
CGM Reviews: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Gearbox is keeping busy. After the disastrous launch of Aliens: Colonial Marines, all the skeptics wondered if the next Borderlands game might suffer a similar, mediocre fate. Rather than jump into Borderlands 3 straight away, they’ve opted to work on a co-op MOBA game called Battleborn, leaving many to speculate that they’re probably deep in the throes of readying Borderlands 3 for a current gen console release. In the meantime, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC gamers can enjoy Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, by 2K Australia. It’s a game that does a decent—but not spectacular—job of scratching the Borderlands itch until the next full game comes out.

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Spenok3512d ago

I was kind of expecting this to get better reviews. I'll still pick it up eventually. Too many games to play right now as it is.


Borderlands Players Are Getting Stuck in Loading Screens After Gearbox Pushes Updates to Games

Gearbox's latest patch for BL1, BL2, BL The Pre-Sequel have caused players to get stuck in the loading screen.

moriarty1889680d ago

So many games get screwed up due to bad patches or updates. Gearbox needs to fix this asap.

raiden_188680d ago

Don't they test the patches before releasing them?

neutralgamer1992680d ago

No anymore when we the gamers act as free testers

MizHDTV680d ago

Could never play 3 online because it would always freeze and restart my system
Deleted it soon after I got it
Wasn’t happy

VanHalen679d ago

I really have had enough of patches and updates. Stop releasing unfinished and broken games already! Keep finding myself playing Dreamcast and Super Nintendo lately. No damn updates loading nonsense etc.


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel | Nintendo Switch Gameplay and Frame Rate

Launch into the Borderlands universe and shoot ‘n’ loot your way through a brand new adventure that rockets you onto Pandora’s moon in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!

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IMissJimRyan1466d ago

It is not unplayable. I played at those frames and resolution in my ps3 back in 2014.

KilluaX31466d ago

That's cool, but it's 2020 and after having played at 60fps for the past few years, this really is unplayable.

Neonridr1465d ago

I mean plenty of PS4/XB1 games were still only 30fps and they handled perfectly fine.. so not sure about that one.

KilluaX31465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

30fps is not perfectly fine.


Borderlands: The Handsome Collection is free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Borderlands: The Handsome Collection is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until June 4 at 10 AM. Once you claim it, it’s yours to keep.

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