
Thunderbolt reviews Aces of the Galaxy

Nick Akerman reports:

''You better belt up. It's time to exterminate the Skurgian race and destroy the unchallenged reign they hold over the great unknown: space. Even the darkest, most isolated corners of this star-sprinkled black canvas are prone to infestation from these dangerous defenders. Lurking within this bleak and uncharted mystery is an entire civilisation hell-bent on eliminating your threat and beginning their own. It really is a dog eat dog world. Wait, did I say world? Make that universe.

As you all know, if an alien threat needs to be dealt with, man is the most reliable remedy. We've been protecting our land for centuries and no matter how minimal the odds may appear, we've always triumphed above the rest. Be it giant blood sucking tripods, the Locust Horde or even the old-school rampaging zombies, we know how to get the job done with a credible amount of style. Aces of the Galaxy does exactly that once more, as Sierra takes it back to the old-school in brilliantly executed fashion.''

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Xbox Live's Top Five Underrated Games (RunDLC)

RunDLC posted an article listing its top five underrated Xbox Live Arcade games. The list includes Poker Smash and Rocket Riot.

DelbertGrady5077d ago

I bought Rocket Riot when it was on sale for 400 points. It's awesome old school gameplay with really nice art direction. The later levels demand old school perseverance though :)

Buff10445077d ago

True, Rocket Riot is a real gem. The art style is awesome.


Resumeplay: Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter - PC Review

Resumeplay writes: "Developed by Black Fire Games, Alien Dominion: the Acronian Encounter is a high-flying shooter set in space where you have been signed on as the gunner on a spaceship. Before I get into that, I thought I’d mention the activation of the game because it was different than most that I’ve played. Once you buy the game, you copy your serial number and start the game. The serial number is saved on your clipboard and the full version of the game is then activated. To make sure you’ve done it correctly, the timer at the top should no longer be counting down. It was easy and painless, unless you have difficulty copying and pasting. I saw that a few people on the developer’s site felt that the game should be included on Steam. But, I think they’re doing pretty well with what they’re doing now. However, Steam would be a definitely good way to keep track of the game, your information and maybe have some achievements to share with your friends."

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VenerableBmoney5141d ago

Sounds like a whole game like that "defend the hull" mini-game in Dead Space. Which was cool for awhile, but I can't see a whole game out of it.

rogue06745141d ago

Yeah, it was fun just to jump into a mission and go crazy shooting up enemies but after 30 or so minutes, I was pretty much done.


Games32: Aces of the Galaxy - Game Review

Games32 writes: "In this age of Pixel Shaders, MMOs and DirectX 10, "Aces of the Galaxy" comes as a blast from the past, to remind us that arcade games are still out there, alive and kicking. Do you have what it takes to fly your spaceship through the numerous meteor belts while destroying every single enemy ship on screen?

Arcade games are somewhat of a rarity nowadays since everything seems to revolve around huge skill trees, moral choices, higher Fps or resource hoarding. What happened to those games that we used to play when we were growing up? Yes, I'm talking about the platform games that would keep us up at night trying to make that final, difficult jump and to those easy, yet challenging arcade games.

"Aces of the Galaxy" not only brings back memories of those games, but also manages to do what others have failed: to become a good game by its own, and not depend on nostalgia to keep its fan base."