
PS4 Exclusives: Is ‘Greatness’ Just Flash Over Substance?

OnlySP: Sony's tag line for Playstation 4 has been “Greatness Awaits.” For many gamers, that greatness is something they are still awaiting.

-Foxtrot3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Think inFAMOUS SS had this problem

They chose graphics over gameplay which is why everything else felt dumbed down from inFAMOUS 2

Less interesting characters
No development to them
Story is weak
Story is short
Not a lot of variations in powers
Not many variations in side missions
Not a memorable villain

Wingsfan243482d ago

Felt the same way about Shadow Fall and Infamous. Both were a step back from their predecessors. Not bad games in their own right, but I was just disappointed with both of them story wise and gameplay wise.

Kingthrash3603482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Generally what happens in the first year or two in a consoles life.
ALL consoles suffer this. Go back to Ps360 first and second year and compare to its last years...look at tlou and fh2. Its just how it is.
I enjoyed this gens early games tho...iss isn't a bad game by any stretch i enjoyed it n had a blast with the powers. I'm sure plenty liked ryse even though it got bad ratings.

I guess my point is we have this argument every gen. It happens every gen with every console. Dev need time to grasp the console...then we will see true next gen games....the halo5 and uncharted 4 games I'm sure will satisfy the next gen crave. Until then we have remakes of great games and sequels ......and 3rd party games to enjoy.

OOMagnum3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

*thrash* true but the only game on the one like this is ryse. Evrything else is gameplay first from dr3, ki, forza 5, horizon2,sunset,d4,titanfall,e tc...all about gameplay. I know most will hate but its true

Wingsfan243482d ago

Kingthrash - So because it's a recurring trend I shouldn't be disappointed? That's not really logical considering how much these games were hyped up, but since it's the start of new console cycle it's ok? Uh, no, these developers are smart, they know how to make a good game as they previously had, but instead had to reach a deadline to make sure the PS4 had shiny new exclusives at the start.

badz1493482d ago

opinions aside, are we really gonna talk about "substance" not even a year after the new gen started? shouldn't this kind of judgement be reserved for after several years of contents?

if that's the case, the 360 has great "substance" in its 1st year but in the last 5 years, it's all about Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable, CoD, rinse and repeat. where was substance in THAT? in contrast, the PS3's "substance" was poor the 1st year, but has seen exclusive after exclusive in the last 5 years!

my point is, the 1st year performance of any console is not an indicator for their performance for years to come.

radler3482d ago

Honestly, this applies to a lot of PS4 first party games this gen. Infamous, Killzone, DriveClub, The Order etc. are all graphically impressive games that completely suck in the gameplay department.

It's especially frustrating because if you look at Killzone for example, KZ2 and KZ3 were great games, but it seems that Sony's first party studios are suffering from some severe quality issues on PS4, and it's just turd after turd.

I'm not very hopeful of future releases outside of Uncharted 4 to be honest. I'd be excited about a new God of War if they didn't fire the talented team there (the guys who made God of War 3) and kept the b-team (the ones who put out that crappy God of War: Ascension game).

I honestly think Shuhei Yoshida has mismanaged Sony WorldWide studios and in their current state, aside from Naughty Dog their first party lineup is really weak.

Kingthrash3603482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

So the order sucks in gameplay?
How do you know this....I mean the other games you mentioned are your opinion but putting the order in there makes your comment really troll like. You've.... And no one else has never played 1886....we haven't even seen gow.
I agree kz wasn't a great single player game and mp was just OK....but I could say the same for halo4...does this make halo5 on your bad list????? the last gears sucked too so what your expectations on that? Tf...nobody plays the most hyped game in history anymore...it was fun for a month tops. It had no veriaty no longevity. But no judgment for that from you. Quantum break plays in the same fashion as 1886...a 3rd person cover shooter with qte and bad ai....it that not on your list too......I can go on and on.
Smh why o why do you think you can see into the future? Man can you tell me next weeks lotto numbers so I can stop being broke?

radler3482d ago


Well first of all every preview has said the game isn't very good, and secondly you can tell just from watching gameplay footage as well. So sure, you could say all the previews were lying and that gameplay footage somehow isn't representative of gameplay, but you'd just come across as a fanboy troll in that case.

