
Do words like rape and gay belong in competitive gaming?

Gaida's tweet and his suspension from the tournament spread like wildfire. One side of the argument stated that using words like "rape" and "gay" in gaming don't carry the same contextual weight as they do when used in real life. Leandre even got messages from people saying she deserves to be killed and raped and that she can't take a joke. The other side argued that using words like that don''t belong in gaming.

Let's take a closer look at both sides of the argument.

Sillicur3473d ago

The word is terrible and should not be used as a threat at all. However, in the context of gaming I have seen it used in a very light manner.

not saying that its right to use it, not all all, but he did not really mean physically and sexually assault...

mmcglasson3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

I've used this word... but not in the same context as some of these people. When playing WoW in PvP or CoD I'd say over the mic... "I just raped that fool." Not meaning it in the same context as some of these people use it. When it's used in the way I use it... it's not even remotely close to the same meaning. It's more along the lines of... I just owned that fool.

As LeCreuset said... his friend or person he was playing with online that said "Good night, don't get raped." is completely different. Or these little kids that are saying I hope you get raped and killed or w/e... Then that's just wrong. These are the same kids that scream the N word and other obscenities.

I will say that people are becoming way too sensitive these days... However, at the same time... people take things way to far these days too. Trash talking is fine but you got to know when enough is enough. There is obviously things that get taken way too far... but it's just a matter of commonsense and respect.

LeCreuset3473d ago

Hold up, boss. Back it up. How are you going to cosign me to a point that is contrary to the one I made? My point wasn't that it's completely different. My point was that the online gaming community has become so insensitive that it is acceptable jargon to use the experience of feeling dominated, powerless, "owned," and humiliated during a rape as something to mockingly associate with the defeat of an opponent. To boot, this is often done publicly, with no regard for the presence of anyone affected by rape. It's less "people are becoming too sensitive these days," and more people prematurely celebrating the little progress they've made, like the wide receiver boasting about a 1st down earning catch on his team's 35 yard line in a game they're losing by four touchdowns.

mmcglasson3473d ago

I wasn't really cosigning you on my opinion but using what your friend said as a different example of derogatory way the word is used vs the way others (including myself) have used it in the past.

As far as our opinions on sensitivity they differ. I agree with you on your points but I also think in general kids these days are becoming too soft and people are trying to censor things too much. I'm not against acting professionally and not threatening other players. However when it comes to cyber-bullying and other issues... people need to learn to ignore others and not take things so personal. I do understand that it's harder to get away from being bullied due to it following you via the internet now... instead of just while at school, etc. However, if you can't take it... ignore the person, if they continue to harass you after you have blocked them, report them to people that can do something to their accounts, and if that doesn't work, i'd maybe suggest not using social media or playing those types of game.

Obviously like I said there is a point of when you cross the line and these cyber bullies take things way too far... and they keep coming for no reason other than to make someone feel like crap and make themselves feel superior. It is truly a double edge-sword. I'm against censorship, i'm against cyber-bullying but if it's happening know how to stop it. Shooting up a school is not how you stop it either. Tell your parents, tell authorities, stop putting yourself in these situations, etc.

Conzul3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Sheesh. I must be lucky or something, because every time I've told a girl ingame that I was going to *rape* her, she's had the brain cells to know exactly what I meant.
Hell, sometimes I get an even better retort thrown back at me. Guess it all comes down to the friends (and enemies) you keep...

Snookies123473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

It just shows how immature you are. I respect fellow gamers that I play with online, and give them the same courtesy I would a person in real life. It's sad some people have to cuss constantly, or call out derogatory terms when playing online matches. It's fine to get excited, I yell obscenities when I get too into a match as well, but learn when to put a lid on it.

Sillicur3473d ago

I agree, yet there is something to be said about being over sensitive, especially when dealing with gamers...

LeCreuset3473d ago

More like something to be said about being under-sensitive. First time I heard a gamer use rape was years ago when an online buddy of mine told a 9 year old girl "Good night. Don't get raped." I waited in that awkward silence for her to log off, then lit into him like "WTF? Did you really just tell a 9 year old 'don't get raped?'"

I soon realized that this was part of online gamer parlance, but to this day I'm not cool with it. To me it just reinforces the stereotype of the socially awkward, immature gamer disconnected from the real world when making light of rape and hurling around slurs becomes so casual that gamers argue it loses its real world meaning. It doesn't lose its meaning for the person that has actually suffered those experiences or the members of the group the slur is directed at.

