
Escape Dead Island Review | Gamereactor UK

GR-UK writes: "As it is now the game only barely deserves a passing grade. You have to be able to look past some design problems in order to enjoy the captivating story that's there."

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Fatshark CEO: A Release Date Can Make or Break a Game

Fatshark CEO Martin Wahlund states that a strict release dates can hinder a game's release if it doesn't allow developers to polish the game.

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Sniperwithacause2285d ago

Well the developers need to be at a set point in development before they can put a garuntee on the date. Its up to them to know if they can get it done and polished in a realistic time frame. IMO, the game should be playable from start to finish before a date is set. Then from there they have time to polish,bug test,and any other sort of fixes before the release date. All we get now are ship now fix later type of mentality.


Vermintide 2 developer Fatshark explains why Escape Dead Island underwhelmed

GameWatcher - Warhammer Vermintide 2 developer Fatshark explains why their last game Escape Dead Island disappointed, and how they learned their lesson for the first Vermintide: "the key thing as a developer is to control your release date".

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2287d ago

Dead Space Ignition and Escape Dead Island added to backwards compatibility

“Dead Space Ignition and Escape Dead Island are coming to Xbox One Backward Compatibility today."