
Halo: The Master Chief Collection Really Isn’t Worth $60

Jeff from Twinfinite writes:
With Halo: The Master Chief Collection already being out for 24 hours, the full-game price of $60 doesn't really same fair for the same titles we've been playing for years already.

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Neonridr3470d ago

Interesting that you say that.

But TLOU remaster or GTA V (games from a year ago) are worth $60?

randomass1713470d ago

I love both of those games, but I agree. Four remastered games and a beta for the next iteration seems well worth $60 to me especially for a giant franchise like Halo.

Neonridr3470d ago

not to mention Part 2 has more than just a coat of polish on it, using a new engine, new assets, new cutscenes..

darthv723470d ago

i agree with the title. 4 games with remastered visuals and 100+ maps and access to the Guardians multiplayer beta really isn't worth $60.

It's worth sooooo much more but $60 is one hell of a steal.

Overall, compilations are worth their asking price. God of war, ratchet and clank, jak and daxter...yeah those games are akin to the MCC and are worth their initial price. you get it all in one nice and convenient package.

What is there to really complain about?

Charybdis3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

Question he seems to aks if the game is worth 60 if you have bought all 4 of these games in the past. With the amount there has been added (framerate/resolution./content )I would say its very well worth the $60/€60.
Not all gamers esspecially the 'younger generation, cross console or pc gamers' have played all halo games. This bundle will certainly hold much more value to those who haven't played all halo (1-4) games. Keep in mind that the first halo launched 13 years ago in 2001.

3470d ago
4Sh0w3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

Uhm Charybdis, I've played every Halo game including Reach a ton, ton of times but I take issue with you saying this bundle holds more value for those who are new to Halo or haven't played them all. Hell No, I would have easily paid $100, maybe double because it puts 1 of my all time favorite franchises in 1 package on my current console of choice, its a huge sentimental value to me because Halo was a game that me and some longtime friends all experienced together unlike any other game, besides maybe the old, old Madden games there's no other game that we literally setup and played it at parties...I got a few buds who buy all the Halo toy figures/gear so I'm not even the biggest Halo guy really. Now obviously there are some casual Halo fans that likely just think it's a good franchise that they'd like to play again but I don’t think the millions of Halo junkies like me would agree that this collection holds MORE value to the uninitiated.

I didn't bother to read this because it would just be a waist of time, maybe that's closed minded on my part but there is really just no way to convince me that Halo MCC is NOT the biggest pure gaming value I've seen on a console period. He might as well titled this "Water really isn't wet".

user55757083470d ago

idk if others are with me on this but the only reason i would want the game is for the halo2 online nostalgia. was so much fun back in the day

Magicite3470d ago

Giant? Dont make me laugh. Its only big in US.

indyman77773470d ago

Don't try that the last of us remastered didnt cost $60!

freshslicepizza3470d ago

how much did nintendo charge for wind walker? how much will they charge for majoras mask? sony who came out with the god of war bundled two games at $40 was a great deal. now you are getting 4 games plus over 100 maps that are playable online, that isn't worth $60?

garos823470d ago

haven't played the Halo series too much however, a game with such legacy.. scratch that 4 games with such a great legacy remastered and done so well is definitely well worth the asking price

memots3470d ago

Pure bs, what a load of ****, this is the most value I've seen in a 60$ package since orange box pc.

100% click bait

Benchm4rk3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )


 "I would have easily paid $100, maybe double".

Funny you say that, cause I actually did pay double. I pre ordered a physical copy for $99.95 from EB games as soon as it was announced at E3. When it got close to release date I found out my local EB games wasn't doing a midnight launch for it so I bought a digital copy for $99.95 and pre downloaded it off the Xbox Store. But being a huge Halo Fanboy I kept my pre order at EB games so I could add it to my collection :)

Bnet3433470d ago

How many HD remasters did we see last generation? Now that Halo does it, WHICH BY THE WAY IS WORTH EVERY PENNY, now little kids want to come out the woodworks and say "Oh no it's not worth it" Yeah just stop. 4 campaigns, 100+ maps, Halo 5 beta, and so much other extra content like Halo Nightfall. You really got to be grasping for straws on this one.

ArmrdChaos3470d ago

Hmmm...not like they are charging you in order to play a racing demo. Epilogue anyone?

guitarded773470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

I'm not even a Halo fan and I know the MCC is worth every penny.


