
Should you take 'Torture' seriously?

The young man responsible for "The Torture Game 2" doesn't think you should take his little creation too seriously.

"Sure, it's a computer game in which you, the player, are asked to do horrible, unspeakable, and totally sick, sick, sick things to a defenseless man-like person tied up in some dark room from which he has absolutely no hope of escape. And, sure, one of the horrible, unspeakable, and totally sick, sick, sick things you might, perhaps, do to this man is put a chainsaw to his neck until his head falls off.

But it is, after all: Just. A. Game. As in, nobody really gets hurt."

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PoSTedUP5802d ago (Edited 5802d ago )

"and a paintbrush (take that!)" <------hahahAHAHAhahaah.

off to newgrounds i go. wow its been years since i went on that site!

EDIT EDIT EDIT!- YOOOOOOO OMG, that sh*t is BANANAS! i was like wtf? i just riped his foot off with out knowing! i wanted to see what the paint brush did....well....i guess i was curious what everything else did and that sh*t is CRAZY YO. btw its not torture if you put a bullet in his head first!

KLEPTOMANIAC5802d ago (Edited 5802d ago )

is just that. IN GAMES, not real life. All this fuss about violence and mature themes in games. What about violence in other mediums, such as Movies, Books etc. Violent games shouldn't be taken seriously, just a bit of fun.

ice_prophecy5802d ago

I don't have issues with violence. Only the awarding and gratification of violent behaviour.

But where do we draw the line :S.

ChampIDC5802d ago

Things like torture are where I draw my line in video games. Killing a virtual person is one thing, but I can't find any entertainment in causing a slow, painful-looking virtual death. Things like this seem to appeal to the same people that enjoy watching people die in horror movies just for the violence.

ice_prophecy5802d ago

I find it hard to watch SAW and HOSTEL. I just steer clear of them.... lol.

Now self inflicted torture from JACKASS is another story :D

mariusmal5802d ago

hey ice

you didnt make any sense. you say you can see real torture like jackass and can't watch simulated torture like saw and hostel ?(crappy movies btw)

ice_prophecy5801d ago (Edited 5801d ago )

Face it :D im disturbed :D And have double standards!

OKOK the 2nd one i couldn't watch.

But some of the ones in teh first ones were amusing!

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Capt CHAOS5802d ago

How many films and books also have a sick concept??

name5802d ago

Anyone who doesn't see something a bit wrong with this is being naive.

SL1M DADDY5802d ago

However, I think you will soon find there to be many of those "naive" folks posting here. I foresee a few disagrees in your future. lol

Games like this are just pathetic. I find it absurd that anybody would find such games as entertainment.

When I was a kid I played cops and robbers. I loved being the cop and shooting robbers. Today, I love being the good guy in games and ridding the world of bad guys. Becoming a bad guy in a game is something that goes beyond my comprehension of morality. Why anybody would find it fun and entertaining to be the bad guy or the torturer in this case is beyond my comprehension.

ChampIDC5802d ago

Well, I don't see anything wrong in being the "bad guy", but when it comes down to things like torture, I simply can't grasp how it would be entertaining if you have any moral values. Games like GTAIV where you're not really a good guy don't bother me at all, because you're not gruesomely killing people. Now games like Manhunt are the ones that don't appeal to me. Personally, I just don't see any entertainment in pointless, overly violent death.

mariusmal5802d ago

the human being is violent by nature. we just have to repress it. i think that playing violent games is a good way to do it. i laff my a$$ of with slasher and violent movies and games and still... i never even punched anyone or hit anyone with anything.

jmiscavish5802d ago

@ slim

Why would someone want to play a game like this?

Because you can't do it in real life. Taboo topics always have a place in multimedia, whether it be music, games, or movies.

The biggest issue with games is that they're interactive. It's one thing to watch a killing, it's another entirely to perform it with your own avatar.

BTW, the game is pretty fun...

zagibu5802d ago

Another thing you learn in these games is to reduce human beings to targets or problems. This can reduce your empathy severly. Sure, you probably don't get more violent by playing violent games (I have been doing so for over 15 years, and am pretty peaceful), but if you ever have reasons to hurt someone, it will be a lot easier for you.

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ohhthegore5802d ago

When can I get the Wii version of this game?

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