Kingthrash3603482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

So what did you think of quantum breaks gameplay?
They play the same way...but we are talking previews I've seen the gameplay...just like I seen ryse and titanfall and killzone and every other preview of a game to know previews mean nothing.

This my friend is why I love share play....I can demo complete games and I can make my own judgments and choose rather to buy or not.

Oh and don't get me wrong qb looks awesome and so does 1886 but I won't say how the gameplay will be. Gameplay can be broken by something as simple as a bad controller layout or hit detections. Something you gotta feel not see.

radler3482d ago

You're right. I'm sure all the previews were lying and that you're a much more credible source of information than the people who've actually played the game. Thanks for showing me the error of my ways :)

redwin3482d ago

Between linear 1080p and open world 900p, give me the ladder. I don't buy brands, I'm a gamer. I have ALL systems and I can make an informed desition and my previous statement indicates my choise of platform. But I will never put down my other systems, Sony is the must powerful, wii has the best 1st party games and ms has just changed the console forever with the new UI, is the best around, don't take my word for it just ask people that have both. A friend had a problem with her system and she called MS. They shipped her a new one, no fuzz. I like this gem so far, with all these systems out with these many games available in just one year (also including the indi) it's gonna be an exciting time, the next 5 years.

walkincarpet3482d ago

greatness awaiiiiiiiiiiitsss.

I knew X1 was the right choice despite the rocky start but I expected PS4 to have more up its sleeve. So far nothing but disappointments if you already played Last of Us on PS3. Other than Destiny the first great game looks to be Bloodborne and then you have to wait for Uncharted 4 for the next one. Meanwhile, X1 is piling up great games.

Future_20153482d ago

Killzone 2 multiplayer was awesome

kreate3482d ago

Well if it makes ppl happy.
Lets just say ps4 games are generic and the previews are the proof.

While x1 games are a revolutionary step forward.

Im ok w either or. I dont even have a ps4 or x1.

Last gen still rocks guys. Lets play old games from our backlog collection.

AngelicIceDiamond3482d ago

It isn't the matter of Sony's games having graphics over substance now. But rather that's what Sony will be doing for most of this gen.

As Sony being the leader in the new gen I certainly hope not. Sony doesn't need to get people thinking >graphics< >>>>>>>Ev erything else.

If that's the case then new adopters will see games as movie like rather than something deep and actually fun to play.

That's part of gaming but that's not what all gaming is about, clearly.

Kingthrash3603482d ago

So many fortune tellers today.

Imalwaysright3482d ago

Lol so many people with low standards.

@ Kingtrash This isn't about having next gen games, it's about having quality titles that do not disappoint. These consoles have X86 architecture and are easy to develop for. Figuring out the hardware isn't a problem like it was last gen with the cell. Even with the cell Evolution managed to produce one of the most fun racers I ever played in the PS3 1st year.

PockyKing imo is right. This is more a case of meeting deadlines than anything else. A problem that doesn't affect just Sony's 1st party. I lost count on how many 3rd party games have been delayed so far. The difference is that Sony feels obligated to deliver since it's their console.

remixx1163482d ago


I find it really wierd when people say "next year sony only has bloodeborne and uncharted and xbox has all the games blah blah blah". Its almost as if people don't know that sony is releasing more AAA titles next year plus more games in general than its competition.

Fanboys need to do their research instead of being blind.

MarkusMcNugen3482d ago

I honestly think Sony is playing into their strengths. We all know Sony has great devs that can deliver amazing content. It seems that graphics have taken the front seat however. In my opinion it's to capitalize on the graphical prowess of the PS4 over the Xbox One, but when graphics become the priority, gameplay takes a back seat.

Hopefully I am wrong, and Sonys first part devs deliver on some amazing games graphically, gameplay, and story wise.