I accidentally ordered two copies of Destiny from Amazon.

miyamoto3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

okay a remaster of an old remastered collection... this article reminds me of Halo ODST too

let the ghulibles buy it

mikeslemonade3470d ago

Halo is 2nd-rate, but it still has enough content there to warrant the full price.

PONTIAC08G8GT3470d ago

Hmmmm, 4 full games, 100+ MP maps isn't worth $60, yet Titanfall with just a MP mode is? I love Titanfall don't get me wrong, but if your comparing the two side by side, Halo is offering way more value for your money. This article is pretty stupid.

InactiveUser3469d ago (Edited 3469d ago )


That's likely the dumbest thing I'll read this month. Congrats on paying $40 too much for no reason (I didn't know EB Games was a charity), then paying another $100 to play it ~8 hours earlier.. then brag about throwing your money away? Ok..

As far as MCC being worth $60.. I'm not a Halo fan, those little aliens crying and running away annoy me, but clearly it is worth it (60, not 200) to a fan of the series.

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nicksetzer13470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

Yea, not sure how halo 2 completely rehauled, plus 1, 3 and 4 up res'ed and @ 60fps, PLUS all the multiplayer maps, plus halo nightfall, plus halo 5 beta is not worth 60$ ... especially compared to other "remasters" that were basically just straight ports. But to each their own I suppose.

mcstorm3470d ago

I agree. For me there have been 4 re mastered games that have been worth the price. Mario 64 on the DS, Zelda on the 3ds windwaker on the wiiu and Halo mcc.

Only issue I have with mcc is I have still not managed to play a mp game yet and I really want too hope its sorted soon.

Tempest3173470d ago

That is my issue as well with MCC...i was just able to download a few hours ago, and since I havent been able to find a single MP game. So I've had ADHD bouncing back and forth between all the campaigns :)

christocolus3470d ago

Lol. My thoughts exactly.

Halo MCC imo is worth every penny. My friends and i will be playing this for a long time. MP and Campaigns from all 4 games. its all in there.

Kivespussi3470d ago

Way to completely miss the point.

XanderZane3470d ago

Yes, and it should have been less then that. No more then $30 to be honest. I'll get it on EBay a year from now for $20 or less. Halo: MCC is easily worth $60. All total, the games and maps would have probably cost you over $400 if you had bought everything back when the games released. I'm hoping they do a Gears of War Remastered, but that probably would be hard to do without Cliffy and some Epic people.

kneon3470d ago

I've never liked Halo, yet if I had an XB1 this would still be a great deal.

How can anyone whine about all those games, all updated plus some extras for only $60?

Moe-Gunz3470d ago

I got it for 50% buy trading in the last gen version.

Mehmeh3470d ago

So what? It was less content.

Neonridr3470d ago

I am in Canada. Price was $59.99 initially.

TomShoe3470d ago

Tlou Remaster was $50 lol

xTheMercenary_3470d ago

Not where i live, its damn $80 brand new.

TheXgamerLive3470d ago

The writer is a fool an also said doesn't SAME? Fair? Its OK we post blogs as stories now soooo.

danthegamerfiend3470d ago

The only way tlou remastered would compare is, if naughty dog added their uncharted games too. Call it naughty dog collection. Gta 5 is a different story because it's a huge open world game with a lot to do. As for halo anyone that's new or old to series is going to have a treat with the 60 fps. I don't know how I ever played halo back in day with 30 fps. That only is a huge improvement.

Myze3470d ago

I agree with the Halo part of your statement, it is a great deal.

However, your comment about TLOU and GTA5 is silly. The majority of people (based on fan votes, people I know, GOTY awards, etc.) find TLOU a better game than GTA5. The size of a game doesn't equate to better quality or value (if it did, RPGs would clearly be the #1 genre). TLOU was exclusive to ps3 near then end of it's life cycle, GTA5 was multi-platform. TLOU ps4, not only a significant upgrade, also benefited people that may not have had a chance to play it if they didn't own a ps3.

Considering both games are great, and both are barely a year released from their previous gen counterpart (meaning close enough to where a lot of people probably waited for the next-gen version), I think both games are worth $60. If these games weren't worth $60, people wouldn't pay it.

