
Scott Youngblood Firefall Interview: Your Game, His Words | MMOGames

Do you wonder about the future of Firefall? Do you have questions about what’s going on and why? Ever really needed to know what’s the best battleframe for when you’re hung over? MMOGames recently sat down with Scott Youngblood, Lead Designer at Red 5 Studios to pose a few questions.

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Red 5 Studios is closing down “Firefall” later today

I (Robin Ek, TGG) am very sad to inform you all that Red 5 Studio's have decided to close down their "sci-fi F2P MMO/Open world game "Firefall". Here's what's known for now.

TGG_overlord2529d ago

I wouldn't have know about the game if it hadn't been for PC Gamer Sweden.

TGG_overlord2529d ago

Mark Kern is very sad about it as well.

2529d ago Replies(1)
2529d ago Replies(1)
BlackIceJoe2528d ago

This is sad news, because I always felt there was great potential with this game but it never got to where it could be.

Plus this was the only game to ever use the Project Offset engine too. Project Offset never came out so getting to see what it could do was the closest we ever got because of this game.

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Games Like Firefall

We're rounding up some games like Firefall, a great concept that simply was not executed as well as we hoped. Maybe these other worlds will hit the spot!

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sampson31212769d ago

I use to love MMO's but now i can't stand them. I hope they can change the grinding and make a more engaging gameplay style.


Ex-Red 5 CEO Mark Kern Discusses Buying Back the Firefall IP

Mark Kern, the ex-CEO of Red 5 and one of the developers behind the PC game Firefall, has stirred up a hornets nest on Reddit over the past few days. In response to his remarks regarding his interest in purchasing Firefall if the MMO fails, Robert Grosso at TechRaptor conducted a lengthy interview with Kern regarding his comments and other misconceptions behind the Firefall controversy. The interview, along with the news story, is transcribed here.

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savotosel2933d ago

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FlameBaitGod2933d ago

Theres a better site! that pays you over $9000 hourly BRUH!! its www.berealisticandgtfo.com !. Hurry before all positions are gone!