boodi3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

I am disappointed even with graphics in some way speaking of kz sf , it's been a departure from the grim gray of the series and it's neither revoloutionary at all

have just bought a boomerang for my son which wanted his own , i have had mine from my youngness , mine is rhough and worn and fly around and very high and draw very high large lines in the air .
my son wanted a coloured and flashy one .. it's wooden as mine and more beautiful to look from close
but mine still works better

and in the end is all about entertainment

Griever3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

Man what is wrong with the people!? Give the PS4 a break; it is only the first year goddamnit! It has always been like that; pick up any generation and see what kind of games were released in the first year of release. Did everyone forget what happened last 2 gens? Xbox always has a few games until middle of the gen and then they dry up. On the other hand Playstation has history of three gens with great exclusives until the last months a gen. Just look at the PS3 and Xbox 360. I dont know why the console that tried to impose DRM, always online and prevention of reselling of games has suddenly become the poor victim and underdog! It was PS4 that focused on games gamer freedom that saved us from such a future. PS4 is the reason that we are able to return crappy games or share our games with friends. Now just because there havent been any 9+ scorers in the first year the PS4 has become a bad system. You people have such short memories. MS is just desperate to catch up with Sony and that is why they are giving all the free games, discounts and moneyhatting exclusives; it is not like they love you people! What does MS has coming in the next few years!? Can you people name a few games? PS4 on the other hand has numerous games including,

Order 1886
Santa Monica Game
Sony Bend Studio Game
Uncharted 4
Dragon Quest Heroes
Deep Down
Persona 5
God Eater 2
Fairy Fencer 2
Akiba's Trip
From the Children
Day Z
Diasgaea 5
Dragon Fin Soup
Dynasty Warriors 8
Everybody's Gone to Rapture
Guilty Gear XRD
Gran Turismo 7
Hotshots Golf
Hyperdimension Neptunia
No Man's Sky
Project Phoenix
Ratchet and Clank

God, there are so many I cant even name them all! Consoles are not bought on the first year releases. They are bought on the basis of all the games you will get to play over the whole generation! Almost 13.5 million people can see that and that is why people are buying the PS4. What good is the Xbone if I wont be playing any exclusives 3 years down the road?? Stop being so short-sighted!

andibandit3481d ago


so in other words..

1. History repeats itself so we shouldnt strive for better.
2. Give Sony a break.
3. X1 Wont have any exclusives 3 years down the road.

..Man what is wrong with you?.

Griever3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )


What is wrong with me is that I have been playing games for a long time and I am patient. I know how it has always happened and base my decisions on precedent. We have precedent that MS stop supporting their consoles after 3 years for two gens in a row. We also have precedent that Playstation consoles are home to great exclusives until the end of the gen for three gens in a row. We also have precedent that first years are ALWAYS full of mediocre or crappy games since the start of gaming industry! In rational or intelligent person would predict and expect the same things this gen too. Just be patient and let the first year pass. Remember, they used to say "PS3 has no games" last gen and then what happened by the time the gen ended?? Why do people need to set themselves up for embarrassment and crow-servings??

colonel1793481d ago

Killzone 2 is a masterpiece. It was going to be very hard to reach its greatness level. Killzone 3 could have done it, but they preferred to make it a COD wannabe.

I haven't played Shadow Fall, but from what I have played in short demos, it's a COD game with Killzone paint coat. I really didn't like it.

I wish they went back to Killzone 2 style.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3481d ago
IWasHere3482d ago

I don't agree. In my opinion both SS and SF were better than KZ3 and iF2 which where disappointments for me.

Gazondaily3482d ago

That's the thing. It's all about opinions. Each to their own and all that.

But my dad is stronger than your dad. #fact #rekt #nofilter

-Foxtrot3482d ago

Better then inFAMOUS 2........WHAAAA

SoapShoes3482d ago

IF2 was a disappointment to me story wise anyway.

SoapShoes3482d ago

I'm just saying after how great of an ending the first one had. It was a much better story. I think IF2 had better gameplay than the first but I liked the first better.

Gamer19823481d ago

I loved Infamous Second Son and got half way through first game before I got bored of it and disliked second game enough to completely not bother. So it is all about opinions.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3481d ago
moegooner883482d ago

Infamous SS was great, best gameplay in the series no doubt.

Gr1mmyshadows3482d ago

thats why we have opinions

moegooner883482d ago

Exactly and I just happen to agree with the common opinion this time.

I_am_Batman3481d ago

Agreed. The gameplay was definately its most improved factor over the predecessors. On the other hand the story was the weakest of the series imo even though I liked the characters.

Overall Infamous SS was is a great game nonetheless.

breakpad3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

while the same problem goes for Xbone until now i think it is industry's standards to begin with flashy titles ...and i really hope not another f..ing GoW

FanboyKilla3482d ago

Lol sony fans. You can defend crap all you want, but be carefull you might step in it.

