
NHL 15 - Xbox One Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

I was recently speaking with my brother about sports games and I was trying to determine what the last sport-based video game I had played was. Depending on who you are and how you see racing games it would be Forza Motorsports 5 however, I do not believe that the Forza games are "sports;" they are a way of life that must be taken, so the Forza titles do not count. That would leave The Golf Club and before it, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2012 and prior to that, it was the original Tiger Woods game. We then got onto the subject of the NHL game franchise and it dawned on the two of us that the last hockey game we seriously played was an NHL title for the original Xbox (and before that, was that Wayne Gretzky game for the Nintendo 64) so it has been some time since I got my mitts on a hockey title for some real in-depth playing.


Old Games With Grandpa Heath - Hockey Video Games From 2000 to Now

NHL hockey video games have come a long way. Grandpa Heath takes a look at just how long in the 3rd and final NHL hockey games retrospective. There's also a whole lot of griping about NHL 15.

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knifefight3168d ago

At least NHL 16 shipped as a complete product. Still waiting on goalies and d-men that act real. I have a feeling I'll be waiting several more years.

bOObies3168d ago

I went back and watched the whole series. And I don't even like hockey or hockey games lol Guy is real funny


Let's Play NHL 15 - Fun in Finland

From Canada to Finland, it's an NHL showdown rematch for the Picked Last Gamers crew - Ryan/Mark vs Chris/Ty - let's play!

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Which of this weeks Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 9th June 2015

Neil writes "This week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale is now live and brings a few helpful bargains to both Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners. But which of the discounts in place should you be snapping up, and which should you be leaving to one side?"

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oKidUKo3287d ago

I agree totally regarding the EA games on sale, just grab EA Access. Great value.

roguedragon13287d ago

Sale So disappointing again thought they would step up leading to E3. hopefully better deals on playstation.

neil3633287d ago

Saving it all for next week perhaps?

RiPPn3286d ago

Since the Xbox One launch Microsoft sales have been garbage.. I have $30 expiring in 2 weeks that I'm probably going to have to spend on full price content because of how lame these sales are. Hoping for an Ori sale next week during E3.

Dirtnapstor3286d ago

Your $$$ do not expire regardless of your Live status. Just pay by the month, first month is a free trial before payments begin. Usually available through your PC, not the dashboard.