I have a dream that when I'm older and get my own house I can install a basement and transform it into a video game museum full of all the consoles along with some rare variations such as this PS4.

Steelbooks flooding the shelves, collectors editions behind glass cabinets, Artbooks on stands, statues standing proudly and some really nice wall mounts of replica weapons.

That's the dream :)

Mr_cheese3469d ago

No, I'd completely OCD and put the box on a shelf dusting it every other moon.

Knowing I have it is the treasure of not playing it.

SmielmaN3469d ago

I'm going to do my best to buy one or two of these things at retail prices but I would not open it at all. It would go in bubble wrap, then in a bag, then in a sturdy storage tote. An item like this could be worth a couple thousand by the time the 30th anniversary rolls around. But I would expect the initial week of sale on the secondary market will prob boost them up to $2000+ but that won't last after the few guys who can afford that get theirs.

I do a lot of selling/buying of collectibles on ebay and at hobby shops lol. It's kinda my thing.

DragoonsScaleLegends3469d ago

Step 1: Win the lottery
Step 2: Buy 10 of them from ebay
Step 3: send me one

xHeavYx3469d ago

Ok, I'll send you one as soon as I get the money from the lottery. I may not buy 10 though. Just 2.

Themba763469d ago

watch how many ppl buy this system and never open it up and play it.

SmielmaN3469d ago

That would be me. It's a number collectible of 12,300 that's going to a potential buying audience of 80-100 million gamers/enthusiasts. These systems will sell high on he secondary market.

I've been hitting all the Sony Twitter accounts and Sony customer support lobbying to get an idea of when and where I can buy these and they have all directed me to other Sony support branches and told me that news on that will happen very soon lol. I guess I have to wait until tomorrow at 3. Crap thing is I have to head to my wife's huge fancy Christmas party at this exclusive members only golf club because she has to rub elbows with the big shots as she's being groomed for high level positions lol. Free food and booze though. I'm definitely going to have to explain to her the seriousness of me getting ahold of a couple of these units lol. Good thing she understands collectibles and hobby enthusiasts.

Man I hope I get at least one.... Lol

HeMan763469d ago

I wish I could get one. Playstation One has big memories with me. :(

Eonjay3469d ago

Any predictions for the top bids for these things?

ValKilmer3469d ago

People will start "pre-orders" on eBay tomorrow when they confirm they've bought one and we see them listed at $2,000+.

uth113469d ago

In the thousands easily.

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PlayStation Germany Offering PS4 Owners a Chance to Win a PS5 If they Sell Their PS4 on ebay

Sony PlayStation Germany has a proposition for players! If you sell your PS4 on ebay, you will get a chance to win a PS5!

KingofBandits833d ago

Sell your working and likely in use console for a slight chance to win the next one?.........

lelo2play832d ago (Edited 832d ago )

Yep.... real smart.

Whoever came up with the idea, deserves a raise.

EvertonFC832d ago

Probably got a million pound bonus 🙄🤔

EvertonFC832d ago

I know right, how stupid is that

Sayai jin832d ago

Lol...so a working console for a lottery to win one. If you have more than one PS4 maybe.....

Orchard833d ago

You’d have to be nuts to participate in that… sell your working, old console for the slim chance to win a new one.

Or you could just go buy a new one and not gamble on it and be left with no console.

TGGJustin833d ago

When you don't win you'll be like "All I have left is Spider-Man"

Knightofelemia833d ago

Sell my PS4 to get my name put in a big circling drum with other names nah I am good I'll keep my PS4 means more to me sentimental wise and collecting wise.

ApocalypseShadow833d ago (Edited 833d ago )

Sony Germany....NO. Just NO. Everybody had better win.

Just do a trade in program towards PS5, test the systems, add a warranty, then sell the PS4 systems in poorer markets that can't afford the system at a lower price. Bundle some free, family friendly digital games with it already installed on the HDD. Done.

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Super Rare PS1 Game by ATLUS Sells for $390 Unsealed on eBay

The PS1 in now in the pantheon of consoles where nostalgia is at it’s peak. Those who owned the system want to buy back their youth and have enough disposable income to get the games they missed, and then some.

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pecorre1097d ago

How is this newsworthy? Games prices have gone crazy on ebay. I am selling a part of my gaming collection and I sold many PS1 game for $150+. I sold Zelda Wind waker + Ocarina of time master quest on gamecube for $450 earlier this year and no one gave a ****.

1097d ago

eBay Bans "Adult Video Games"

eBay bans "adult video games" from its platform, although it's unclear what the company refers to with the term.

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Activemessiah1114d ago

But they still sell sex toys... make it make sense!

CobraKai1113d ago

Ugh! Is it second hand sex toys?!

njitram20001113d ago

What's wrong? That means they're worn in 😏

1113d ago Replies(1)
Fntastic1114d ago

Probably stuff like Senran Kagura since they are basically porn/adult games, not for kids

Knightofelemia1114d ago

Senran Kagura is far from being classified as porn or hentai its more ecchi style then anything I have played the games and I have never seen full frontal nudity just jiggly boobs that are covered up.

SavageFlamingo1114d ago

Yep. Witcher is closer to porn than that game.

CrimsonWing691114d ago

Have you played the game before or you just see big tits and weeb sh*t and you think it’s porn? I’d say things like GTA V and Witcher 3 are more “pornographic” by your standards.

Cyb3r1114d ago

A pity they wouldnt ban PS5 and Xbox Series console scalpers

RosweeSon1114d ago

No chance when they taking their cut

MadLad1114d ago

Amazon will happily take that market then.
I haven't even used Ebay in years.

TheEnigma3131114d ago

Good. No need for that nonsense

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