
Far Cry 4 Users Accidentally Reveal They Pirated The Game

Far Cry 4's director has announced anyone complaining the PC version of the game doesn't contain field of view (FOV) options are in fact revealing they pirated the game.

slinky1234563469d ago

That's a very funny tactic imo. If you pirate it you don't exactly deserve to complain about it without looking like an ass.

DoomeDx3469d ago (Edited 3469d ago )

Actually pirates can download the patch too. Not going to give a link here ofcourse. But its possible now.

3469d ago
DoomeDx3468d ago

@Thunderbird, no they should not.

The lousy PC ports done by ubisoft do not deserve a purchase.

if you see my steam library, you will see its massive. All purchased with my own hard earned cash. So I am not a complete pirate.

but when it comes to ubisoft? Ugh no. Screw them and their crappy ass ports. The least thing PC gamers should do is give them your money.

northpaws3468d ago


Crappy ports don't give you the right to steal. No one force you to buy their games.

starchild3468d ago

They're not crappy, you must have a crappy PC. Far Cry 4 and AC Unity are demanding because they are pushing more advanced graphics tech than most competing games. I run Far cry 4 at a solid 60fps and Unity at a mostly solid 60fps on my gtx 970. They run fine for the kind of graphics they're pushing.

If you think they are so crappy then simply don't play them. What makes you think you deserve them? Are you really that entitled? The world doesn't owe you anything.

oODEADPOOLOo3468d ago (Edited 3468d ago )

@ starchild

Im not a big PC gamer, but from what I have heard from PC gamers and Youtubers like Total biscuit is that Ubisoft ports are often hit or miss, unless its a HUGE title like farcry and the like.They usually don't do a good job optimizing or including enough options for PC.

"What makes you think you deserve them? Are you really that entitled? The world doesn't owe you anything."

Relax, stop being so melodramatic they don't have much reason to trust Ubisoft given their history. Its called playing it smart they like the game, but not the company.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3468d ago
I_AM_ CANADIAN_19893469d ago

Buying a ubisoft game for pc without pirating first makes you look even more stupid. Lol ac4bf/unity are prime examples. After I spent 69.99 on ac4bf for pc only to not be able to play it on any configuration without 10 FPS stutters on a game supposedly running at 60fps. Too this day still haven't got past the first mission. My rig is worth 5000 so it's not hardware, can play every other games. Trusting ubisoft is as about as smart as trusting a 2.00 dollar whore to be std free.

DeadlyOreo3469d ago

What makes you think you're entitled to play it for free though? All the money and effort they put into a game only for people like you to think they owe you it for free. God I hate pirates, destroying the industry.

Somebody3469d ago (Edited 3469d ago )

Come now, not all pirates are bad. I don't know whether this is self serving but I used to consider myself as a "reluctant" pirate.

I used to pirate games not due to some vague sense of entitlement but because it was the only option I have. When I started gaming back in 2001 games don't come to where I lived. I don't have a credit card, the internet was still young and I didn't know how to order games from abroad. There were, however, countless shops selling pirated games all over my place so it's logical for one to fall for that.

Still, I kept my eyes open for any signs of legit games during my pirating days. Finally I discovered a local shop that do sell and deliver legit games. Unfortunately my workplace was too far from any postal services so I only able to order games from them when I return home for the holidays. A couple of years later I found a shop or two in my area that do sell legit games. They sell just a handful of them in a whole room of pirated games but I remembered the shocked face on the cashier as I paid for the really expensive, non-pirated Colin McRae's Dirt 2. Even today some of my colleagues are astonished hearing me buy legit games all the time.

I started buying non-pirated games intensely when I moved back to my hometown. Steam's digital distribution system eliminated all those problems with retail games sold locally(they're expensive, take too long to get and they never get discounted). And then, my first Steam Sale came along...

ramiuk13469d ago

what makes devs think they can release a totally broken game and take your money/??

i always used to pirate a game on pc then buy it if it was good.

starchild3468d ago (Edited 3468d ago )

Well, I'm very skeptical of that. At the time it came out I ran AC4 just fine on a single HD 7950 at a capped 30fps with zero stutters and mostly maxed out settings.

1nsomniac3469d ago

No they're not at all, it just means they havnt applied the day 1 patch yet. If you pre loaded the game then lost your internet connection due to your ISP or moving house etc you're now being called a pirate.

