
Pokemon ORAS Bundle Includes Both Games And 200 Potions

Nintendo of America announced today a retail Pokemon ORAS bundle that will get you a copy of both games for $79.98, which is the same price as if you were to get both games individually. The bonus? You will get a code for both Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire that will allow you to redeem 100 free potions each.

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KeenGamer's 5 Best 3DS Games

KeenGamer: "The Nintendo 3DS is officially ten years old, so we thought it would be a great time to highlight the best games on the console. The last dedicated handheld by Nintendo was a unique device that provided many incredible and unquestionably great experiences."

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Rebel_Scum1143d ago

Swap OoT for Majoras Mask and Pokemon for Xenoblade Chronicles and you might be on to something with this list.


The Six Worst Designed Pokemon of Generation 3

Last time highlighted the best of Gen 3, this time, it's the worst's turn. Here are the six worst Pokemon designs of Generation 3.

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Press Start: My Pokemon saga might be over

After pouring hundreds of hours over 10 years into the beloved Pokemon series, Gazette gaming columnist Jake Magee’s time with it might be coming to an end, he writes.

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Pookandpie2342d ago


"I don't want to buy a Switch, The Pokemon Company is obviously developing Pokemon games for the Switch, so I am no longer going to play Pokemon."

There. That's basically everything in two sentences.