Im baaaaaaaack. What a mess sony got going on over there. You should be playing games, not getting played by games. Smh oh well. "xbox go to sunset overdrive."

pompous3482d ago

Or since they were launch titles they didn't have the full dev time due to dev kits changing throughout the process plus the time constraints they were on is the reason infamous and kilkzone or any of the launch games were the way they were.

Automatic793482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )


Your logic makes no sense just because its the first year or second year of games they should all be at a high level especially since we just had 8 and 9 years of last generational gaming. I have an Xbox One my friend feels I should go gaga for PS4 but right now if you look at both Xbox has offered better options at least to me. No knock on any PS4 gamers but why wait on greatness. So far RYSE(regardless of reviews)Provided a great Story and throwback gameplay to hack and slash fun games of yesteryear, Titanfall, both Forza titles are fantastic, Sunset Overdrive brings enjoyment, D4 and DeadRising 3 the same. Again no knock on any game for PS4 but right now you need more then The last of US to bring me in. Also, I hear people saying 2015 year of PS4 that's just blind faith let's play the games before declaring winner of 2015. In meantime gamers embrace all gaming systems and let's continue to support our pastime.

Note: I have gamer friend on both consoles and the conversation always ends up with next year PS4 this year Xbox.

Rodney253482d ago

See I can say the same people thought Ryse was medicore you thought it was grea . Me and my friends love inFamous I thought Killzone multiplayer was fun and Resogun was badass you are just being biased.

Rodney253482d ago

I'm must be missing these pile of great exlusives on the X1 I count two sunset overdrive and... Well one DR3 was alright and Horizon was cross gen correct me if I'm wron .

Automatic793481d ago


Not being biased. If you are a PS4 gamer I could see why it would be difficult for you to give Xbox One games a chance. As for me I have owned all systems, I have always preferred Xbox One games over PS4 reasons may be not be suited to all but to me they are for example multiplayer, shooters and a great online. I will own a PS4 at some point but at least to me so far they have not brought the games to the console that match the same results as they did with PS3 with last gen, for example Resistance made me purchase a PS3. Awesome game with great co-op play. We all have reasons to want to play our systems but right now I don't see a big enough reason to invest in PS4. Again no knock to nobody choice that is the beauty of gaming. I for one want to support gaming I want to see gaming till I become old and gray.

TRGMatt3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Err...the powers in SS are much more diverse than in inFamous 2.

Many people disliked the story...I'll grant them that...but the characters were strong if a bit underdeveloped. The same can be said of inFamous 2's characters, though. 2 of THEM had 2 games to develop in.

Idunno man...inFamous 2 is a better game, imo, but I guess I am one of the few who thought that Second Son was right in the same ballpark, even the same dugout. Still a great game if a slight step down from part 2.

Then again, I rarely agree with the larger gaming public anymore. Old age, I guess. The kids are taking over. :p

-Foxtrot3482d ago

I felt more attached to Cole, Zeke and Kessler in inFAMOUS and that was one game. Hell I even liked Trish despite not sticking around for long, mostly because she was connected to Cole.

The powers are not as diverse, most of them are the same but just a different animation to go with the new theme/power. There is only one/two unique moves to each power excluding your special attack.

Look at this


Not as much variation in Second Son...most of them are missing from what you see in that list.

Then you had the fact most of the missions revolved around you getting your moves everytime you got a new power...even ones you should already remember. Cole did it, don't see why Delsin can't. I mean can he really not remember how to shoot a projectile from his hand, it's the same way just a different power.

In my opinion despite it's pretty graphics, Second Son was a step back.

Scar-3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

What is with all the Second Son hate? I love the first infamous and it's probably the best in the series hands down because of the amazingly strong story and content, I felt both inFAMOUS 2 and inFAMOUS SS where lacking in that regard. Still that doesn't take away from the amazing advances both these titles made.

With that being said I honestly don't know how anyone can't see Second Son as the biggest improvement of the series, as much as I liked both previous titles I never played them half as much as I play SS. The gamplay is just perfect it's finally hit that sweet point I"ve always wanted.

In the pass inFAMOUS games I never really felt like a badass because the mechanics where so close to a basic tps. The powers and movement are just so fluid its a visual treat just to watch. How can you not enjoy that more then anything else? I love Second Son because its fun to play and I am a massive inFAMOUS fan. As a far as the story goes it's weaker than the first but the second is as well in that regard.