DoctorJones3470d ago

Lol, Myze. So you're going to speak for the 32+ million that bought GTA5? Based on a few people you know, and a relatively small amount of people on the internet?

ChronoJoe3470d ago

I don't think the article said TLOU was worth $60 either. I imagine their stance is quite similar on both games.

Personally I think it's really down to how much you enjoy the series... for instance for some buying a Lord of the Rings Boxset on bluray after you own it on DVD, simply isn't worth it, but for fans it is because they really appreciate the content and want to experience it at a higher quality.

I wouldn't recommend TLOTR boxset for my mom, who only moderately enjoys the films, but like I say, for fans of the series it's totally worth it to be able to experience the series in higher quality, and for newcomers to the series it's a great way to experience them for the first time.

optimus3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

I partially agree with you. I consider myself a halo fan owning 1-4, reach, as well as enjoying the spinoff spartan ops. But i also agree that this collection isn't worth $60 to ME. I can live without the updated visuals and framerate. Having 100 maps isn't much of an incentive to me considering i hardly played multiplayer on the originals anyway...

Having access to the halo 5 beta would be my only incentive to buy this but not for $60. Considering halo 5 isn't scheduled until next nov. there is bound to be so many changes by the time it comes out that i would rather wait for the real thing...

$30-40 is what i value this collection at...if they had thrown in the other spinoff games as well as the digital download games then i would value it at $60...for newcomers though, i guess it's worth the $60

Neonridr3470d ago

Yes but when you buy the DVD box set and then upgrade to the Blu ray box set you are getting the same product, just a little bit prettier.

This isn't the case here. Take the Two Towers for example and completely re-shoot it with better equipment and use better CGI to fill in the blanks. That would make a better comparison, and then arguably it would be worth it.

Halo 2 is brand new, it's not getting a 1080p polish like the other 3 games are.

Blaze9293470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

of course, only for an xbox game getting nothing but 9s and 10s do you have to then question its value. Only on xbox lol

but all the other remasters? Shhhhh, silence.

vallencer3470d ago

I was going to hit agree with you but your agrees, at the time of me writing this, are at 117 and considering this is a halo article i feel it would be inappropriate to upvote past that. So just know that I am silently upvoting you and completely agreeing with you.

On topic: I'd say a game with FOUR complete games and all multiplayer maps with the halo 5 beta AND nightfall is clearly worth 60 dollars.

x_RadicalAura_x3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

At least everything about TLoU Remastered worked 100% day-one... Just saying.

Ace Killa 083469d ago

I don't know if it was part of the game then to take more than 5 minutes to find a match. Imbalanced in player count also until a few minutes into the match it turned out to be balanced.

Bigpappy3470d ago

LOL. Those who share this view will simply not buy the collection. There ate many games I didn't think were worth $60. I simply didn't buy them. The writer should follow my lead.

BallsEye3470d ago

Halo Master Chief Collection is best value in console gaming to date and is the best remaster. 4 games connected seamlessly in new engines with possibility to change to old engines in real time. Add amazing multiplayer and around an hour of the most epic CGI cut-scenes from blur studio (which costed millions for sure) and you have the king of remasters. You complain about HMCC but if you'd get ratched and clank with just upped resolution you'd poop your armor.

starrman19853470d ago

Don't know about america, but it was considerably cheaper over here in the UK. Cost me £37, about the same price I paid for TLoU actually!

This is one of the worst articles I've seen on here in a long while... this is probably one of the better value games/collections that we have seen.

2cents3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

Well said Neonridr.

This writer... what a self entitled semi-professional pr1k.

First hipster in space? Go on then F'off.

Edit: (in reference to his bio)
"I’d like to say I’m a zombie movie lover, video game aficionado and writer all-in-one. I have recently been credited in Undead Lab’s XBLA game, “State of Decay.” To sum it up? I'm a semi-professional five finger filet player who plans to soon be the first hipster in space"

otherZinc3470d ago

Not worth "$60"...
Yeah, umhm, right.
Someone needs some attention.

hankmoody3470d ago

That was my first thought upon reading that headline as well.

OhReginald3470d ago

Remastering a game that came out last year does not make it any cheaper. Last of Us for the ps3 cost around $30. Last of Us Remastered was actually $50. That included the main game in 1080p / 60fps, the Left Behind DLC story, and tons of multiplayer extras. I think the price is justified.

listenkids3470d ago

Does it state they are worth the price tag in the article? If not, your comment isn't really 'well said'. Personally think this is one of the only remasters worth the price, regardless of issues.