The game was released officially with no FOV slider, it was then added in the first patch. Well done on insulting your customers. I don't see nothing wrong with pirating a game to try it before you buy it ESPECIALLY in this day & age where games are released broken & the gaming industry has lost all honesty with its customers pre-release.

I say pirate every game before you buy it, but of course if it works & it was everything it said it would be, then buy it retail & support the developers.

mixelon3469d ago

Problem with that is if you know it's likely to get patched up, you're only testing days or weeks worth of supposedly badly made game.. So it's not indicative of anything. Why not just wait. It's not like we have a right to this stuff.

That attitude is what leads to all the online only games. They make total sense when people are justifying pirating it to check it's "everything it promised to be" - which is subjective. And by that logic almost no game would be worth purchase. Destiny certainly wouldn't be.

Only game I openly admit to pirating to test out was Colonial Marines. Lol. I still even bought that when it was in a Steam sale.

Never mind the fact it's often the GPU companies who support the games with specific driver optimisation constantly, and not the developers at all. Not sure why they should get the brunt of that.

1nsomniac3469d ago

No, why should customers be the beta testers? Why should we pay full increased retail price & be sold a game being told that certain things are in the game which are not or the game completely broken.

While the developers & journalists hide the truth until the game has already been sold. Once you buy it you cannot return it for a refund & once they have your money as we have seen on many occasions they are not entitled to fix anything.

Back in the day part of marketing & selling your game was to provide customers with a demo so you could try it before you buy it but now theyve removed that also. It's all about getting as much money out of un witting customers as necessary straight out the door & that's a far worse crime than piracy IMO.

mixelon3469d ago

There are so many ways to establish if a game is what you want and if itll run on your setup without resorting to piracy. Google for starters. I've never had a game be totally broken though and I have over 500 game steam library, so that seems like a crappy excuse. Reviews and other peoples gameplay show you if the game is what you expected it to be.

Justifying piracy as an alternative to demos shows a weird level of entitlement. You don't have to get all the games you might like. It's not a right.

Origin does refunds. Most likely Steam and UPlay will be forced to as well, as I think they're against various EU consumer laws atm by not allowing refunds.

Two wrongs don't make a right and all that.

ManAnimalX3469d ago (Edited 3469d ago )


I agree 1000%.

Anyone complaining about pirating is a brainwashed corporate wannabe servant. These Companies are the Biggest CROOKS on the Planet, they actively screw innocent customers with no shame or guilt, no compassion, and there Apologies are PHONY cause they turn around and do EXACTLY THE SAME THING next time, every time, every Generation is the same thing.

Only ignorant brainwashed cowards can't see and admit this.

SonyKong643469d ago

well said. we live in a world of complacent greed zombies that will die for the products and corporations they've been brainwashed to defend.

if you're not fully aware of the evils of no limit profit capitalism, then you are part of the disgusting problem.

3469d ago
I_AM_ CANADIAN_19893469d ago

At thunderbird man you are the definition of double face palm. I pirated watchdogs ran like crap wasn't impressed deleted before I completed one mission so tell me how I somehow I'm the bad guy lol. You like gamers getting screwed buy douchebag corporations that completly erased the concept of easy access demo's and beta's ? Like come on I dont give a crap if every game you buy plays flawlessly it's not like that for everyone so quit being such a self centered corporate defender. I bought ac4bf didn't run still doesn't run and I'm out 69.99. After this comment I'm done because I know arguing with people like you that are so far up the capitalism ass is brain aneurism waiting to happen. If you can't see pirated games for what they are : demo's than I just don't know what anyone could say to convince you. Wanting a game you paid for to work is not being entitled it's a right that ubisoft on several occasions has taken away from us. Defending ubisoft is like defending a pedafile, so dirty and wrong...

SnakeCQC3469d ago

Not exactly. The fov sliders have NO numbers in any version, so changing is hell. People have their ideal numbers from and ubisoft screwed them. The guy is just trying to deflect from the issues far cry 4 has.

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DefenderOfDoom267d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot67d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor67d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos67d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius67d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8867d ago (Edited 67d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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nibblo902d ago

I would put 5 above 6 but agree with the other ratings. Though 6 has more refined gameplay compared to 5 it's lack of a compelling story really does hurt it imo but if you are a gameplay fiend and don't really care about story it makes sense.