@-FoXtrot every power has a Karmic Streak expect for the last concrete. Every power has a two unique melee. As well a multitude of unique movements.

-Foxtrot3482d ago

I wouldn't say it's hate...I like the game, others do aswell but it's a step back for the series apart from the lovely graphics

That's it...

Nobody hates it...they just hate how it's went backwards and not forwards.

Now if they don't keep the graphics up and actually choose gameplay over it then people are going to say how it looks worse then the last game or just the same

They've backed themselves into a corner.

Spenok3481d ago

No variations in powers? Uh, Second Son had more powers than the other two combined...

-Foxtrot3481d ago

Variation in the movesets

Dynasty20213481d ago

Don't forget that SS had a laughably small map.

When you put biase towards consoles aside, the game is short, small and repetitive, with only one power worth using.

100% everything else is there to sell consoles - "pretty" graphics to suck you in. Cheap tricks that work on a dumb public.

Scar-3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

You sound like a misinformed troll. Every power is usefully, hell the most broken is video because of the invisibility, the one with highest damage is concrete, mobility and precision neon, Splash damage smoke.

As for map size the game was almost exactly the same size as the first title if not bigger.

RedstonerMC3481d ago

shadowfall wasn't amazing but i actually genuinely enjoyed infamous ss. That's just my opinion though :)

kingdom183481d ago

I agree with much of what you say, I still enjoyed the game immensely, but I can't really play it more than two times. It felt really rushed to me, the game itself only took about 3 in game days to complete, and the side mission were so boring, where are the good and evil karma side-missions, or simple missions where you help secondary characters. I think First Light fixed a lot of this, if we could combine the two sets of side missions, I think they would have been much more fun. Now with powers I think in First Light it was a lot better, even though Fetch's powers were more limited they felt like everything flowed much better and they advanced farther as well, but it would still have been better if we could have customized the power like in inFamous 2.

The only thing I disagree with is about Augustine, I thought she was a great villain but just suffered from the fact that the game is so darn short.

On a last note, if Sucker Punch ends up doing more DLC for SS with the other two main characters who's Delsin's power originated from, and they end up being the same thing as First Light, the game would have been perfect to me, adding all of the DLC to the main game, and then allow you to switch out as different characters.

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TheJacksonRGN3482d ago

For the exclusives that I've played. No they have been both, with the exception of Killzone: Shadow fall. They look great and more importantly were just as fun to play in my opinion.

Granted the best non remastered game I've played so far this year on the PS4, is Shadow of Mordor but the exclusives have been great. Except KZ. And no I haven't played Drivclub.

DigitalRaptor3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

People seem to forget that Sony always takes about 2 years to ramp things up for a generation to a level in which they don't slow down. It just seems certain salty people are confused why PS4 is so far ahead of the competition, which in all honesty speaks for itself, if you've been paying attention to the industry for the past 18 months or longer. Smart people/consumers/gamers consider their purchases for the long term, not just what they have to offer in the first year.

Considering the amount of effort (or lack thereof), Microsoft put into the X360 in its final big years on the market compared to Sony's focus on new experiences for PS3, I'm not surprised MS has had the ability to put more into their first-year lineup for the Xbone. It's still mostly third-party, timed-exclusive deals, but still… PS4 still has more first-party games, despite that.

These first year games are always scrutinised more than most. It seems they are developing their lineup quicker than most generations past. It's going to be harder for the mass media to write articles like this when PS4's 2015 lineup hits.

DLConspiracy3481d ago

I think what the author is/was saying really didn't have much to do with MS or Xbox at all. In fact they never bring it up. What they are saying is that there has been too much sensationalism behind the PS4 console and its promises.

The author feels the console has not matched the hype or the promise that they expected. If it takes 2 years to "ramp things up" then why buy one? The author seems disappointed in the servings it has offered and is finding it hard to chant good will from their point of view. With all the issues and games thus far.

Gazondaily3482d ago

For all the noise made about it though and that tagline "greatness awaits", I am disappointed in the PS4. For the flack its competitor constantly receives, its doing rather well imo.