Neonridr3470d ago

I am merely suggesting that if this game isn't worth the $60 price tag, then no remaster should.

XanderZane3470d ago

Should anyone be throwing their money at TLOU for $60 as well? lmao!! That game should be $25 or less on the PS4. At least an Uncharted 3 remastered would have 3 games. I'd pay $60 for that. The Halo 5 Beta is worth $60 all by itself. Jeff completely forgot about the Halo Nightfall digital series, which is also included. Anyone who thinks this collection isn't worth $60 needs to have their head examined. Over 100 game maps that probably costed well over $150 in DLC. The maps are worth more then $60. This article is nothing but biased butthurt garbage. I wonder if this was on the PS4 or Wii U if Jeff would still be spewing this garbage. Jeff, do us all a favor. Have a coke and a smile and STFU!!.

modelgod3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

100% agree with you.TLOU gets high praises because of it stunning " 1080p/60FPS (the most overrated 2 words in video games history) but the Halo collection;4 games at that, gets bashed by this dude. I have to admit,I was at my cousin's house last night and we couldn't find a lobby so we just played the campaign. It's worth well over 60$ and once they work out the bugs and fix the matchmaking it'll be just fine. Funny How someone can say a game isn't worth 60$ when he obviously didn't play it in its entirety; nor did I but from what I did play. ........it's safe to say 60$ is more than fair. These are the type of pricks that's rating games thus dictating the market of games, SAD!!!

Bobby Kotex3469d ago

If you geniuses keep clicking on clickbait, N4G will always have these crappy articles at the top.

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Mikefizzled3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

Can understand where hes coming from but I have to strongly disagree. What about these other remastered games? Surely of Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, Sleeping Dogs, Metro, and Halo it is by far the best offering.

jrshankill3470d ago

Without a doubt Halo is the best remaster we have had this generation.

I think the writer is a sony bumboy

RealisticGamer3470d ago

Yes it is, it's a great value for any Halo fan, and an Amazing value for anyone who hasn't owned an Xbox console in the past.

Kivespussi3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

Never owned the original Xbox or the 360. I've always been a PC and PS guy. But now that I got my Xbone I LOVE THESE GAMES! I haven't gotten to the online multiplayer yet but so far I really, really like the games.

DanielGearSolid3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

Well how much do each of those games cost separately today?

Add up the totals and there's your answer

All_Consoles3470d ago (Edited 3470d ago )

I didn't realize halo 2 on Xbox is 1080 and looks like that

And I didn't realize halo 2 and 1 still had online

3470d ago
DanielGearSolid3470d ago

This wasn't a serious post btw...

I assumed it would add up to more than $60, just to disqualify the title...

Nobody hates "Remaster A is not needed" or "Remaster B is not worth it" articles more than i do

Kivespussi3470d ago

Sarcasm doesn't translate too well over the internet... It would but there's so many trolls and stupid people it's hard to know the difference.

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Five Games to Play While Waiting for Armored Core 6

The newest From Software game is just around the corner. These are five excellent games to play while waiting for Armored Core 6.

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Si-Fly274d ago

Can I suggest BG3 as a 6th? It’s helping me pass the time quite well.

anast274d ago

I'm still trying to finish WotR.

DivineHand125274d ago

With the release date being just a little over a week away, it may not be a good idea to burn yourself out on mech games until then.

RavenWolfx274d ago

i want a Chromehounds sequel so bad...

raWfodog274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

Surprised that the article didn’t mention Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries if we’re talking about mech-related games.

ZeekQuattro273d ago

It was an odd article imo. Like why are games that feature a handful of mech themed levels in there. When I think of mech games I don't think Halo and Wolfenstein no matter how fun those levels were.

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Best Xbox Game Studios Franchises

These are some of the best and most popular video game franchises now owned by Xbox Game Studios and Microsoft.

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Sciurus_vulgaris283d ago (Edited 283d ago )

Microsoft was involved with Halo, Gears, Forza, Ori, Flight Simulator and Fable from early development, I will give them credit for those franchises. Fallout, Elder Scrolls and Doom were established franchise before being acquired by MS.

Crows90282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

Exactly. They had nothing to do with their most popular franchises now.

