
Shall We Date?: The Niflheim+ is the Best

Technology Tell writes, "The player is a princess who has been dead for over 1,000 years. When she was alive, though, she was renowned for her beauty and presence. That legend drew the King of Niflheim to send three of his best men to go “wake” her. Those three men are the first three bachelors available in the game. There’s an Orlando, the earl, a writer named Philippe who ventured into Niflheim when he was alive, and a zombie, scientist that goes by J.J."

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You think you know dating sims, but you haven't seen these

GR: "If love can bloom on the battlefield, then by God, it can bloom anywhere it damn well pleases. Regardless of race, creed, species, plane of existence, or definition of "alive," your perfect match is waiting for you somewhere in the great cosmos. And when it comes to, shall we say, progressive couples, no one tops the open-minded pairings found in dating sims. Jumping race or social castes is just the beginning; no line is too sacred for these poignant tales of romance. Collected here are dating sims with the courage - and moreover the moxie - to shatter all barriers with the power of pure love (and raging hormones). Whether or not you believe dating sims are purely for pervs, you cannot deny the incredible, atypical affairs of the heart on display in these games. After all, the heart wants what the heart wants."

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sid_pathan3033d ago

Wow, the anime girls are just so amazing!! I am a big fan of them.. <3


Shall We Date: Demons’ Bond Review - Hardcore Droid

Hardcore Droid - I’m still not sure if I like dating simulation games, mainly because I’m not entirely sure Shall We Date: Demons’ Bond is actually a dating sim at all. It’s more like a digital manga that was either not edited or translated very poorly.

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memnoch_873244d ago

Great review and nice to see some variety on this site. Very nice indeed. Pity the game sucked lol