So far I would say yes, its all flash over substance. Next year, expect a whole different story. Greatness awaits and I'm still waiting but 2015 is Sony's year from what I've seen. Either way, we shall see my friends

Wingsfan243482d ago

There's gonna be some hefty competition and as a owner of both consoles I'm really excited for that.

Gazondaily3482d ago

Yup same here. I'm gonna need to take out a mortgage for these games at this rate.

StrawberryDiesel4203482d ago

It's all about Bloodborne and The Order in February. PS4 will shine come February.

KarmaV123482d ago

I'm still iffy on the order. It scares me that it may be one of those 8 hour games that looks incredible but the interest fades. Kind of like Ryse, it's a looker, not a player. Any word on the length of that game?

bloodybutcher3481d ago

In February it's all about the witcher 3 for me. CE preordered, bloodborne can wait, the order might be a ''wait till the price drops significantly'' game.

lemoncake3481d ago

I think we will be waiting until next year before the ps4 has a good shot of shining, bloodborn seems too niche and order while looking great those gameplay teasers just don't scream greatness more meh.

monkeyDzoro3482d ago

I thought it was a matter of taste... I guess I was wrong...

Gazondaily3482d ago

Nah it is all a matter of taste mate. Like I said in my post, I mentioned MY disappointment. I know people who LOVE Knack, Ryse and Shadowfall. I think all those games are blegh.

Most people on N4G think I'm blegh lol. It's all opinion mate :)

bloodybutcher3481d ago

No,it's about calling people with different opinions ''stupid idiots lolz''.What are you, new to internet or something?

spacedelete3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

agreed. at this point i would be seriously considering selling my PS4 for an Xbox One but with the superior multiplatform games i have no choice but to keep it. i don't like owning more than one console from the same gen so whichever gets the best performing games gets my sale.

its kind of ironic i prefer the PS4 hardware but i would choose Halo over any PlayStation exclusive anyday and i like the constant updates and features as well as network reliability of Xbox One but the rest of MS's exclusives aren't anything special as well.

Yetter3482d ago

The 'superior' multiplatform games are marginally better at best, at least now. 8 months ago this may have been a valid argument but now it seems the differences are slightly less AA and one drops a few more frames from time to time. From everything you've said in your comment in really seems like you should own an XB1

PrinterMan3482d ago

Differences are still there depending on the game and developer. Parity? How can any platform be better with that in the way.


yeah i see some good games next year for sony. havent kept up with what their competition has to offer next year though. but im very content switching to sony this gen.

Yetter3482d ago

Halo5, QuntumBreak, Crackdown, scalebound, phantom dust and whatever we don't know about yet. Gonna be a good 2015 for gamers on both side


Cool. I will break down and grab some other consoles in a few years. I knew halo 5 . Would love a zelda. But damn these pockets and time constraints ._..And relationships

SoapShoes3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

I don't think the Xbox One is doing well. Most of the year they had nothing. This Holiday they have three notible exclusives one of which is an HD collection. As far as I'm concerned neither have exclusives to brag about this holiday but both have exclusives that will be fun to play.

Yetter3482d ago

yeah its an HD collection that is seriously packed full of value. I still have problems believing the Halo MCC exists

dragon823482d ago

The value for MCC is insane!!! I hope this kind of value becomes the norm this gen.

SoapShoes3482d ago

Yeah it's a tremendous value but it's still not an original game. I'd give it more credit if it were Halo 5. Similar to the God of War Saga it was 5 games and a great deal but not worth saying PS3 had the best valued exclusives. I don't see how anyone can say X1 has had a notable year when it was barem of exclusives from spring to fall. PS4 hasn't had a notable year either but it has in fact had more exclusives and been rated decent to excellent before any troll tries claiming they all have sucked.

NeoGamer2323482d ago

So what did PS4 have in comparison during the same timeframe?

Not exactly an innovative and new lineup neither.

3482d ago
andibandit3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

Well they have LBP3, but other than that I dont know if they have anything new for the holiday season

The less said about DC the better.

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Fizzler3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Most exclusives are tech demo's, it's like "Hey! Look what we can do with our hardware that you can't!" rarely is there an exclusive that actually has any depth to the gameplay, it's all lighting and flashy colours contained within a short overly cinematic campaign with a tacked on multiplayer that only a fanboy would play.

