
Cryostasis uses DX10 to the max

In an interview, the Cryostasis team talks about their technical specialities. Looks like the game uses DX10 effects so that one can obviously see the difference to the DX9 version.

"PCGH: When developing the title, how important is a detailed visual presentation? What would you describe as graphical highlight of the new engine? Do you use modern rendering techniques like Parallax Occlusion Mapping, Soft Shadows, a HDR Rendering, Deferred Shading, Ambient Occlusion, Shader 4.0 support or post effects like Tone Mapping, Motion Blur and Depth of Field? If yes can you give example how this modern rendering techniques are utilized in your game.

Alexey Tugaenko: We actually use all of the above mentioned effects. For example the frozen ice on walls looks very good with Parallax Mapping, and effects of penetration into the past of the ship or flashbacks are accompanied by ToneMapping and MotionBlur."

BludoTheSmelly5819d ago

Looks like "the thing" in game form. Gonna be while before I try to put vista back on my system though.

tudors5819d ago

DX10 to the max yet looks no better than Crysis.


Five Space Horror Games Better Than Dead Space 3

Allistair Pinsof: ''By now, you may have heard the inarguable, absolute truth -- as is the case with Destructoid's reviews that are handed down from the maker to our holy reviewers -- that Dead Space 3 is not as great as the first two games.

Being the case, throwing a temper tantrum and spamming EA's Facebook with inflammatory comments is understandable, but why not do something more productive, like play five other space-horror classics instead?''

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Lisica4134d ago

This is nice, but most of these are prehistoric games.
I can't go back that far now...

Psychotica4134d ago

I am an old timer and I can't go back and play those either..

t0mmyb0y4134d ago

Metroid is a horror? That's news to me.

helghast1024134d ago

I suppose when you compare it to the horror games of this generation you can squeeze it under that genre.

t0mmyb0y4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

"No... no... no." Ms Consuela

IaMs124134d ago

Apparently compared to Dead Space 3 now it is.

Urusernamesucks4134d ago

Horror? thats nothing

Suspense now thats what counts

Bimkoblerutso4134d ago

Dear Destructoid:

Your mobile site is atrocious.

That is all.

madpuppy4134d ago

I'm sorry, System Shock 2 is the best space horror game I have ever played, I would love if they revisited/remade that game.
the game is a masterpiece.

madpuppy4130d ago

hurp, durp I guess someone is too young to have played it.


Forget About VGA and Next Gen Hype, Go Play This Game

Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason is an underrated story driven game that every gamer HAVE TO experience

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MmaFan-Qc4192d ago

meh, its ok.

btw calling it "most underrated games of all time" is pretty much the most overrated comment about this game of all time

hosseincode4192d ago (Edited 4192d ago )

it's not THE most underrated games of all time
i said ONE OF THE most underrated games of all time

also this game won gamespot's best story of 2009 above games like dragon age: origins

i still belive everyone HAVE TO play this unique game

btw your comment was cool :)

hosseincode4192d ago

allright guys i edited the description a bit
is it ok? y u no approve it?

Qrphe4192d ago (Edited 4192d ago )

Approved, but

>y u no



The Bundle Of The Damned Launches In Time For Halloween

"Groupees launched their latest indie game bundle, The Bundle of the Damned. This bundle includes five games and features bonuses including music, comics, movies, and more." - Tom Christiansen

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