FriedGoat3473d ago

Better than saying "get raped"

Blues Cowboy3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Well said. It's easy to forget that you're playing against other human beings in an online environment, but a little respect and human decency should let you act responsibly and in a sportsmanlike way even when the red mist comes down.

It's up to all of us to behave in a civilized way and call out stuff like this when we hear/see it. I'm no stranger to a little banter, but there's a line and I'm actually glad to see examples being made when unacceptable terms are used.

There's also an argument that, like ANY sportsmen and women, professional games should be setting an example. If Esports wants the same courtesy, it should extend the same courtesy.

Hellsvacancy3473d ago

Me and my online buddies use offensive obscenities all the time, with each other

As for messaging someone you've never met, calling them a paedophile just because they've been owned on a computer game with a shotgun is an entirely different matter, that's what happened to me not so long ago whilst playing BF4

The sad person who messaged me that was extremely infuriated with me, over a game

Anon19743473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Good comments. If you're playing in a competitive event, if you're not acting sportsmanlike you don't belong there. Period.

As for just regular gaming, I can joke around with my buddies and say some awful things because we all know each other and that's in a controlled environment. I don't think this type of behavior is any more appropriate in a public gaming space as it would be in any other public space. Which is why I usually don't game online anymore and when I do, I first start by muting everyone. I simply have no patience for it, and it's a sad reality in online gaming today.

CongoKyle3472d ago

Couldn't have said this better. I used to be like that, I grew up fast when I was in the spotlight and people cared about what I say/do.

Nobody care until I put on the mask.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3472d ago
HanCilliers3473d ago

I think it's inappropriate in the extreme. With the rise of eSports gaming has come under the spotlight and saying things like that to a female opponent shows lack of respect and unprofessional.

I disagree with the writer in that that who the opponent is does matter. There's such a thing as common decency and respect. We've written so many articles about how female gamers and industry people are sexually harassed, now to go and say that is just plain stupid. Same would be if you play against a black person and say "Nigger", it's disrespectful.

Perhaps it's time gamers (and especially when in a competitive environment) acquire new language skills. There are a lot of other ways to say you are going to dominate an opponent.

That having been said, when I played comp in TF2 and QL I also at times used the word "rape". I have since grown up a bit. There's perhaps also a difference when words like that are used between friends, certainly not in an international comp and tweeting it to the world.

CongoKyle3473d ago

It's unfortunately those who talk like that who are the most popular. Most of the spectators in this sport come from Twitch.tv. Twitch.tv chat is absolute cancer, to put it nicely. It has become the norm for people to say "rape", "Rekt", "rekt faget" etc. and even pros do it because the viewers love it.

This lapse in judgement by Kas was an incredibly horrible mistake, but given the points and how the community behaves I think this ban was a bit too much. A few months suspension and a course at Tweeting 101 will do the trick.

HanCilliers3473d ago

Fair enough, but giving the recent storm about online harassment and the spotlight on female gamers/industry people they perhaps wanted to make an example.

Amuro3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

why is saying "rekt" a bad thing now? It's not sexual and is not derogatory either. It just mean that you got "destroyed" or beaten badly. The word comes from "wrecked" not from rape or something like that.

LightofDarkness3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

I think the ban is necessary to send a message to people that it is not a safe haven for those who wish to conduct themselves in that manner, nor is it at all acceptable to do so under any circumstances. Consider it "making an example of him," which is often an effective solution. It's unfortunate for him, yes, but a clear message must be sent out.

That said, under these pretences can we get PewDiePie banned from Youtube :p?

Krimmson3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

"Same would be if you play against a black person and say "Nigger", it's disrespectful. "
Not really, since males can also be raped. Saying things like that is disrespectful to both genders, not just females.
Yes, there have been multiple females that have been harassed due to their gender, but to compare a racial slur to an insult that can affect all parties just doesn't work.

LeCreuset3473d ago

How about if you start talking about lynching a Black person or making them your slave? That's a more fitting comparison, as those are not experiences which have been, or can be, exclusive to Blacks, but you would have to be willfully blind not to recognize the added offensiveness of directing those threats at a Black person.

Morpheuzpr3473d ago Show
CaptainObvious8783473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

I guess I must be different. I have this radical idea that men and women are equal and should be treated equal.

Saying stuff like that to male opponents is just as disrespectful and unprofessional.

Why is it somehow different when the person happens to have female reproductive organs? I'm sick of people putting women up on a pedestal.

And no, I'm definitely not a feminist. I believe in equality for all, not just for one gender and when it's convenient.