TheStrokes3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

halo, mgs4, killzone, gran tourismo, Uncharted, gears of war, the last of us, little big planet and many more are most definitely not just tech demos.

Dawknight3163482d ago

They are saying wait til 2015 and be patient. 2014 was dry and full of remakes but next year greatness will arrive.

Naga3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Apparently not phased at all that this was their tagline in 2013?

Dawknight3163482d ago

Cause they know the games aren't coming til 2015. They Knew in 2015.

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60FPS on PS5: Unofficial PS5 'FPS Boost' mods are radically improving PS4 back compat

Digital Foundry : Whether it's via FPS Boost or bespoke software upgrades, backwards compatibility on the current-gen consoles delivered an unexpected delight - the ability to liberate older console games from their 30fps limits, running them at 60 frames per second or even higher. FPS Boost did the business for Xbox Series consoles on an impressive range of titles, but there was always the sense that PS5 could do more. It's a hunch that checks out as a range of frame-rate unlocks are available for PS5, covering many must-have games - the major caveat being that only exploitable consoles running on older firmwares are invited to the party.

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darthv72122d ago

you love to see new life being breathed into older titles but damn the process to get there. It should be automatic that these work for everyone... not just those who exploit their systems. Really wish Sony and MS would keep this program going officially.

Psychonaut85122d ago

Damn this sucks. I want this shit so bad, but I’m not jailbreaking my console. And frankly I shouldn’t have to. I’m not a tech person, but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate? Or would that have to be a large patch?

dveio122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

"but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate?"

I guess it's not.

But it has become a profitable business if you do so.

So no one would pay for only the framerate patched to being unlocked. So studios need to offer more than that.

But this would take more time, polishing and would cost more money. So they shy away, but won't unlock the framerate, either.

That's just my personal assumption. But from what I can comprehend technically, it shouldn't be difficult to unlock framerates via a patch for older games.

... if it hadn't became a business.

RaidenBlack122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

frame-rate unlock should be free ...
We've seen many devs offer free patches and updates to pretty old PC titles, even bonuses ... so why can't devs offer the frame unlock patch for free (in consultation with the platform-producers) for a title from just a generation earlier?

Einhander1972122d ago


"frame-rate unlock should be free ..."

Obviously the result of that thinking is that developers aren't even going to do it.

If they had been allowed to charge $5-10 you would see incentivized developers doing it way more often.

People just always want everything for free, but it's not free to make the patch, people have to code it then other people have to test it, and there will always be other costs involved.

If people want dollar store gaming then expect to get what you pay for.

shinoff2183121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

Raiden I might be wrong but last I thought it cost money to put patches out on consoles.

As far as me paying for it, I'm not all that interested tbh. Not enough to pay for it with older games, and newer games have been pretty decent about it for the most part.

dumahim122d ago

Sounds like the modder has to go in to make changes to unlock it on a game by game basis. "Simple" enough to do it unofficially, but to have it done officially, they need someone to go in a make that change, put out a patch and put it through certification, which I believe is not necessarily a cheap thing to do. It's questionable if going through this would then give them enough sales to make it worthwhile.

Inverno122d ago

Many games still have physics tied to framerate, i think it's cause they wouldn't want to go in and do anything extra. Then there's the 10 dollar upgrades they rather charge. The problem is that there's no compromise, cause if I could mod my PS4 and all I'd lose is online play then id jailbreak it immediately. Mods have done so much for PC games and they could do the same for consoles, but manufacturers hafto be willing to compromise.

shinoff2183121d ago

It's not to hard to do and there's youtube videos that break it down really well. ANyway most of us here arent able to break are console anyway due to being up to date on firmware from playing

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 121d ago
Chocoburger122d ago

Yep, this sucks having to require a jailbreak for something that should be standard in our industry by now. I learned my lesson when PS4 was jailbroken and I didn't keep a console on low firmware for years, but now I'm holding onto two low firmware PS5s specifically because there are features I'll be able to do that you can't do on official firmware, so this will pay off for me soon enough.

Jin_Sakai122d ago

It should be a sin to let these games sit and be stuck at 30fps.

EazyC122d ago

RDR 2 not getting a 60FPS patch for PS5 was a crime.


How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Deeeeznuuuts122d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM122d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck122d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati122d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

Profchaos122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Christopher154d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88154d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183152d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie152d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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