
Review: Captain Toad Treasure Tracker (Pure Nintendo)

Pure Nintendo: "I can not say enough to praise Nintendo for Captain Toad. It is absolutely a must buy for ALL Wii U owners. While the game seems short at first, it isn’t (not saying anymore about this to avoid spoilers) and there is plenty of content to keep players coming back for more. There is a ton of replay value, especially when trying to 100% the game by attempting to complete the challenges for every stage. I can only hope that this is not a one and done title from Nintendo. Captain Toad is definitely of a high enough quality that it could be turned into an established franchise with more games down the road. Hopefully Captain Toad will have a chance to do more treasure hunting or even something else and once again shine in his own game sometime in the near future."

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Nintendo announces Summer Game Sale - Captain Toad, Dragon Quest XI S, more

Nintendo has kicked off a big Summer Game Sale on the North American eShop. Switch owners can save on a bunch of different tiles from both Nintendo and third-parties, including Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Dragon Quest XI S, and much more.

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NotoriousWhiz1454d ago

I was waiting for dq11 sale. Might be time to buy.

deleted1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

Took them forever to put it on sale on the US store! It was on sale for the EU store back on the New Years sale, and at least 1 other time. I had waited so long, I just knew the minute I dropped $60 on it, it would end up going on sale. Took longer than I thought though. I nabbed DQXI S and also DQ Builders 2 last night. Both great games!

I had 7 1/2 hours in the DQXI S demo, so I already knew I loved it. Glad my progress carried over.


Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker dropped to below $30 on Switch

Amazon has once again discounted the physical version of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker to $29.99 on the Nintendo Switch.

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Nintendo’s Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Receives Labo VR Kit Support

Only in Japan at the moment.

iplay1up21769d ago

I will have to try this. Switch 2(whenever that comes out) should be able to display at least very good VR. I would love it to have a 4K display, but its Nintendo.