Their old franchises are dwindling and pretty much non-existent.

They've had perfect dark in the chamber this whole time and haven't done squat...that tells you the kind of company they are. Fable is another franchise that's been destroyed and ignored...let's see how the new game turns out.

Profchaos282d ago

Yeah perfect dark, banjo conquer ms seems to kill more franchises then they like to admit while pretending to care about others like hexen

Sitdown282d ago

Given the article specifically says "now owned", what made you feel the need to do a break down?

thesoftware730281d ago


Because it's N4G and any opportunity to shit on MS is never missed.

Rude-ro282d ago

Gears is not.
It was the same as mass effect:
Just contracted.

closed_account283d ago (Edited 283d ago )

Ah yes, feels like forever ago since Microsoft created Skyrim. So much so, I had actually forgotten they had created it and the other Elder Scrolls games! 🤔

*They really shaped my preteen years w the original Doom too!

ocelot07282d ago

Don't forget the original Elder Scrolls way back in 1994 or fallout in 1997.

Sitdown279d ago

So you don't understand the combination of "now owned"?

Crows90282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

I fully expect all these popular franchises to be killed off by Microsoft. Just a matter of time.

Unless they take a huge distance approach which pretty much means they don't ba e anything to do with the games being made ...in that case the franchises should be fine. But then...they shouldn't really get credit.

DOMination-282d ago

"I fully expect all these popular franchises to be killed off by Microsoft. Just a matter of time."

Based on what?? Microsoft usually gets stick for releasing too MANY games in their franchises, to the point where it's quite a long-running joke - one I'm sure you've partaken in before.

Pretty much all of their major IP has had releases in the last five years or have upcoming releases scheduled so I see no evidence whatsoever for this claim.

"Unless they take a huge distance approach which pretty much means they don't ba e anything to do with the games being made"

But.. They HAVE been very hands-off for a long time and have drawn lots of criticism for it?

fr0sty282d ago

See: All of Rare's games

DOMination-282d ago

I really wouldn't say that MS have let Rare franchises die. They've just had the freedom to create new IP in Sea of Thieves and Everwild. MS are currently developing a Perfect Dark game, licensed Killer Instinct out, Rare themselves released several compilations and several Banjo games as well as PDZ in the past.

I'm not sure what else you could want. They can only make one game at a time. You can't say MS let all their franchises die but also be annoyed that they allow their studios to make new IP.

Profchaos282d ago

If that's the case where my banjo or conquer sequel why didn't I get sunset overdrive 2 oh yeah not enough bro in those games

ChasterMies282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

EA is a good example of what can happen to a franchise when a larger corporation buys up studios from a smaller corporation. Quarterly earnings should never matter more than quality.

wiz7191282d ago

@Crows that is the case , Zenimax is operating independently of MS and have full creative freedom to do what they want. Zenimax games aren’t being published under XGS ,

ravens52282d ago

Soon Microsoft will be known for making Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Candy Crush, Call of Duty etc. Lmao they know what they're doing. Especially with the archiving issue the gaming industry has.

closed_account282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

Microsoft built the game industry. Microsoft invented games. Didn't you know? ;)

**What a bizzaro world we live in where the losers can become the winners overnight.

Hypertension140282d ago


What are those franchises you're talking about?
Activision/Blizzard only makes Call of Duty and Bethesda has Elder Scrolls and Starfield only, stop making it seen that is much more anti competitive/consumer than it actually is.......

Profchaos282d ago

Zero creative vision and the ability to bankroll it by purchasing everything that everyone else had success with even Halo wasn't technically theirs Bungie had to sell it to them to become independent

Atari6052B282d ago

You mean any studio Microsoft could acquire to flog last gen games on game pass ... What happened to HD-DVD that Microsoft pushed so hard ...

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Games with the dumbest NPCs

Non-playable characters in certain games are meme material, thanks to their foolish behavior. These are the big-budget games with the dumbest NPCs.

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closed_account284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

Bethesda makes the most consistently stupid NPCs, like really bad... yet I still can't help but love playing their games. Guilty pleasure, I guess. *sigh* 😩

Flawlessmic283d ago

How did redfall not make the cut.

anast283d ago (Edited 283d ago )

Every Bethesda game and Every Halo game. This list needed to have Cyberpunk somewhere.