
Pokémon’s Audience Is Growing Older

Pokémon is picking up more and more adults, but this might be happening at the cost of younger players.

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-Foxtrot3474d ago

It is but the problem is they are starting to feel dumbed down. I'm loving Alpha Sapphire but god damn it's easier then the original.

For example take Team Aquas Matt and Shelly, high up Adims of an organization which is who your against during the game, they have one Pokemon each...just ONE and I'm pretty sure in the originals they had more. They are supposed to be higher up people in the group yet they aren't tough enough.

Then lets take your rival who you bump into in the story, they either offer or your dragged along to the location they are talking about and where you have to go next. I'm pretty capable of getting there myself.

Little things I know but Pokemon should at least have some difficulty to it.

I think now is the time for them to make a massive console game. With Pokemons growing audience I think it would sell just as much on a console system.


The case for Pokemon Black and White remakes in 2024

A number of leaks have popped up that reference Pokemon Black and White remakes in some way. Are they all coincidences or real in 2024?

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jambola3d ago

I can't wait for it to look Even worse than the original and force exp share


Pokemon Black and White Remakes Face a Challenge Unseen in Other Remakes

Pokemon Black and White are next in line for a remake, but they may encounter an issue when accounting for one unique aspect of Gen 5.

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Inverno335d ago

The only issue they'll be encountering is the laziness and incompetence of whatever dev is remaking. Be it GF themselves or the dev behind DP remakes.


Pokémon Black and White Doesn't Need a Remake - It Needs a Port

There isn't enough to improve in Pokémon Black and White to justify remaking it. Instead, Game Freak should make a port of these beloved games.

Antnee534549d ago

They did this with diamond and pearl and those are the worst pokémon games to date because it's worse than the ds counterparts

-Foxtrot549d ago

I'd rather they combine this and the sequel as one game, do it so the post game content is Black and White 2.

While I think B&W 2 were good we should have still gotten Pokemon Grey, some people liked holding on for a more complete beefy package compared to the originals.

548d ago