
Starsiege: Tribes – 16 years on

Tribes will be celebrating its 16th birthday. By now most Tribes fans know the story of Tribes’ accidental success, but for those PC gamers who weren’t absolutely sucked into this high-flying shooter in 1998, allow me to give a (very) brief crash course.


Interview: The man who killed Starsiege: Tribes (part 2)

In part 2 of this interview with Chris "The Man Who Killed Starsiege Tribes" Mahnken, the former producer for Tribes: Vengeance talks about what he likes best about the franchise, why it's unique, and some of his Tribes 'pet peeves'.

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Interview: The man who killed Starsiege: Tribes (part 1)

How did a six-year-old, critically-acclaimed game franchise die and why has it been so hard to revive? Who and what killed it? Chris Mahnken, the producer for Tribes: Vengeance, tells us about the events that 'killed' the franchise's hopeful revival and its final installment released in 2004. Chris also offers thoughts for the new owners of the franchise at HiRez studios, who will once again try to revive the franchise with their forthcoming titles Tribes Ascend this year and Tribes Universe later on.

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mc-fine4802d ago

Awesome read. I really felt Tribes: Vengeance had potential but it felt rushed and they cut support not long after release. I thought the combat aspect was awesome but reading that confirms the suspicion of the lack of support from Vivendi.

Tribes:Ascend is doomed unfortunately. Unless they do something crazy like make a console game with the intention of it being played with mouse and keyboard there is no hope.


Hi-Rez Studios announces development of Tribes Universe MMO

Hi-Rez Studios, the creators of the sci-fi shooter MMO Global Agenda, have announced that they have purchased the rights to Tribes, the old Dynamix jet-pack shooter, and will be creating a brand new game with the license.

Dubbed Tribes Universe, this new tribes will feature large-scale battles with over 100+ players on a map while still retaining the classic tribes feel.

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Letros4960d ago

Meh, I'll look at Firefall first, they original Tribes LD is working on that.

mortalrage4960d ago

I miss playing Tribes back in the day, had a lot of fun.