DukeOfStilwater3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Unfortunately, that's the society we live in. It's getting better (sort of), but there's still enough people who're going backwards who make it feel like it's getting worse. I treat all genders with equality. Unfortunately - as much as society likes to deny it - there is such thing as men who are afraid of abusive women and not just women afraid of abusive men, but because they're "men" they have to "deal with it". It's this particular mentally which makes society act the way it does. SMDH Hopefully in the next ten years things will be more favor of gender equality instead of catering to feminists and or anti-feminist extremists.

DukeOfStilwater3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

I often say the old-time insults, like, "I'm gonna fill you full of lead" and "I hope you have life insurance." lol I hate it when people throw around words like gay, n*gger, f*g, and the r word, of course. It's one of the reasons I - 9 times out of 10 - mute the mic chatter whenever I'm in a public server.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3473d ago
lord zaid3473d ago

eSports needs to develope maturity. Its going to take a while, but we'll get there.

CongoKyle3473d ago

Difficult when the majority of popular gamers are really young. A lot of major organizations do have PR teams who strap things down, but in terms of the general gaming population, it's all one big mess.

pelida3473d ago

Yeah, we should not use "rape" so lightly, and "gay" trying to be offensive.

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$15 horse for WoW made more money than StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty

Jason Hall, currently an indie developer and former Blizzard employee, has been sharing some really interesting stories from his long career in the industry for a while now. Some of them are truly insightful, while others may seem depressing.

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Sciurus_vulgaris197d ago

I’m a little shocked that StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty sold only around 6 million copies. The original StarCraft did over 11 million. Maybe Blizzard was too leisurely in releasing StarCraft 2? Starcraft 2 came out 12 years after it’s predecessor.

Plague-Doctor27197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

Im surprised too. Starcraft was still a huge name in 2010. It was kinda the only new RTS around and other genres like MOBAs hadn't really kicked off yet. I do remember at the time sentiment around the game was
pretty angry the game was being split into 3 but I doubt that would have impacted sales to that degree

Sciurus_vulgaris196d ago

For a long time I believed StarCraft II sold on par or better than its predecessor. There was so much hype for the game. Plus it had a pretty strong E-Sports scene for a few years.

Myself and half a dozen friends all bought StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and played it religiously for a full year. While I bought the expansions, most of my friends did not. RPGs seem to be a generally low selling genre.

Nerdmaster196d ago

I'm not shocked at all. This was an early example of Blizzard being greedy. Instead of releasing a complete experience, splitting Starcraft 2 in 3 parts so it could make us purchase it 3 times if we wanted to know the whole story and play story mode with the other races.

Sciurus_vulgaris196d ago

I originally had that stance. However, Wings of Liberty, was just as long, if not longer than StarCraft 1. The expansions were of decent length too and added a good amount of additional content.

il-JumperMT197d ago

and people wonder why we are having mtx in everything. i blame the people who actual buy them.

Nerdmaster196d ago

It's interesting he used Brazil as an example of the importance of regional pricing. Nowadays many companies on Steam are setting their prices in Brazil as high as, if not more than, their price in USA. I simply refused to buy a few games when I noticed that's the case.

Extermin8or3_196d ago

This right here is the fucking problem.

196d ago

20 Best Sci-Fi Games of All Time

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rlow11178d ago

Don't really agree on Dead Space being number one. But usually come down to preference. Alot of good games on the list. I was hoping to see Aliens vs Predator by Sierra on the list, as it was a great game. Anyways for me the number one is still Halo but Mass Effect was really good up to the infamous ending of the third game.

Rebel_Scum1177d ago

I would put Flashback on my list. Its got such a great tone and background design. The cutscenes were pretty good too.

1177d ago
Master of Unlocking1176d ago (Edited 1176d ago )

DEAD SPACE 2 as number 1? Really? I've only ever played DEAD SPACE 1 (without finishing it) and, sure enough I liked it a lot, and have been yearning for getting to grips with an hd remastered trilogy for the PS4/XBox One/PS5/XBox Series X/S, but what about Deus Ex Human Revolution & Mankind Divided? Alienation (to quench our thirst for twitching fingers' top-down dual-stick shooters)? Or even Cyberpunk 2077 (once the game has been re-released and all the kinks have been ironed out)?

If not at the #1 spot, it seems to me these games deserved to be on the list somewhere.

But what really strikes me as unfair is, if you're going back to the PS3/XBox 360 era with DS2, how could you forget to mention Killzone 2 & 3? The Resistance games? When it comes to Sci-Fi FPS, it's inadequate not to pay your respects to those stellar franchises! Heck, even the Crysis trilogy should've been there IMHO.


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